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The Goalkeeper - Next Big Problem


Who should be Scotland number 1 at the Euros?  

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Craig Gordon is 38.

David Marshall is 36 and well out of form.

Allan McGregor is 39 and officially retired.

Jon McLaughlin is 33, not playing first team football and only has 2 caps as it is.

Who goes into the Euros as number 1? There's been a fairly lively discussion on the other thread so thought it was worth creating a topic as this will be a massive problem long term considering the ages. Gordon, for me, has been in phenomenal form this season and is really the reason Hearts are strolling the league despite being nowhere near a competent team. Yes, it's not the highest of levels, but Gordon is a known quantity. Before his injury problems he was the undisputed number 1 and better than any of the others mentioned. He bounced back after his injuries and had a decent spell at Celtic but didn't look the same world class keeper.

Is he better than Marshall though? In my mind, yes. Marshall didn't let us down and arguably got us to the Euros with his penalty heroics but has cost the team 2 goals in 2 games, is out of form at Derby and been benched in favour of a Dutch keeper that has been a perennial lower league goalkeeper that has fewer than 100 appearances to his name despite the fact he's about to turn 29. I'd go with Gordon as first choice and Marshall as back-up.

The big issue, however, is the future. The likes of Scott Bain, Zander Clark, Jordan Archer, Scott Fox (about a decade ago tbf) and a few others have all been called up and touted as possible for the future at one point or another, but none have looked anywhere near the standard required barring a purple spell here or there.

The current contenders for the future of the position currently look like Robbie McCrorie. A massive talent and probably the keeper most hyped to be our future number 1 at present, but struggling at Livi and only just recently got back into the team after being dropped in favour of Max Stryjek.

Craig MacGillivray has been another recent call-up. He's currently 28 and is Portsmouth's number 1.

Liam Kelly is again showing promise at Motherwell, but can't get near the QPR team after some less than impressive performances and has subsequently dropped down the pecking order to former Dundee flop Seny Dieng.

Then there's the likes of Angus Gunn, a promising keeper, but again, one that is currently benched in favour of the not so great Alex McCarthy at Southampton and out on loan at Stoke.

So who is our number one long term? Do we have to drop down in standard significantly and go with a Bain or Clark? Will someone just pop out from nowhere such as Archie Mair at Norwich? Do we use Marshall until he's in his 40's then use McLaughlin for the next couple of year until he's in his 40s hoping someone will show up? Will McCrorie or Doohan recognise early potential?

It's beginning to look like it could be a major issue for us in just a few short years.

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He did let a howler in in the last match but overall Liam Kelly has been superb for Motherwell this season.  Probably the third best keeper in the league after McGregor and Siegrist.

We also had Jordan Archer play for us this season and Kelly is a different level.


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For the finals, if Marshall gets back in for Derby, him.  I don't think he can be number 1 if he goes till the friendlies, assuming we get some arranged, without a game as he looked rusty this break.

Beyond that it's pretty barren.  You might get another campaign out the 3 we have now, certainly longer from McLaughlin if he ever gets a game somewhere, but the reserve lot aren't much cop from what I've seen.

Kelly has always looked decent to me but international level, doubt it.  Bain isn't good enough.  Maybe McCrorie but I don't really see it.  Might be a few years on rotation before someone really good emerges

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This is a tough one. It is Marshalls position to lose but Clarke has to ask the question does Gordon save the shot for the Israel goal and does he do a better job on the shot for Austria's 1st goal? If he thinks he does then he may get back in as number 1.

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At the Wuros it should be whoever plays most regularly for their club side between Marshall and Gordon. I don’t think there’s much between them but whoever is showing the best form at the time will get it.

For the future, I guess we’ll have to see who is around at the time. I don’t see anyone great at the moment but that doesn’t mean that someone won’t improve or someone new emerges that’s better.

