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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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The response from the ‘Western democracies’ is like the incapable guardian warning the recalcitrant child not to do something for the twentieth time.

”I mean it this time Vladimir, if you do not stop you’ll be in trouble”.

It’s fucking depressing.


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Russian troops are in Chernobyl according to the interior minister. That's only 130km from Kyiv. Shit is going to get real very quickly, that is unless they all die of cancer before making it out of Chernobyl.

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4 minutes ago, Fratelli said:

Brutal stuff

Horrible, that's war for you. Just need to hope that Ukraine won't really try to fight back, for humanity's sake. If they don't surrender within a couple of days there's going to be thousands of deaths.

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29 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Did Private Eye not postulate a few years back that Putin had personally accrued, with the help of his oligarch paymasters, something like $40bn and most of it stashed in Suisse ?

This book is a really good read in to Russian money and the way its moved abroad and laundered.



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Russia already regards all of Turkestan as the "near abroad" and within their sphere of influence.
With the possible exception of Kyrgyzstan, it is mostly run by corrupt former Communist leaders who were brought up on the Soviet way of doing things.
Russia also regards Ukraine as the "near abroad" and wants to stop Ukraine being otherwise.
Many in the Uzbek cabinet were educated in Europe and the US. Mirziyoyev is far less Russia-aligned than his predecessor.
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How many times? His name is Johnson. "Boris" is a character created for popular consumption, reminiscent of Waldo in Black Mirror. He doesn't even use the name himself in his private life, only when he's performing.
Rarely do we hear other leaders referred to as Ed, Keir, Caroline, Olaf, Joe, etc., so why the familiar style for this horrible, narcissistic, sociopathic cúnt?
PTTGOMN? absolutely.

We hear "Nicola" a hell of a lot though.
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9 hours ago, CaspianChris said:

Putin threatening a nuclear retaliation on countries that get involved to help the Ukrainians.

I would normally say surely he would not knowing the consequences but given the insanity Putin has been showing I would not put it past him to do so.

He's acting like his GP has just given him 3 months to live and he's thinking, 'f**k it, I'll just take everyone else with me.'


ETA: Had this sitting ready to send once I'd reached the end of the thread.  Now I'm a wee bit late with my theory.

Edited by The DA
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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

Not sure you should joke about that.  Years ago some French guy did just that and it didn't end well.  Then some German (maybe Austrian?) guy did the same and came unstuck as well.

Just thought I should warn you.

No-one ever seems to learn from Afghanistan's home record - why should Russia be any different?

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Wonder if Putin will be happy with the installation of a puppet regime in Kiev, ala Belarus.
I suspect not, and that he might go the full hog of declaring that Ukraine no longer exists as a sovereign state and its territory is now part of Russia. Like Crimea is.

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6 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Suggest to me that the Ukrainian army aren’t interested in fighting back tbh.

They have been totally over run I think, they would have gone East to defend against Russian incursion there whilst the Russians basically fly over the top and set up a base in the North West of the country.

That said if I was the army I'm not sure id fancy my chances in a war alone against Russia. It's a death sentence without foreign help.

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