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Heads Gone - The Peppino Impastato Memorial Thread

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Surely a simple check, and yay or nay from one of our esteemed mod's can quickly confirm the poster's status as shiny new, or risen again multi-banned banger. We can then have a whole hearted apology from the appropriate side and save another 10 pages of denial/accusation. 


(We all know it's a multi-banned banger, ffs).

Edited by 'WellDel
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1 minute ago, 'WellDel said:

Surely a simple check, and yay or nay from one of our esteemed mod's can quickly confirm the poster's status as shiny new, or risen again multi-banned banger. We can then have a whole hearted apology from the appropriate side and save another 10 pages of denial/accusation. 


(We all know it's a multi-banned banger, ffs).

He's already asked the mods to check his IP address, so he'll be using a new email and a VPN most likely.

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4 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:


Nice try chump. Here's what actually happened:


I red dot a post of yours (on account of it being an abominably bad, playing to galleries for green dots type post). You get upset and randomly red dot one of mine in retaliation. I pump a load into you, seeing how much it winds you up.


It's insane that there's folk out there actually caring about fucking dots on an internet forum, and get offended and need to lash out when they get one. 😂 Utter dweebs.

 ^^^ definitely doesn't care type post. 😂😂

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


Handily, whether or not you are this same gimp who has one of the most boring trolling styles I've seen in nearly twenty years on the internet, it doesn't matter. The solution is the same. Shut the f**k up. 

Is this in your LinkedIn profile?  If not, it should be.  #MarginalClaimsToFame

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I’m currently on a f**k ton of medications after major surgery, some are genuine opioids and other sorts of shit that can mess with me (I’m allergic to aspirin so you can imagine what some of this stuff can do)

Even so I’m not reduced to the dribbling lunacy of some of the post(era) on h er e

Thanks for making me feel sane you roasters and the “normies” too

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4 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

I’m currently on a f**k ton of medications after major surgery, some are genuine opioids and other sorts of shit that can mess with me (I’m allergic to aspirin so you can imagine what some of this stuff can do)

Even so I’m not reduced to the dribbling lunacy of some of the post(era) on h er e

Thanks for making me feel sane you roasters and the “normies” too

Hope you feel better soon son.

Keep up the good work.

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My own fault a year ago for getting myself involved in the eye bleeding carry on in the politics forum. Had to step away from the forum for personal reasons just after the bannings, came back a few weeks later to find my account had been tag teamed for days by that moron with his sock puppet accounts despite my stupid belief we @Duries Air Freshener had an agreement that enough was enough, so I had a bit of a heads gone and deleted everything, I mean everything, I wasn't in a good place at the time. So yeah heads gone and account wrecked. Deleting posts at the time felt therapeutic because of the meticulous process but wow, it just showed how low I was at the time to even do that.

I'm glad I didn't get involved this time, but you guys already had him sussed and were amazing.

The whole fishing trip going wrong and then imploding back in his face and seeing the mask slipping, you could just feel his growing rage. It was just hilarious.

Thanks. 🤣 👍

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