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Are YOU Voting for the Alba Party?


Who's Voting for the Alba Party?  

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Wonder if the Alba Party have anything to say about the threats and intimidation on the Twitter feeds of literally every transsexual person that uses it.

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It actually boggles the mind that anyone with any semblance of intelligence would think for even a second that these groups, plus essentially the snp, would support lowering the age of consent to 10 years old. I mean, have these people even considered what it actually means. Fucking hell

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3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

It actually boggles the mind that anyone with any semblance of intelligence would think for even a second that these groups, plus essentially the snp, would support lowering the age of consent to 10 years old. I mean, have these people even considered what it actually means. Fucking hell

I get the impression it's all some of them think about.

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It's just part of the transphobic dog-whistle.

GC Feminists have it in for Stonewall. While they are an organisation that I do have some concerns about, the latest GC tactic is to trash, denounce, and rubbish any organisation that is pro-GRA reform in anyway whatsoever. Their strawman "Woman = adult human female" crap is making next to no headway , so it's now 'trannies and poofs want to rape our children OMG!!1111"

If you happen to dip into the sorts of places transphobia in the guise of 'concerns for women's rights' is openly tolerated, then it's been obvious from the discourse that it was only a matter of time before they went public with this garbage.

Of course, pointing out the rather less than savoury organisations that some of the 'women's rights' groups are hobby-horsing with is met with all sorts of dumbfounded 'What??? Us????' faux-outrage.

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I'm disgusted some Alba acticists are bringing this tired trope into debate.

I do think there are self rightous morons on both sides of the gender debate that dont speak for middle Scotland.  But to start linking these issues the way some Alba acticists have done does them no favours.  That said there are weirdos on the other side that have a concrete mantra with no nuance or sense of reality.

I'll maybe spoil my ballot.  


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7 minutes ago, tirso said:

I'll maybe spoil my ballot.  

Not got a spare £500 to chuck at starting the Pie & Bovril Party?

There's an idea. What would our policies be?

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58 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Not got a spare £500 to chuck at starting the Pie & Bovril Party?

There's an idea. What would our policies be?

Not sure what the policies would be but they’d all need to be very specific.

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7 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

Is there a moral line you'd draw where you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to vote for a party regardless of their stance on independence?

That's something I'll not know until I enter the voting booth. 

7 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Cool just checking, no thoughts about them defending members who have proudly incorrectly described leading LGBT groups as wanting to legalize sex with children? 

Not got a clue what it's all about nor who is or isn't stretching things. 

7 hours ago, GordonS said:

Just for the sake of argument, how far does that run? I mean, if the pro-independence party in your area most likely to benefit from your vote were in favour of, say, slavery, workhouses and Mrs Brown's Boys, would you vote for them?

Obviously I'm being ridiculous but I'm curious how far you could see yourself going away from other issues you care about.

I'll vote for who I see fit, the way this is all going my votes might not go to any of the Indy parties. 

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You'd think most people would think like that but this place isn't very open minded with that one. 
I'm definitely guilty of that too, can be blinkered. I actually voted for Derek Mackay [emoji1785]. No party is perfect, some crackpots will slip through the net. It's about how a party reacts and that's where I admire Nicola.

You've posted this on the thread where the last 5 or so pages have been dominated by a party candidate repeatedly asserting LGBT organisations are advocating paedophilia without censure from her party. In fact, her party have actually attempted to support her claims. 
I have missed that, dipped in and out of this thread and came off twitter a few months ago because it the politics and covid chat was all becoming a bit too heavy for me, so have missed the going on.
FWIW, a diesel car is (slightly) less harmful for climate change than a petrol car, because it has better fuel efficiency. The problem with diesel is particulates, which kills people in urban areas through air pollution. If you live/drive in the countryside a diesel is a better choice than petrol.
I did make sure I got a euro 6 engine, paid a bit extra for it, as I read up that euro 5 engines were being banned from city centres all over Europe.

I don't mind lending out my 2nd vote this time as SNP both votes just let in a load of Tories and labour on the list vote.
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3 hours ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

I'm definitely guilty of that too, can be blinkered. I actually voted for Derek Mackay emoji1785.png. No party is perfect, some crackpots will slip through the net. It's about how a party reacts and that's where I admire Nicola.

The SNP do seem to have had more than their fair share of wrong 'uns, but I don't think there's anything about them that would make them more of a draw for wrong 'uns than other parties. Maybe growing from a small party on the edges with no power to the party of government in a very short period had something to do with it. They also had a problem with vetting - IIRC the party voted, against the wishes of the leadership, to exempt parliamentary candidates who were already councillors from full vetting. Most notoriously, that let Bill Walker through, who was later expelled over domestic abuse charges.

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35 minutes ago, GordonS said:

The SNP do seem to have had more than their fair share of wrong 'uns, but I don't think there's anything about them that would make them more of a draw for wrong 'uns than other parties. Maybe growing from a small party on the edges with no power to the party of government in a very short period had something to do with it. They also had a problem with vetting - IIRC the party voted, against the wishes of the leadership, to exempt parliamentary candidates who were already councillors from full vetting. Most notoriously, that let Bill Walker through, who was later expelled over domestic abuse charges.

I think it evens out over the piece; they've all had plenty of ne'er-do-wells, no matter how much it might seem to me like the Tories are absolutely chock full of deviants, and the Liberals historically turned a blind eye to abhorrent behaviour.

Politics is always going to be attractive to people who want to abuse power, and need to cover up their illegal/immoral predilections; the SNP is just where the power's at these days. Hopefully they all keep a closer eye on what they're unleashing on the electorate now, although I'm not terribly convinced when you see some of the stories still coming out about people currently in office.

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