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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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2 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Cameron's dad was born in Glass, Aberdeenshire, so under current FIFA rules he is eligible to play for Scotland. Would certainly strengthen us on the right.

Gove as well. 

Fucking teuchters.

Edited by Melanius Mullarkey
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12 hours ago, Lex said:


Well you’ve kind of got the point there. Westminster could agree to another referendum, but what’s the best case scenario for unionists if that happens?
The best case scenario is that we win convincingly (again) and that just puts us right back into the situation we are just now. That situation being a load of separatists calling for an independence referendum. Only difference is this time they’re asking for Indyref3 instead of indyref2.
So, what’s the point in having one? The separatists have already shown that they won’t accept the result if they lose. Are we actually supposed to believe that it would be different second time round? Of course it wouldn’t be. Would you give up on it if you lost twice?
The dream will never die speeches will be rewritten and spoken the morning after and #indyref3 will be the next twitter trend.
Therefore unionists in Westminster and here have two options. Either we forever indulge neverendum separatists (until they win a referendum, in which case that will be the issue closed in their eyes) or shut them down.
We both know which of those options they’re going to choose.


Good summary. Also, good use of separatists. That is definitely a more sinister word to describe those who want independence. What sort of swine would want to separate things?

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This  probably won't happen directly but there's maybe scope for it to happen as part of further devolution to English regions and Wales. The 1980 Quebec Referendum happened because the ruling Liberal Party manifesto contained a commitment to negotiating with provinces on constitutional matters (cheers wikipedia).
Johnson's offer of faciliting workign together as part of 'Team UK' is an obvious trap. But Sturgeon probably has to go along with it. If there's a bit of friction there (perhaps manufactured by the UK Govt) then I could see Johnson calling a referendum immediately with a 6 week campaign and I suspect that wouldn't suit Yes.

Also, a WM organised referendum could doctor the franchise in favour of no (18+, no EU nationals, give the vote to Scots living in rUK etc) and the referendum question (Should Scotland remain in the UK or leave the UK?)
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Am I missing something?
Looking at the BBC site, there were 6,487 more votes for Pro indy parties (SNP, green, Alba) than there were for all the rest in the regional vote.
That's an incredibly slim majority but a majority nonetheless. 

Think it was majority unionist on the constituency vote which will be the “first” vote according to the MSM
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17 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Good summary. Also, good use of separatists. That is definitely a more sinister word to describe those who want independence. What sort of swine would want to separate things?

Particle physicists?

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20 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Good summary. Also, good use of separatists. That is definitely a more sinister word to describe those who want independence. What sort of swine would want to separate things?

People in a bad relationship generally like to have a separation. If it can be amicable, all the better.

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Shame the Greens got ratfucked by the fascists; surely the electoral commission will be looking at that for future elections, but that's still an excellent result for them.

Either way it's the comfortable pro-independence majority and mandate as expected. We've seen in the last five years compared to the previous five that an SNP reliant on the Greens gets more progressive policy and governance than an SNP majority, so fine with that.

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31 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Gove as well. 

Fucking teuchters.

Gove was adopted as a baby 

Somewhere in a parallel universe he was adopted by different parents and Michael McGlashan is the SNP minister for paperclips.

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27 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Good summary. Also, good use of separatists. That is definitely a more sinister word to describe those who want independence. What sort of swine would want to separate things?



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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

On a more general point, and it’s what the wings and alba people go on about.

Does the current SNP, and in particular Nicola Sturgeon, actually want a referendum and indeed independence?

Possibly wishful thinking on my part, but I don’t think they do.

So much easier to sit in Holyrood , receive swathes of money from Westminster under Barnett, blame everything that goes wrong on Boris and receive good pay and perks. Becoming an SNP politician is just like Labour of yesteryear. Pick the party which is most likely to get me a seat and you’re in. Do these people have the hunger, the appetite for the fight? I doubt it. We are in the age of the professional politician and the party is irrelevant. Why rock the boat?

It was always going to be the case that if a second referendum was held too soon after the first, the result would have been very similar...obviously a lot of people were disappointed after the first one, but wanting a re-run only a couple of years after the first one and expecting a result much different was always naive.

A second defeat would probably knock the independence question for six for a decade at least, so why run the race until you're sure you'll win it? A combination of Brexit, the realisation of the likelihood of a Tory government we didn't vote for in perpetuity and simple demographic shift mean every year makes the dice more loaded in favour of Yes. I suspect Indyref 2 won't be until 2024, by which time the pandemic will be well over and the argument can also be made that it's been a full decade since the last one.

Slowly slowly catchy monkey.

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15 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Do Tories in Scotland not realise that the party they vote for don’t give a flying c**t about them?

And that they’re absolute pussies about independence.

Were you a pussy about Brexit? 

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If there was another No, I'd settle for just letting it go for a good while. If something like a Brexit level change happened, then I'd be much more lively about it all, but it'd become less of a priority the rest of the time.

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