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Incels, and their insane world view.


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13 minutes ago, beesher said:

I remember reading a post from one guy who had hired a hooker. She walked into the hotel room, took one look at the guy, and effectively said 'yuk' and walked back out.


I did feel a bit sorry for him.



I read that disabled people in the Netherlands get vouchers for discounts with the hookers or some shit. Think they get 12 a year and the government do it so the disabled people don't get depressed and they see it as a quality of life issue. Wonder if the Dutch versions of incels are covered by this programme or what. 

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


I don't want to know how the pair of you even know about stuff like this.

Same way I know anything, I looked it up on Wikipedia.  I read an article about it after the guy got convicted of it in Edinburgh as he was arrested less than a mile from my then house and I thought if I'm going to be murdered by someone in a spree killing I may as well know why they are doing it.

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48 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Can none of these saddacts find enough spare change to visit a hooker? 


Wouldn’t solve it, tbh. I think the problem (according to incel ideology) isn’t just that they’re not having sex, it’s that they’re not having sex with the women they deserve to be having sex with, because of feminism or the Jews or whatever.  All of these manosphere type ideologies tend to absolutely fucking despise sex workers in particular, so can’t imagine them thinking that these are the women they deserve.

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25 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

I read that disabled people in the Netherlands get vouchers for discounts with the hookers or some shit. Think they get 12 a year and the government do it so the disabled people don't get depressed and they see it as a quality of life issue. Wonder if the Dutch versions of incels are covered by this programme or what. 

Great lost band of smackhead Scousers Shack wrote a song about this.


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36 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

I read that disabled people in the Netherlands get vouchers for discounts with the hookers or some shit. Think they get 12 a year and the government do it so the disabled people don't get depressed and they see it as a quality of life issue. Wonder if the Dutch versions of incels are covered by this programme or what. 

Do you need a serious disability or would a minor astigmatism qualify? My mate's minor astigmatism. 

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Lots of people here with extremely sheltered internet experiences. 

While there are lots of differing individual circumstances, I'd say anyone who does or ever has identified as an incel initially suffered from mental illness(es) of some sort and through the internet found a self-perpetuating echo chamber filled with other people like them to support and justify the way they think about themselves and the way people in the world perceive them. 

Here's an article from someone who by the sounds of it wasn't that far down the rabbit hole, but who got involved enough to be aware of it: ‘I used to be an incel’ - BBC Three


Last winter I was in a pit of despair. I was still a virgin at 31. I felt unlovable and hopeless. It wasn’t just I’d never had sex with anyone, it was that I’d never held hands, kissed or hugged anyone either. So, in November last year, I decided to share my story on YouTube and expose myself completely. I had nothing to lose. Life barely seemed worth living so I just thought, why not? I had no idea that one video would change my life completely.

For me, I’ve never felt like I deserved to be with a woman. Instead I’ve always felt like I wasn’t attractive enough, or tall enough, or muscly enough, or interesting enough to ever be worthy of female attention. It’s not like I’ve spent all this time since I was a teenager thinking I should be having sex. Instead, I was constantly thinking about all the things that were wrong with me. I never felt like I was good enough for a relationship.

I definitely had opportunities to lose my virginity when I was younger but I had paranoia and social anxiety that stopped me. Looking back, I can see that my troubled childhood played a part in my mental health issues. It was a bad combination of things. My parents got divorced when I was about seven. There was a lot of shouting going on and it felt like a threatening environment. My dad, especially, was in a bad place back then, he became quite an angry person. But he’s worked really hard to make things right and we have a good relationship now.

My worries over my looks really kicked in when I was about 13. My nose got broken during a snowball fight after rugby practice. It was February and the weather was freezing, and someone threw a block of ice at my face. It nearly knocked me out. I was just standing there nearly in tears. I wanted to be a tough guy so I never told anyone about it, not even my mum. It left a big mark on my face. That healed but it left a bump on my nose. I would play with in the mirror for hours, trying to fix it myself but I just made it worse. Then my skin got bad too, which didn’t help. The acne cleared up but it left bad scars. I just felt like I wanted to hide away from the world.

I'd guess everyone on here knew somebody at school or in their twenties who was like this - a bit weird, a bit weird looking, someone who wasn't very social. It might even have been some people here. That sort of thing can build up for people, and in addition to whatever mental issues they have they add various feelings of loneliness, insecurity and hopelessness.

Incel forums really don't offer anything other than reassurance and blame-shifting, which is effectively the easy way out for people who feel like this and doesn't offer any meaningful solution. Even if it's someone who doesn't suffer from depression or anxiety or comes from a broken home like the guy quoted here, if you feel lonely and ignored by your peers and don't have a social life, what's going to be easier to hear from strangers on the internet? That you need to be pro-active and change something to improve yourself, or that it's everyone else's fault?

As with any sort of internet subculture the concept spiralled over the years and some years ago ended up in some post-ironic hell, where what might have been a flippant "oh yeah I can't get my hole because everyone else is so shallow and pointless, it's all their fault" eventually mutates and becomes things like Chads and Staceys and the sincere belief that if you aren't over six feet two that no woman at all will ever want to talk to you. If someone smarter and with a better attention span than me went through the forums and stories I think there would be valid comparisons between people who actively grow to identify as incels and people who are radicalised into terrorism and the like.

