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Eddie Merckx in his Belgian champions jersey (jaggy colours).

We have a song "red and yellow army" which doesn't fit the music so comes out as "rello army". 

I love cycling, and "velo" is French for bicycle. 

N'est pas.

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12 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I have temporarily moved from Khan to Cybil Troy. I will return to Khan soon. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to watch a Cybil Troy video. 

I accepted the challenge and was pleasantly surprised. 

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When we were trying to have kids I bought this panda teddy for my wife from the Ayr shop. We quickly realised it was much more like a gorilla than a panda and so the name pandarilla was born.

Now our kids play with him from time to time - but we've built this back-story that he's an alcoholic ayr fan who goes to all the games and gets really pissed off when they lose. They've completely bought it, even though my daughter is way too old to believe this nonsense.

We've also got a small polar bear that doesn't like the new toys and so he bites children when he's grumpy. They're fucking terrified of him.

Kids are gullible as f**k.

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Fight Milk: The first alcoholic, dairy-based protein drink for bodyguards by bodyguards.


For years before this it was a picture of the former Northern Ireland international and Motherwell captain Stephen Craigan looking very serious.

Edited by rambunctious
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