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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:

Saying The Moon is Made of Cheese is also an interesting point of view, not least because cheese is tremendous. 

Wallace getting a bit Salmond-y with Gromit on the Japanese version. He better hope they didn’t have CCTV inside the rocket. 




Edited by carpetmonster
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That missile is fucking terrifying
You wonder why they would deploy a presumably expensive missile like that other than posturing at the West, however, for me Jeff, all missiles are terrifying and I want f**k all to do with any of them.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Fife Saint said:
That missile is fucking terrifying

You wonder why they would deploy a presumably expensive missile like that other than posturing at the West, however, for me Jeff, all missiles are terrifying and I want f**k all to do with any of them.

Proof of concept, maybe? They believe Western air defences cannot detect them, and they are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

If NATO forces' surveillance systems indeed didn't detect it, it will do plenty to make sure they continue to avoid getting directly involved.

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It depends who you ask.
Looking at the small pockets in the west of the Russian map, it looks like they're claiming anywhere they've landed a missile.

The red is territories they’ve passed through, not full control. Think US and Vietnam.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

You wonder why they would deploy a presumably expensive missile like that other than posturing at the West, however, for me Jeff, all missiles are terrifying and I want f**k all to do with any of them.

  • tries to stay away from rockets
  • name regularly pops up on the Covid thread


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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Proof of concept, maybe? They believe Western air defences cannot detect them, and they are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

If NATO forces' surveillance systems indeed didn't detect it, it will do plenty to make sure they continue to avoid getting directly involved.

In the short term, the Russians benefit from showing off their fancy new weapons, and making NATO think twice about lolloping into a no fly zone declaration that would be unenforceable without crazy escalation. 

In the long term, Russia's interests are not served one bit by a technological arms race. Their economy is too small to compete on research, development and maintaining a top-rate military threat. The US and China will develop a new generation of missile defence systems and Russia will be a second-rate power. 

59 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

The red is territories they’ve passed through, not full control. Think US and Vietnam.

The red areas might not be under comprehensive Russian state control with all the services that implies but the Vietnam analogy is likely incorrect. The terrain is not conducive for hit and run guerrilla fighting and if you're an opponent of Putin's regime, it is bad news for you every day in those occupied zones. 

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

You wonder why they would deploy a presumably expensive missile like that other than posturing at the West, however, for me Jeff, all missiles are terrifying and I want f**k all to do with any of them.

Use it before peace breaks out maybe, no point having one and not giving it a go.

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1 hour ago, Nae Union said:

I now know how to say "What the f**k was that?" in Ukrainian. You don't get that sort of inflection and feeling with duolingo. 

It almost sounds like he breaks into a bit of Scottish when the boom goes off.

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Proof of concept, maybe? They believe Western air defences cannot detect them, and they are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

If NATO forces' surveillance systems indeed didn't detect it, it will do plenty to make sure they continue to avoid getting directly involved.

All those NATO surveillance planes along the border have been hoping for just this moment and you can be sure they've got a load of data out of it. 

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