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Police Scotland - a discussion thread 👮‍♂️

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3 hours ago, Alert Mongoose said:

You’re speeding and got caught (numerous times by the sound of it). Must be their fault though.

No. Definitely my fault - I’m a grown up, I know the risks. I’m just taking issue with the jobsworth attitude that seems to now prevail. I’m much less of a risk doing 80 on a deserted motorway than someone not paying attention at rush hour. But roolz is roolz.

I think what used to be called ‘common sense policing’ has been buried by operational rule books and user manuals. To the detriment of their relationship with the Great British public. 

3 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

You should have asked to see proof of when their gun was last calibrated and debated the ticket. 

And if that was tried anyone would quite deservedly be hit with ‘sorry but roolz is roolz’.

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17 hours ago, Scott Steiner said:

They are a mixed bag IMO.

I think they act like arrogant arseholes when there's no need.  It must be tough though, as they'll be dealing with wee neddy ratbags on a regular basis who'll be constantly trying to get them into trouble, surrounding them with camera phones and the likes.

There's undoubtedly a culture of lying and covering for the wrongdoings of your fellow officers.  It's wrong and immoral, but it happens.  It'll never change though, as it's a high pressure job where breaking points will be reached and errors made regularly, so you probably wouldn't even do the job unless you knew you could count on your colleagues to back you up.

Certain demographics get more 'police attention' than others and this is because of their behaviour rather than any laughable notion of discrimination.

What exactly do you mean by certain demographics?

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I would have said the same until I moved into a house about 10 years ago which had 2 cops in the house next door. They thought they were in charge of the neighbourhood and terrorised everyone with intimidation tactics up to and including violence.
For a long time the police covered it up, let it slide and let them away with it. It was only with much persistence and the efforts of a couple of genuinely decent cops that they were eventually dealt with.
That experience overall made me wary where I hadn’t been before. And in recent years you see them standing back and allowing people to destroy George Square for example and then there’s the videos from last night of them raining New Year’s dances for for f**k knows what. 
I wouldn’t speak to them personally without a witness and will be advising my children as they get older not to co-operate without legal advice.
Things that never happened thread for this pish.
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17 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:
On 02/01/2022 at 15:43, Thorongil said:
I would have said the same until I moved into a house about 10 years ago which had 2 cops in the house next door. They thought they were in charge of the neighbourhood and terrorised everyone with intimidation tactics up to and including violence.
For a long time the police covered it up, let it slide and let them away with it. It was only with much persistence and the efforts of a couple of genuinely decent cops that they were eventually dealt with.
That experience overall made me wary where I hadn’t been before. And in recent years you see them standing back and allowing people to destroy George Square for example and then there’s the videos from last night of them raining New Year’s dances for for f**k knows what. 
I wouldn’t speak to them personally without a witness and will be advising my children as they get older not to co-operate without legal advice.

Things that never happened thread for this pish.

It did happen. Both officers received multiple criminal convictions and were kicked off the force. We had already moved house by then thankfully.

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5 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

I've seen the (then) Strathclyde Police stir up and create problems when pointlessly penning fans into Somerville Dr at Hampden.  I got the impression that they'd been told to treat all fans as if they were those of the ugly sisters.

That's absolutely not how old Firm fans are treated by the police in the west of Scotland anyway.

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The chief of the whole organisation is a sleazy beast. The fact he was chosen to be the public figure head should tell everyone what we need to know about Police Scotland.
Although there are a lot of good people in the police, the force is riddled with corruption and criminals.

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The police have generally been sound any time I've had dealings with them.

Had a run in with a neighbour a few years ago over parking. He came to the door a raging mess looking for a fight. Told him to f**k off and shut the door in his face (genuinely) and he reported me for assault and foul and abusive language. The police had to go through their process but knew he was talking shite. I got taken in for an interview and they told me before it what they would be asking and what I should say. Interview lasted about 2 minutes and I never heard anything from them again.

With such a large number of officers it's inevitable that some will be sound and some will be c***s who are in it for all the wrong reasons.

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19 hours ago, alta-pete said:

I think what used to be called ‘common sense policing’ has been buried by operational rule books and user manuals. To the detriment of their relationship with the Great British public. 


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2 hours ago, Ron Aldo said:

 I got taken in for an interview and they told me before it what they would be asking and what I should say. Interview lasted about 2 minutes and I never heard anything from them again.

How old is your granny anyway?

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On 02/01/2022 at 21:45, Scott Steiner said:

Certain demographics get more 'police attention' than others and this is because of their behaviour rather than any laughable notion of discrimination.

Do you care to expand on which demographic you're talking about and their behaviour?

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The chief of the whole organisation is a sleazy beast. The fact he was chosen to be the public figure head should tell everyone what we need to know about Police Scotland.
Although there are a lot of good people in the police, the force is riddled with corruption and criminals.
Any reason you didn't post the part that he was cleared of all allegations and the demotion reversed in full ???

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Do you care to expand on which demographic you're talking about and their behaviour?

Sadly, we can now only speculate.

Was probably talking about Celtgers fans TBF.

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Any reason you didn't post the part that he was cleared of all allegations and the demotion reversed in full ???

I suspect it's because Lex is a shite troll who probably still hasn't recovered from that absolute rinsing he got on his own thread about the Royals [emoji23]
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20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Any reason you didn't post the part that he was cleared of all allegations and the demotion reversed in full ???

He admitted misconduct and it got swept under the carpet. He Alex Salmond'd it. Beast. 

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