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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

You’re correct.

Someone like me will always vote tactically for the union whereas others will always vote SNP no matter the policies.

I voted Labour and Conservative despite not liking anything about Labour.

What to do about it?

Maybe if we could agree to have an independence poll every so often, say 10, 15, 20years then in the intervening period people could vote for the party whose policies on the economy, education, health etc., they wanted.

I reckon there must be a solution to this hopeless mess which we are now in.

Years ago the SNP were referred to as ‘tartan tories’ whereas now they tend to be ex Labour.

Anyway, maybe someone’s got some ideas how to bring about more ‘normal’ politics.

It's only a 'hopeless mess' from a unionists point of view.

You are correct to recall our earlier days when we were scorned by the tories and labour as immaterial and a joke.

Well who's laughing now?

When both labour and the tory's have to fight for second best on the list as we stride first past the post in numbers.

For us Independence voters we have seen the movement grow and grow and again this election has given us our biggest share of the Scottish vote for a single party.

A referendum must be on the cards now within the next two years.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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Greens took list seat off Labour in Central.

Was 4 Lab, 3 Tory last time.
Is 3 Lab, 3 Tory, 1 Green this time.
It was a battle between the tories and greens for the 7th seat based on last time, Labour lost their higher seat to the tories.
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1 minute ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

It looks like pro-referendum parties have won a majority so...

Majority of seats but not majority of votes. If the Nationalist vote is above 50% then fine have another indyref. The reality is that the Nationalist vote has not increased at all since 2014. Continually stuck between 45 and 49%. Scottish politics is forever stuck in this nonsense cycle. 

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Majority of seats but not majority of votes. If the Nationalist vote is above 50% then fine have another indyref. The reality is that the Nationalist vote has not increased at all since 2014. Continually stuck between 45 and 49%. Scottish politics is forever stuck in this nonsense cycle. 
A Rangers Fan from Edinburgh.
Quelle 'staunch' surprise
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2 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:
5 minutes ago, cdisaaccie said:
Greens took list seat off Labour in Central.

Was 4 Lab, 3 Tory last time.
Is 3 Lab, 3 Tory, 1 Green this time.

It was a battle between the tories and greens for the 7th seat based on last time, Labour lost their higher seat to the tories.

That is a bit of a minter for Sarwar.

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1 minute ago, edinabear said:

Majority of seats but not majority of votes. If the Nationalist vote is above 50% then fine have another indyref. The reality is that the Nationalist vote has not increased at all since 2014. Continually stuck between 45 and 49%. Scottish politics is forever stuck in this nonsense cycle. 

The Tories need booted out as the only got 43% of the vote so aren't entitled to make decisions. Boot out Bozo and install Neil Francis Lennon as Chief Protector of the Realm.

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Majority of seats but not majority of votes. If the Nationalist vote is above 50% then fine have another indyref. The reality is that the Nationalist vote has not increased at all since 2014. Continually stuck between 45 and 49%. Scottish politics is forever stuck in this nonsense cycle. 

Doesn’t really matter - that’s the system we have got. It’s like saying the Tories shouldn’t be in power in UK as they only did it by a majority of seats not votes.

A referendum on which union suits Scotland more - UK or Europe surely settles all the arguments.

As stated, it’s very close on that one - but let’s have the debate (in a couple of years time).
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Just now, edinabear said:

That's your response to me pointing out that the snp hasn't got over 50% of the vote? How embarrassing for you 

What's embarrassing is that you don't understand democracy 

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Was feeling pretty despondent last night. Pretty happy now, Green list vote very encouraging. Looks like a referendum tomorrow would be 50/50. Get a solid answer to the currency question, a couple more years of Boris Johnson’s pish and I think a referendum is very winnable.

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Majority of seats but not majority of votes. If the Nationalist vote is above 50% then fine have another indyref. The reality is that the Nationalist vote has not increased at all since 2014. Continually stuck between 45 and 49%. Scottish politics is forever stuck in this nonsense cycle. 

Yeah it’s the same conversations as have been happening for the last five years that will happen for the next five.
‘Historic mandate for a referendum, clear and settled will of the Scottish people etc etc’
Oh, what percentage of votes went to Indy supporting parties?
Right so the majority of voters voted for parties who want to stay in the union?
‘Yes, but what about the Tories?’
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Yeah it’s the same conversations as have been happening for the last five years that will happen for the next five.
‘Historic mandate for a referendum, clear and settled will of the Scottish people etc etc’
Oh, what percentage of votes went to Indy supporting parties?
Right so the majority of voters voted for parties who want to stay in the union?
‘Yes, but what about the Tories?’

How many Labour voters want an Indy ref? I’ll wait.
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