There used to be a subreddit on Reddit called r/incels which I believe that Canadian who went on a killing spree was formed from. It got deleted a few years ago for being too hateful, but there are references to it elsewhere: 

[Serious] Former Incels of Reddit. What brought you the ideology and what took you out? : AskReddit

Ex-Incels of Reddit, What caused you to go down that path, and what helped you change? : AskReddit



For probably 10 years or so I was an "incel" and didn't realize it until I found r/foreveralone and got caught up in an echo chamber. I was constantly drinking, alone, at home, and wondering why no girls would talk to me or go out with me or even give me a phone number for the most part. I mean, f**k, was I not a nice guy? A proper gentleman? Being nice to all of these ladies and they weren't responding in a manner I felt they should because I was so nice all the time, I was doing stuff for my co-workers and they weren't appreciative enough. I'd be talking to a girl and find out they had a boyfriend and be so pissed that I was doing all this "nice" stuff for them and there was no way that they'd "return the favor by giving me a mouth hug or sexy times." Not fair, right?

Then, one day, after posting on a throwaway account I don't remember anymore, I was bitching about how this one co-worker who was leaving was such a bitch because she wouldn't respond to my advances at all and kept trying to friend zone me and I'd always be a loser and no one would ever want a guy like me because I guess I'm just too nice for my own good, right?

And some dude responded with something along the lines of "if you're only doing nice things because you think someone is going to reciprocate with sex, you may not actually be a nice person. Just a nice guy. And nice guys suck. I think they even linked, or I found soon afterwards, a website about nice guys and why what you're doing is kind of a dick move and maybe if you were just doing nice things for people because you were nice and not because you're putting nice coins into a vending lady to maybe show her how special you are you could find someone not repulsed by your overbearing, creepy antics.

So I worked on ways to be more confident in myself, improved my grooming (fat, lazy slob over here guys wondering why 8s and 10s wouldn't date smelly, sweaty me), got my haircut (I hadn't been to a barbershop in probably about 6 years at that point) and stopped treating women as some prize I had to win and more like people like me except they have boobs. And I got a girlfriend after ~1 month of that, that I still have to this day.

TL;DR I was a dick in an echo chamber that rightfully got told off when venting about what a nice guy I was, changed my shit, and am a better person now then I was 7 years ago.


There are various stories here and if you google "former incel" or similar you'll find similar. If a person goes back far enough when they're telling the story you'll start to see patterns emerge. From what I've read about the guy in Plymouth, his mum knew he had problems (but probably didn't know/realise the full extent of them) and had continually did what she could to support him. I've not seen any mention of the guy's dad in the news though, I don't know if that played a part in his life.

In terms of what can be done to try and stop this... I don't know. Maybe the older posters here who remember a life before the internet was as ubiquitous as it is now can tell us what the lonely weirdos did to stave off murder sprees. I don't know how that will help people with these problems who live in an age of 24/7 echo chambers though.



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3 hours ago, Thorongil said:

Some of the more extreme trans activist views nowadays are a bit incel-like as well. Like the ones who say you are a bigot if you won’t date (or shag) a transgender person because if you are a straight man then transgender women are women and you better be ready to shag them and if you are a straight woman transgender men are men and you better be willing to shag them etc.



f**k off, BawWatchin.

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24 minutes ago, thekorean said:

You could have just named this thread Celtic Fans thread

Trust me if you really wanted to annoy one side of the OF, you could put in a tasteless joke about free prostitutes for disabled Dutch people and Fernando Ricksen. I wouldn't stoop so low, of course, despite the temptation. :whistle

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Are any P&Brs going to admit to Incel tendencies/sympathies?


As an aside, my iPad spell checker does not recognise Incel as a word; I thought it would have entered the general lexicon by now.

me, my partner is getting old, if i find myself alone one day like an incel, i too will look for a good ear, loyal & obedient new friend



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37 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


There are various stories here and if you google "former incel" or similar you'll find similar. If a person goes back far enough when they're telling the story you'll start to see patterns emerge. From what I've read about the guy in Plymouth, his mum knew he had problems (but probably didn't know/realise the full extent of them) and had continually did what she could to support him. I've not seen any mention of the guy's dad in the news though, I don't know if that played a part in his life.

In terms of what can be done to try and stop this... I don't know. Maybe the older posters here who remember a life before the internet was as ubiquitous as it is now can tell us what the lonely weirdos did to stave off murder sprees. I don't know how that will help people with these problems who live in an age of 24/7 echo chambers though.

His dad was estranged from the family and has a number of criminal convictions for violence - https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/plymouth-shooter-spent-time-scotland-24757691

Your post is really good.  There's a specific set of circumstances that come together to create things like inceldom - internet culture, dating culture, echo chambers, conspiracism. 

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3 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

Just had a quick look at the first topic on there - the OnlyFans thread. Jesus fucking christ. 

Literally every single contributor to that place needs hosed with machine gun fire

i just had a little peek in their ''Only Fans'' thread, i'm a bit lost with some of the jargon, but there is some frightening posts, although, i agree with one post, because i also think guys who pay for Only Fans are fuckin' weidos too, not as weird as an incels, but weird nevertheless.

the ''i want to die for islam'' is a worrying thread title, it was also a decent episode of murican cop drama Law & Order, same premise, murican lad can't get his hole, murders a teacher and her husband

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Just now, Meldrew said:

...because i also think guys who pay for Only Fans are fuckin' weidos too, not as weird as an incels, but weird nevertheless.

Out of interest, is it the paying or the porn bit you are objecting to here?



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23 minutes ago, Ric said:

Trust me if you really wanted to annoy one side of the OF, you could put in a tasteless joke about free prostitutes for disabled Dutch people and Fernando Ricksen. I wouldn't stoop so low, of course, despite the temptation. :whistle

You're a bit weird, mate.

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9 minutes ago, Ric said:

Out of interest, is it the paying or the porn bit you are objecting to here?



the paying of course, the internet is awash with free porn, the state of some of those OF subscribers or camwhore mods is just as pathetic as these incel fuds.

i'll say one thing for these creepy incel b*****ds, they've never wasted their money buying some big titted tramp something from her amazon wishlist.

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