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19 hours ago, Leith Green said:

..........and yet, 30% of the voting public will still put an X in the tory box.

That's because millions of working class Nigels hate immigrants more than they love feeding their children.

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2 hours ago, TheScarf said:

That's because millions of working class Nigels hate immigrants more than they love feeding their children.

Aided and abetted by Labour who refuse to offer a clear alternative to the Tory psychos.

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4 hours ago, RiG said:

Why on earth are Tories so against these so called 15 minute neighbourhoods and resorting to spreading conspiracy theories about being controlled? Andrew Bowie (I think) the latest chump to pedal nonsense.

I like the idea of having the majority of services I need within 15 minutes of me but I understand that there's nothing to stop me going further afield if I need to. What's not to like about that?

Ha. Looks like the mind control chips are working. You're vaccinated right?

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On 02/10/2023 at 12:25, Granny Danger said:

If there’s an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for lack of self awareness surely it’s Liz Truss and she’s not getting beaten any time soon.

PM for seven weeks before she got the boot and now she’s going to give a speech at the Tory Party Conference and advocate for the policies that got her huckled.

You’re not a visionary Liz, you’re the answer to a question in a pub quiz.



Apparently from YouGov today...

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1 minute ago, doulikefish said:

If you are wondering why farage is in Manchester there's now stories of him being allowed to rejoin the bigger ukip party now the tories have been assimilated 

Wow, so the story of failing to be elected multiple times, making a fool of himself in the European Parliament, and throwing a tantrum over being outed as not quite rich enough to have an account with the upper crust's bank might just all be a prelude to the glorious main event of Prime Minister Farage's Conservative Party failing miserably to subjugate the hated Europeans?

Presumably Hitler's rise to power must have seemed like a sick joke to millions of Germans too.

Just now, coprolite said:

Ha. Looks like the mind control chips are working. You're vaccinated right?

Probably a bit late now, but we should've invented a myth that vaccinations cause growth in penile tissue and increase sexual stamina.

Two can play at this game. Just make up rampant positive garbage about stuff that vexes the heidbangers.

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What the f**k is she talking about? Surely both San Francisco and Seattle are both relatively prosperous cities, in American context?

Does anyone in the U.K. worry about becoming like them? Does anyone in the U.K. even think about what Seattle is like on a regular basis?

I repeat, what the f**k is she talking about? 

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14 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

What the f**k is she talking about? Surely both San Francisco and Seattle are both relatively prosperous cities, in American context?

Does anyone in the U.K. worry about becoming like them? Does anyone in the U.K. even think about what Seattle is like on a regular basis?

I repeat, what the f**k is she talking about? 

Hunt had a go at the unemployed yesterday Cruella immigrants today,it's all they are going to shout about from now until the election next year 

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19 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

What the f**k is she talking about? Surely both San Francisco and Seattle are both relatively prosperous cities, in American context?

Does anyone in the U.K. worry about becoming like them? Does anyone in the U.K. even think about what Seattle is like on a regular basis?

I repeat, what the f**k is she talking about? 

Labour plan to introduce tectonic subduction zones. 

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34 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

What the f**k is she talking about? Surely both San Francisco and Seattle are both relatively prosperous cities, in American context?

Does anyone in the U.K. worry about becoming like them? Does anyone in the U.K. even think about what Seattle is like on a regular basis?

I repeat, what the f**k is she talking about? 

She's preparing the ground for her batshit mentalist speaking tour of America after they lose the election.

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45 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

What the f**k is she talking about? Surely both San Francisco and Seattle are both relatively prosperous cities, in American context?

Does anyone in the U.K. worry about becoming like them? Does anyone in the U.K. even think about what Seattle is like on a regular basis?

I repeat, what the f**k is she talking about? 

Fox News went to Seattle last week and got absolutely telt. 


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6 hours ago, RiG said:

Why on earth are Tories so against these so called 15 minute neighbourhoods and resorting to spreading conspiracy theories about being controlled? Andrew Bowie (I think) the latest chump to pedal nonsense.

I like the idea of having the majority of services I need within 15 minutes of me but I understand that there's nothing to stop me going further afield if I need to. What's not to like about that?

I live in Chicago’s second most populous neighborhood (90k ish) and it’s essentially a 15 minute city. Boozer’s 100 yards away from the house, two blocks to the supermarket, five blocks to my kid’s school and about a 15 minute hoof (or I can get the bus) to the train station. The car does maybe 4000 miles a year, and that’s with two kids. It’s excellent. 

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On 02/10/2023 at 12:25, Granny Danger said:

If there’s an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for lack of self awareness surely it’s Liz Truss and she’s not getting beaten any time soon.

PM for seven weeks before she got the boot and now she’s going to give a speech at the Tory Party Conference and advocate for the policies that got her huckled.

You’re not a visionary Liz, you’re the answer to a question in a pub quiz.


I've been wondering how much time in government was necessary to be set up for life in contacts and backhand "jobs" for favours rendered.  Apparently the answer is "more than 49 days".

Self-awareness isn't the issue - she'll be well aware that she has no talents or skills, and is faced with having to work in order to maintain the standard of living she's achieved through being an embarrassingly poor politician. That's obviously not going to happen, so she has no choice but to grift from sociopaths now, like so many before her.

Could be wrong, but I'm guessing she'll be dreadful at that too. Imagine actually getting yourself into 10 Downing Street and fucking up so badly that this is what you're reduced to. Maggie Thatcher will be pishing herself down in hell.

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