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Heads Gone - The Peppino Impastato Memorial Thread

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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Joined in 2019 and last posted 2 and a half years ago. 

This is what brings him out of hiding (or, rather, returning to an old alias to "congratulate" a new one)

From 2020, looks like his anxieties about women haven't subsided.

On 23/09/2020 at 15:31, Wee Norrie said:

Will Thistle continue to plough valuable resources traditionally meant for the first team into rainbow related projects and women's football now that the financial landscape has changed somewhat? Maybe time to refocus on important things now before it's too late.  Just saying.


On 23/09/2020 at 16:02, Wee Norrie said:

The resources that I mention means money.  Okay, I'll have to assume by your answer that  Thistle's women's football is financially self supporting (if that's what you've been told) and if that is the case, I would have no issue (if I was a Thistle fan).

As for rainbow issues, I was unaware that there is a problem with anyone's sexual preference with regards to football. Probably one more unnecessary box ticking exercise in my humble opinion. Aw well, as long as it keeps someone employed. Personally I would spend all the clubs energy and resource on first team footballing matters. 


On 24/09/2020 at 07:41, Wee Norrie said:

Surely the fact that television, acting, hairdressing etc probably has far more than 7% of that quota, why have you a problem with professional football not attracting gay men? I really fail to see why it's important to know about someone's sexual preferences, or have a problem with them keeping it private if they want to.  I don't hear people in the aforementioned traditional gay avenues bleating about heterosexuals being under represented.  

You guys can of course focus on what you want, but I'm glad that my club just seem to focus on mainly football issues (even if they're not very good at it). Personally I would keep politics well away from football, but everyone to his own. 


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14 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

If only Partick Thistle stopped pouring their money into their womens team, they'd probably be in the Champions League by now.

Their women's team is probably the best chance they have of seeing European football at Firhill.

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5 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Re ‘rainbow related’ - can anyone confirm Geoffrey was indeed an Arab or is someone ripping the pish on Wikipedia? 



Looks like a typical dayglo fud to me.

Geoffrey Hayes from Rainbow has died - Liverpool Echo

Thank you.

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7 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

The use of the term "box ticking" should be a red flag that we have a full-on gammon in our midst.

Also "in my humble opinion".

It's always transparently obvious that they consider their words to be imparted from the very lips of Our Lord himself.

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7 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Re ‘rainbow related’ - can anyone confirm Geoffrey was indeed an Arab or is someone ripping the pish on Wikipedia? 



Yes, a supporter of Dundee’s bigger professional team.

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Will probably get hammered for this and I’m not “raging” about it because the outlay is probably minimal but I’m not a bit fan of Kilmarnock funding a women’s team either. If that team pays for its self then fair enough but other than that anything that doesn’t short or long term make the men’s first 11 better then I don’t really want the club spending money on it.

If the club was funding an over-35s men’s team to win a charity league and we were losing money on it I wouldn’t want that either.

I’m sure this isn’t a one sided argument there will be female fans of the Kilmarnock women’s team who don’t care about the men’s team and probably bang their head off the wall at the fact 99% of the clubs budget is probably spent on the men’s team.


ETA - my own personal feelings on women’s football may change through time, they certainly have over the last 5 or so years as the game has grown but I saw a comment earlier on about the Partick women’s team having more chance of making Europe than them and I was just thinking that even if Kilmarnock womens team were playing in a European final at Rugby Park tonight I still wouldn’t go. 

Edited by Sortmeout
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1 hour ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Geoffrey from Rainbow and Lorraine Kelly, what a pair.

Don't forget Timmy Mallet.

Lorraine Kelly takes Timmy Mallet to watch Dundee United! - YouTube

Thank you.

eta. Just about sums up the whole tangerine pantomime.

Edited by Bigmouth Strikes Again
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