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McGregor is currently the best Scottish goalkeeper and must be regretting his retirement. I don't watch any Championship football so wasn't aware Marshall has been dropped by Derby. I still think Clarke will go with him regardless. 

Hopefully McLaughlin can get a full season under his belt next season somewhere, I've always thought he's a decent keeper but you can't really expect him to be the future number one if he's not playing.


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I think we've been very spoiled and lucky to have Gordon, Marshall and McGregor over the past 10-15 years and it's perhaps masked the chasm between the 3 and the rest of our keepers.

I think Angus Gunn is worth pursuing. Adams has now committed and Gunn isn't going to play for England.

Beyond that I think we'd be as well getting Kelly and McRorie into post Euro squads (and maybe take one of them as third choice) and hoping the competition/carrot dangled helps them push on and develop.

Thankfully whoever we go for will have big Grant protecting them.

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6 minutes ago, Scumjob said:

I think we've been very spoiled and lucky to have Gordon, Marshall and McGregor over the past 10-15 years and it's perhaps masked the chasm between the 3 and the rest of our keepers.

I think Angus Gunn is worth pursuing. Adams has now committed and Gunn isn't going to play for England.

Beyond that I think we'd be as well getting Kelly and McRorie into post Euro squads (and maybe take one of them as third choice) and hoping the competition/carrot dangled helps them push on and develop.

Thankfully whoever we go for will have big Grant protecting them.

Having watched Angus Gunn a few times I'd much rather we didn't.  About as good as his old man

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People saying Marshall has been dropped at club level is a bit disingenuous. He was out injured for three games, and in the three games since then he’s been on the bench.

I don’t think it’s uncommon for someone coming back from an injury - goalkeeper especially - having to bide their time if the player who stood in for them hasn’t done much wrong.

If he’s still benched in a few more weeks time I’d be a bit more concerned.

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3 minutes ago, velo army said:

@KnightswoodBear and Shagger are basically best pals now, so I fully expect him to have a word. 

As he's basically my best pal and just signed a new deal to keep him at the Gers for another year, I shall certainly be having a word and asking that he in no way jeopardises his Club form by coming out of retirement for the National side. 

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2 hours ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

Having watched Angus Gunn a few times I'd much rather we didn't.  About as good as his old man

Bryan Gunn wasn't bad... he just wasn't close to as good as Goram or even Leighton.  And he was great for Norwich.  

To go back to the question, though, it pretty much looks like a two horse race between McRorie and Kelly.   Ross Doohan is hopeless.

I'm disappointed at the lack of Jack Ruddy as one of the options.   Maybe his brother had a word with the OP.

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For a long time, I would have said that Bain was the natural successor to the Marshall, Gordon & McGregor, but he appears to have gone backwards since joining Celtic. Haven't seen too much of the others, so will reserve judgement on the longer-term issue. Marshall, Gordon and McRorie should be taken to the Euros.

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I voted for Liam Kelly as I think he’s the strongest option we have.

With a look to the future we have Murray Johnson who is 16 and Wolves have just paid £250k for him, he was also on trial at Man City, I know that means nothing for a few years but there’s definitely promise there.

Vincent Angelini (nearly 18) at Celtic (who looks like he’s away) was being looked at by AC Milan although it looks like he’s going to Brighton.

Cieran Slicker is at Man City - I don’t know a great deal about him although (I know this means nothing) I signed him on football manager for Darlington on my March from non league football to the premier league and they reckoned he was about League 1 level so he may not be an option if SI Games are right with this one.

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I think we could possibly see out the world cup campaign with Marshall and/or Gordon. Its funny how Marshall has gone from Hero like status to some spent has been by a few Tartan Army da’s in about 6 months. By which point it will give some of players mentioned time to establish  themselves as consistent number 1s at a big club or a decent level. Either that or someone to come out of nowhere.

Unfortunately who ever it is will most likely be nowhere the level have had for number the past 15 years but a steadyish pair of hands will do.

Edited by gannonball
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