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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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3 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Last 'generalist' ONS survey I can find is from October last year which reckons 43% think immigration is an important issue, with 6% ranking it as *the* most important - dwarfed by cost of living at 93 and 48% respectively. The NHS is also second in the 'important issue' bracket at 82%. Given they've made a rancid arse of the first and the immigration strategy is in part to ensure the destruction of the latter, it's probably the 6% that might go to Reform that they're chasing. 


It's the priority because it's all they want to talk about as it diverts attention away from anything else and the first question sir kiddie starver is going to be asked about at any debate/press op etc ie "What's your plan " 

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A minister for "illegal migration" has to be straight out of an episode of Yes Minister.


I initially thought The Thick of It but it's way too bonkers for that.

Nothing sweeter than watching a Tory govt implode normally but it's tempered by the next incumbents unlikely to be a whole lot more proficient. 

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11 hours ago, Leith Green said:

This incarnation of the Conservative Party needs fired into the sun as soon as is practical. I have never been a fan of them, but if ever a political party needed a purge and a reset to its traditional values it is this lot.

As John Major discovered to his horror, the "sensible", pragmatic, small 'c' Conservatives are always in the minority. Everything they've done in my lifetime has been geared towards gradually pushing the country towards fascism so they can hurt people they don't like.

(didn't bother Major that much, mind)

10 hours ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Sunak is toast and Braverman will be the new leader. There is absolutely zero chance of this brand of tories re-inventing themselves other than by lurching even further to the right. Hopefully the polls are wrong to the effect that they take an even sounder beating in the next GE than is predicted. Hopefully they have mis-read the room badly and actually no-one gives a f**k about migration as much as they seem to think. f**k the tories and all that sail in her. 

The denser among them will be hoping that they can relive the glory days of Brexit by making another election all about furriners. It'll help, but unfortunately they've curtailed too many people's finances too much, too quickly for it to save them. Slow and steady is the way when you still have elections to worry about.

11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

A minister for "illegal migration" has to be straight out of an episode of Yes Minister.

"Government departments are tombstones. The Department of Industry marks the grave of industry, the Department of Employment marks the grave of employment, the Department of Environment marks the grave of the environment, and the Department of Education marks where the corpse of British education is buried."

Bit of a grim quote, considering what a fair number of Tories would like to do with migrants.

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1 hour ago, Jamie_B said:


This feels like a fairly staggering thing for a political party to post on their own Twitter feed.

The "f**k You" party writ large.

It's not only horrific patter it's actually just another indication that they have absolutely zero to offer anyone.

That they think this is clever at a point they are ripping themselves apart yet again and a fair few wanting a 4th PM in this parliament alone is mental.

They are currently split into 3 factions. Those lining their pockets before leaving parliament, those looking for senior positions while in opposition and the last (most dangerous) lot who are happy to see a scorched earth approach to suit their ideology. Create a culture war and divide the country for no real gain to anyone, just because they can/want to. 

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56 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Has anybody actually asked one of them how sending a couple of hundred folk to Rwanda will stop getting people on a boat? Especially after they’ve filled all the spaces? I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality here. £170k a head too…

They're fucking mental.

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1 hour ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Has anybody actually asked one of them how sending a couple of hundred folk to Rwanda will stop getting people on a boat? Especially after they’ve filled all the spaces? I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality here. £170k a head too…

Not £170k a head, £1.7m a head. £170m total for 100 people.

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The aim will be to spend obscene amounts of money expelling undesirables from the country so they can claim human rights reform is needed to allow them to do it cheaper.

The ideal would presumably be to reclassify furriners as vermin so they can be dealt with at the cost of a single bullet, which can then be charged back to the government of the country they came from.

Edited by BFTD
ChaRged. Fucking hell.
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STOP THE BOATS is an absolute crazy hill for Sunak to die on. It not only a fraction of migration into the UK (sub 0.5%) it's also a fraction of illegal migration into the UK with way way more folk entering illegally via student visa scams and visitors overstays yet you don't here a word about either. The whole party have backed themselves into an ever decreasing corner over this and it's going to empty them and might even see the party ended. We can but hope !

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24 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

STOP THE BOATS is an absolute crazy hill for Sunak to die on. It not only a fraction of migration into the UK (sub 0.5%) it's also a fraction of illegal migration into the UK with way way more folk entering illegally via student visa scams and visitors overstays yet you don't here a word about either. The whole party have backed themselves into an ever decreasing corner over this and it's going to empty them and might even see the party ended. We can but hope !

I get the impression that many Tories at Westminster view 'Stop The Boats' as the 2023 version of 'Get Brexit Done' and presumably expect a similar GE reaction.

I hope and pray that they are utterly and devastatingly wrong, but where many of a UK electorate susceptible to the hyena media is concerned nothing can be certain.

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47 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

STOP THE BOATS is an absolute crazy hill for Sunak to die on. It not only a fraction of migration into the UK (sub 0.5%) it's also a fraction of illegal migration into the UK with way way more folk entering illegally via student visa scams and visitors overstays yet you don't here a word about either. The whole party have backed themselves into an ever decreasing corner over this and it's going to empty them and might even see the party ended. We can but hope !

You're talking about a nation that has convinced itself that migrants are handed luxury council houses with Sky TV and jobs upon arriving at Dover, at the expense of true BRITTISH proper born natural BRITTISH people. Your statistics and reality mean nothing in this conversation.

The underlying fact here is that nobody raging about boats is genuinely concerned about illegal migration, or people smugglers. If they were, they'd be asking why the government had made it so difficult (or impossible) for people to even apply to come here, and why we're so desperate to avoid any kind of obligation towards taking a fair share of asylum seekers, including the laughable notion that neighbouring countries should have to absorb everyone fleeing war zones, or maybe it should be France, or Rwanda, or anywhere outside of this special island. They just don't like furriners, period, and these "legitimate concerns" are the pathetic smokescreen used to avoid the word that they somehow understand is bad and painful to hear, yet still choose to embody.

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The boats are visible unlike the deeper and more nuanced issues of immigration so they are counting on Rwandagate and Stop the Boats being votewinners (the Rwanda policy appealing to a base 'Send 'em all to bleedin Umbongoland' instinct among their potential support).

Except it doesn't seem to be playing out that way. Besides Bonkers Braverman and her crew, even Tories seem to recognise this as farcical.

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