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The media seem pretty keen on repeating a handful of anecdotes (Bond, Paddington, some Yank tourist on the Balmoral estate) that involves the Queen showing some form of humour, apparently making her such a great person.  Fair enough, but for England's dwindling water supply to be so quickly replenished by jizz over this matter is ridiculously over the top (to clutching at now-snapped straws level).  She wasn't necessarily a stuck up old cow.  Great.
If these handful of anodyne stories are the best they can find over almost a century then she presumably wasn't actually that great a person.

What's with all the Paddington stuff, anyway? (UK out of the loop thread for this pish.)
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1 hour ago, resk said:

The French - a great bunch of lads.  

France is always held up as a warning for us Brits if we ever try to, you know, improve things for the majority of people.

Monarchy- loads of bs about tourists etc.

working time- Lazy frogs. 35 hours a week, won’t get anything done.

Public ownership- inefficient, spend all their money propping up lame duck industries 

Unions- always on strike, let managers manage.


World bank:

France GDP per capita ppp- $50,728

UK GDP per capita ppp- $49,675


even if you go on unadjusted figures, the Uk isn’t significantly ahead and there’s a question of how much of that  is attributable to actual economic activities as opposed to our borderline tax haven status.

France is no paradise, but a failure to adhere to extreme neoliberal economic dogma in a conservative aristocratic social structure hasn’t exactly turned them into 1970s East Germany.

tl;dr- off with his head

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28 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

What's with all the Paddington stuff, anyway? (UK out of the loop thread for this pish.)

She did a sketch with a CGI Paddington having tea with her, during which she said she kept her marmalade sandwiches in her handbag.  Only found this out the other day (along with the Daniel Craig Bond one).  Then again, I never watch any Xmas / Jubilee stuff.

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In work today I have had three emails from the DWP canceling meetings / events planned for the week AFTER the funeral under the banner of "respecting the period of national mourning".

Great to known the economy is in such good shape that working life as we know it can basically be put on the back burner for a couple of weeks. It's like Covid all over again !!!

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