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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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Scottish Tories vote with Lib Dems and Labour to force through funding for Edinburgh's trams when the SNP government wanted to use the money for dualling the A9.

A few years later- Scottish Tories "It'll take a century to dual the A9..."

Neck. Blowtorch. Couldn't touch with.

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7 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Scottish Tories vote with Lib Dems and Labour to force through funding for Edinburgh's trams when the SNP government wanted to use the money for dualling the A9.

A few years later- Scottish Tories "It'll take a century to dual the A9..."

Neck. Blowtorch. Couldn't touch with.

Who in their right moral mind would vote for tories in Scotland.

I seem to recall that all tory MSP's are list, that in itself tells a story.

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Robert Jenrick on R4 right now, refusing to say what is going to be in the new Rwanda legislation (because he clearly doesnt know), but is adamant that it WILL make Rwanda a safe place, and WILL halt any further legislation to stop people being forcibly moved to Rwanda.

Asked about legal migration, he is "clear" that the numbers are too high, but was slightly less clear about whos fault the 750000 legal migrants are............however, the Brucie bonus (according to him) is that because of Brexit, we CAN legislate to stop these people.

No responsibility taken, reality is bent out of shape, and cause and effect is ignored.

f**k The Tories.

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Robert Jenrick on R4 right now, refusing to say what is going to be in the new Rwanda legislation (because he clearly doesnt know), but is adamant that it WILL make Rwanda a safe place, and WILL halt any further legislation to stop people being forcibly moved to Rwanda.

Asked about legal migration, he is "clear" that the numbers are too high, but was slightly less clear about whos fault the 750000 legal migrants are............however, the Brucie bonus (according to him) is that because of Brexit, we CAN legislate to stop these people.

No responsibility taken, reality is bent out of shape, and cause and effect is ignored.

f**k The Tories.

The minimum salary has an exemption for carers, who make up a large and increasing proportion of immigrants.

If they get numbers of immigrating carers down then they’d have to pay properly and make t&cs tolerable for British people (The logic behind Brexit) and either raise taxes or cut provision.

They could also take the private sector provision out of the equation and give less profits out of state cash to Rich investors but then what would be the point of Tory.

I guess that care staff aren’t the core Tory Brexit voters that Home Counties trades are and don’t deserve the same “protection “ from cheap labour. 

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3 minutes ago, coprolite said:

The minimum salary has an exemption for carers, who make up a large and increasing proportion of immigrants.

If they get numbers of immigrating carers down then they’d have to pay properly and make t&cs tolerable for British people (The logic behind Brexit) and either raise taxes or cut provision.

They could also take the private sector provision out of the equation and give less profits out of state cash to Rich investors but then what would be the point of Tory.

I guess that care staff aren’t the core Tory Brexit voters that Home Counties trades are and don’t deserve the same “protection “ from cheap labour. 

Yeah, they are putting off care workers in other ways as well - Banning care workers from other countries bringing family dependants to the UK, increasing the annual charge foreign workers pay to use the NHS from £624 to £1,035 (which is fine if you are on decent wedge).

Imagine if you are on - I dunno - £25000 working in Care in SE England, paying rent, bills, £1000 to the NHS and cant bring the family, it "almost" feels like a disincentive................

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Yeah, they are putting off care workers in other ways as well - Banning care workers from other countries bringing family dependants to the UK, increasing the annual charge foreign workers pay to use the NHS from £624 to £1,035 (which is fine if you are on decent wedge).

Imagine if you are on - I dunno - £25000 working in Care in SE England, paying rent, bills, £1000 to the NHS and cant bring the family, it "almost" feels like a disincentive................

It's still better than trying to find similar work in Manilla or Lagos i suppose. 

Sounds like a bit of a shift to the sort of arrangements that the gulf states have for "guest" workers.  I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing in principle as it could be win win for all involved. It won't be though, it will be an exploitative shit show 

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3 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Robert Jenrick on R4 right now, refusing to say what is going to be in the new Rwanda legislation (because he clearly doesnt know), but is adamant that it WILL make Rwanda a safe place, and WILL halt any further legislation to stop people being forcibly moved to Rwanda.

Asked about legal migration, he is "clear" that the numbers are too high, but was slightly less clear about whos fault the 750000 legal migrants are............however, the Brucie bonus (according to him) is that because of Brexit, we CAN legislate to stop these people.

No responsibility taken, reality is bent out of shape, and cause and effect is ignored.

f**k The Tories.

I wouldn't get too vexed about any of this, as it's all policy-on-the-hoof desperation from a Government in its death throes which has nothing left but to throw red meat at the most rabid elements of it's base.

And it's desperation born of fear, not of Labour but of the Reform Party which is steadily building momentum and potentially vote share.  Normally that should be a cause for alarm but if it leads to the insular, racist right-wing bloc in UK politics effectively fracturing then it could be something to celebrate.

And as with all hasty policy it will probably unravel very quickly, always bearing in mind that around 90% of the electorate has a damned sight more on their mind than immigration.  There are much bigger shitshows out there but the Tories have bet the house on this one - they deserve what's coming.

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What Jenrick and any other MP commenting on the huge workforce shortage in the likes of social care fail to address is that these shortages exist WITH the current migration rules. We cant fill these posts as it is so why hundreds of thousands more "economically inactive" true Brits will suddenly change their mind and decide they want to wipe arses and shower oap's when the opportunity to do so already exists is beyond comprehension.

Also the phrase he keeps trotting out "economically inactive" includes millions of early retirees who have zero intention or need to ever work again. I hope to swell their numbers in the very near future.

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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

What Jenrick and any other MP commenting on the huge workforce shortage in the likes of social care fail to address is that these shortages exist WITH the current migration rules. We cant fill these posts as it is so why hundreds of thousands more "economically inactive" true Brits will suddenly change their mind and decide they want to wipe arses and shower oap's when the opportunity to do so already exists is beyond comprehension.

Also the phrase he keeps trotting out "economically inactive" includes millions of early retirees who have zero intention or need to ever work again. I hope to swell their numbers in the very near future.

A lot of these 'economically inactive' used to bugger off to Spain and other places, but they now stuck in the UK being inactive. 

It's almost that everything in all this mess and nonsense could be traced to one thing........

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

What Jenrick and any other MP commenting on the huge workforce shortage in the likes of social care fail to address is that these shortages exist WITH the current migration rules. We cant fill these posts as it is so why hundreds of thousands more "economically inactive" true Brits will suddenly change their mind and decide they want to wipe arses and shower oap's when the opportunity to do so already exists is beyond comprehension.

Also the phrase he keeps trotting out "economically inactive" includes millions of early retirees who have zero intention or need to ever work again. I hope to swell their numbers in the very near future.

Go for it. I retired early years ago and can thoroughly recommend it! 

"Economically inactive" almost implies sitting in a darkened room crouched over a camping stove trying to keep warm. I go out, buy stuff, travel (mostly within Scotland) and pay VAT like everyone else and pay income tax on the proportion of my income over the personal allowance.  I'd class that as being economically "active".

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The Rwandan government must be pishing themselves another bloke from the far away country has turned up and given them more cash. More home secretaries have went there than the number of people that the tories have deported ffs 

Edited by doulikefish
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4 hours ago, doulikefish said:

The Rwandan government must be pishing themselves another bloke from the far away country has turned up and given them more cash. More home secretaries have went there than the number of people that the tories have deported ffs 

To be fair, it saves the Rwandans the effort of sending random emails claiming to represent the estates of deceased wives of military leaders.  Is the Home Secretary's Rwandan equivalent a Nigerian Prince? He might have emailed me at some point in the past 😄🍾.

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