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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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2 hours ago, Raithie said:

* Denies that he went bankrupt solely to prevent paying Denise. Says he got a £42,000 tax bill that he coudn't pay and the advice was to declare himself bankrupt. Was given advice by his laywer to sell his house of which he got £170,000 (I think that was the figure) and that this went to paying his legal fees. Did not receive any legal aid.

Far be it from me to stick up for HMRC, but presumably the tax bill wasn’t just made up from nowhere and was in fact because he owed them 42 grand in taxes from earlier on.

c**t was an EPL footballer - if he’s too thick to have managed to keep any of that money then so be it. 

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25 minutes ago, AuAl said:

From seeing the online reaction to the interview there seems to be a notable crossover between those who support Goodwillie and those pathetic loser types that worship at the feet of the professional wankstain Andrew Tate.

Imagine knowing that's the type of folk in your corner. 

That’s just a silly generalisation 

I think it’s a very sensitive subject and that there’s a big grey area there where Goodwillie will be in the wrong - to what degree I’m not sure. Sounds like he was a bit of a wee arsehole when he was younger with the fighting etc but that is not unique to him or has any relevance to this. Even saying this will likely mean I take abuse which is just how the world works now

He can say what he wants. Social media and forums have made their minds up about it and dug their trenches in on either side so this whole interview is pointless. 

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3 hours ago, Michael W said:

I'll preface this by admitting I have zero interest in listening to James English giving Goodwillie the opportunity for a good old woe is me session, but what on earth is Goodwillie trying to achieve here? 

He goes on and on about the impact on family, yet keeps trying to get a club and puts them through all this stuff yet again whenever there's a club daft enough to take him. He's incapable of showing any remorse or decency towards his victim, that he know already, but he also can't show the decency or respect to his family to cease doing the thing that leads to him being in the media, which he then claims is upsetting them. He's a narcissistic piece of shit. 

It can't be a money thing either, given he's now stumbling about various pub leagues looking for a club. And he got a fucking massive payoff after our horrific error in signing him. 

Just give up FFS. 

Thing that gets me is that if he'd just apologised for his undeniably bad behaviour without admitting he'd broken the law, after the authorities dropped the criminal prosecution, then disappeared abroad to carry on his football career it's quite possible the victim would not have pursued a civil case. Having to continually read about his and his pals denials while he hawked himself to UK and especially Scottish clubs meant she was constantly reminded of it, and for her own reputation she had to prove it in court. He was too chicken to start again in another country until it was too late, he's not only a rapist but a cowardly one too, I have zero sympathy.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Thing that gets me is that if he'd just apologised for his undeniably bad behaviour without admitting he'd broken the law, after the authorities dropped the criminal prosecution, then disappeared abroad to carry on his football career it's quite possible the victim would not have pursued a civil case. Having to continually read about his and his pals denials while he hawked himself to UK and especially Scottish clubs meant she was constantly reminded of it, and for her own reputation she had to prove it in court. He was too chicken to start again in another country until it was too late, he's not only a rapist but a cowardly one too, I have zero sympathy.

I think you're right. Had he shown remorse and sought to make amends in whatever way... Even actually paying what he was fined would be a start, then I'm sure he would have been left to pursue a career in football at some level, whatever that may have been. 

What is following him around is his own complete lack of remorse and victim mentality. Being a rapist is bad enough, but to spend subsequent years painting yourself as an equal victim of what was really just one big misunderstanding is beyond any sort of forgiveness. He deserves hounded wherever he goes. 

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29 minutes ago, ArabFC said:

Boy was raking in £20k a week at Blackburn on a 4 year deal and is now crying about not being able to play part-time. Guess he pissed all that cash away.

£25k a week.

I spoke to Kenza during their times in England and was told they'd all met up (Conway etc) and by the end of the night Goodwillie had his top off and had stole a lassies lipstick and adorned "£25,000 a week" on his own chest.

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2 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

£25k a week.

I spoke to Kenza during their times in England and was told they'd all met up (Conway etc) and by the end of the night Goodwillie had his top off and had stole a lassies lipstick and adorned "£25,000 a week" on his own chest.

Lovely shy lad obviously. 

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28 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

That’s just a silly generalisation 

I think it’s a very sensitive subject and that there’s a big grey area there where Goodwillie will be in the wrong - to what degree I’m not sure. Sounds like he was a bit of a wee arsehole when he was younger with the fighting etc but that is not unique to him or has any relevance to this. Even saying this will likely mean I take abuse which is just how the world works now

He can say what he wants. Social media and forums have made their minds up about it and dug their trenches in on either side so this whole interview is pointless. 

It's really not sensitive at all. You're in one of two camps in regards to the Goodwillie case if you've read the transcript: A. You read the information presented and can clearly see he's raped the girl or B. You're a complete fucking moron who enjoys defending rapists. 

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22 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

£25k a week.

I spoke to Kenza during their times in England and was told they'd all met up (Conway etc) and by the end of the night Goodwillie had his top off and had stole a lassies lipstick and adorned "£25,000 a week" on his own chest.

Funnily enough he was asked on the podcast what he was making at Blackburn. He chuckled and said he didn't want to say. 

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7 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

It's really not sensitive at all. You're in one of two camps in regards to the Goodwillie case if you've read the transcript: A. You read the information presented and can clearly see he's raped the girl or B. You're a complete fucking moron who enjoys defending rapists. 

You also can't disregard his assault charges as irrelevant. It indicates a clear pattern. 

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8 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

It's really not sensitive at all. You're in one of two camps in regards to the Goodwillie case if you've read the transcript: A. You read the information presented and can clearly see he's raped the girl or B. You're a complete fucking moron who enjoys defending rapists. 

Yeah this just kinds of proves that point - I think he was in the wrong - whether he is burned at the stake in the wrong I don’t know though and at the end of the day unless you were a fly on the wall in that house nobody will ever know 

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2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Yeah this just kinds of proves that point - I think he was in the wrong - whether he is burned at the stake in the wrong I don’t know though and at the end of the day unless you were a fly on the wall in that house nobody will ever know 

Well we do know what happened. Goodwillie hasn't denied having sex with her and if you look above at the Law posts you can tell he's raped her. Unless of course she beat Biology and sobered up by the time they got to the house. 

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2 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Well we do know what happened. Goodwillie hasn't denied having sex with her and if you look above at the Law posts you can tell he's raped her. Unless of course she beat Biology and sobered up by the time they got to the house. 

No you do not. It’s one persons drunken recollection of something against the other person’s drunken recollection of something. You were not there


1 minute ago, Highlandmagar said:

Goodwillie is a serial offender. Hardly a laddie having a fight!

3 fights no? One of them was for attacking a guy that had knocked out his team mate. You not think young football players (who are more than likely arseholes themselves) would attract all kinds of the wrong attention. Used to see fights happening every single weekend


But again it doesn’t matter. People react like 19QOS19 and that’s just what happens now, he’s a monster who deserves relentless abuse for the rest of his life and there is nothing else to it 

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40 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I think you're right. