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Jury Service: Things I Wish I'd Known


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8 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Jurors are picked from the electoral register which doesn't have ages on it hence 90 year olds getting picked.

Clerks of Court pick jurors on the principle of w**k, w**k, good guy, w**k

There's a big catch up programme after Covid so you'll get your turn if you live in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, Glasgow, West Lothian, Aberdeen as these are the main catchment areas for the High Court as well as the local Sheriff Courts and they're burning through jurors. If you want to avoid jury service move to a place with a shitty wee court e.g. Campbeltown.

Just for @Shandon Par there is provision in the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act for illness or death of a juror once picked..

Scottish Criminal juries have 15 jurors but 12 if it's a Civil Jury although these don't usually go ahead.

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act applies @Busta Nut so it depends what you(r friend) did and how long ago it was 

A juror in the High Court did time for googling an accused a few years ago. You get warned by the Sheriff/Judge not to do such things.

Due to possessing background knowledge I'm permanently excused jury service. GIRFUY!



Good thing I live in Fife now. Criminals are tied to a rock on the shore. If the tide doesn’t get them it’s a sign they were definitely guilty so are burned at the stake. The heat is then used to warm local homes and the ashes to nourish the gardens. 

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Called once, about 10 years ago, nightmare of a case. Guy was up for two rapes. After hearing all the evidence were then instructed he had to be guilty/guilty or not guilty/ not guilty. Guilty/Not Guilty not allowed. Were not allowed to find him guilty of raping one woman and not raping the other, to do with corroboration. As the cases were brought together they had to corroborate each other. Ended up back in front of the judge to get it explained to whole jury a 2nd time while deliberately. 

He definitely did one so I was for just going guilty/guilty. Others on jury were more other way, if he didn't do one tough he would be not guilty. Ended up cleared of the rapes but done for all the assaults on the women. Was lively arguments but fucking ridiculous.

Food was good though, in Aberdeen and took over round to nice wee Italian (La Lombardo) for a two course meal every lunchtime.

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I've been called up twice. First time, everyone was dismissed about 15 minutes into waiting so never even made it into the court room. Second was during the last lockdown just there so was in the Odeon in Dundee and it was on behalf of Perth Sheriff Court. I was on the reserve list so got to hear the juicy details (it wasn't juicy. It sounded absolute pish and a waste of time) and was then sent home when it was confirmed I wouldn't be needed.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

That's not fair, I thought it was everyone's right to be judged by one's peers.

"We've picked 15 P&Bers. Red Dot for Guilty, Green Dot for Not Guilty"


15 Red Dots later as TTB goes down for life for bad pun posting

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I've received 7 citations (so far) for jury service I think, at least anyway and I'm still fairly young. They seem absolutely determined to get me in there. All but one of the occasions I was a contractor and I really didn't want to potentially go a long time without any pay, so I got out of it. 

The one time I was in a permanent job, got a high court citation and thought this is my chance to get a pass for 5 years. Turned up, waited for ages, told to go to lunch, came back and was told to go home. I asked when to come back or if I should phone, but apparently the case was over. A few months later I got another citation, I sent a letter saying I'd attended recently and wasn't called. I got a response to say I may be cited again in 5 years, 5 years almost to the day I got another citation. Randomly selected my fucking arse tbh. 

I've had another two citations since, managed to get out of going to them but fully expecting another one to arrive soon. 

A friend who's partner is an advocate has said something along the lines of "I've read about the case and already made my mind up that they are guilty" would likely get you sent home. 

Edited by thistledo
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I've received 7 citations (so far) for jury service I think, at least anyway and I'm still fairly young. They seem absolutely determined to get me in there. All but one of the occasions I was a contractor and I really didn't want to potentially go a long time without any pay, so I got out of it. 
The one time I was in a permanent job, got a high court citation and thought this is my chance to get a pass for 5 years. Turned up, waited for ages, told to go to lunch, came back and was told to go home. I asked when to come back or if I should phone, but apparently the case was over. A few months later I got another citation, I sent a letter saying I'd attended recently and wasn't called. I got a response to say I may be cited again in 5 years, 5 years almost to the day I got another citation. Randomly selected my fucking arse tbh. 
I've had another two citations since, managed to get out of going to them but fully expecting another one to arrive soon. 
A friend who's partner is an advocate has said something along the lines of "I've read about the case and already made my mind up that they are guilty" would likely get you sent home. 
Make sure to be heard saying things like "no smoke without fire" by the defence team. Home ye go now.
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6 hours ago, 101 said:

Been to the old bailey twice and it seemed like a bad place to have lots of coffee on offer, are you allowed to get up for a pish when the court is sitting?


4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

That's not fair, I thought it was everyone's right to be judged by one's peers.

It feels that these two posts belong together.

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22 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

I bought a suit out of Primark for jury service and wasn't even summoned to go in.

I enjoyed the few days off work though.

The only person who buys a suit out of Primark for court is the accused.

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5 hours ago, tamthebam said:

"We've picked 15 P&Bers. Red Dot for Guilty, Green Dot for Not Guilty"


15 Red Dots later as TTB goes down for life for bad pun posting

Marshy the Foreman to be done for contempt for telling the Judge "Who gives a rats ass" when asked the Juries verdict.

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

What’s the chances once you’re in a ballot? 

Depends who turns up. The minimum number a jury can be picked from is 30, which gives you a 1 in 2 chance (I think)

If it's 60-100 people then 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 and a half if my maths is correct. Which it probably isn't.

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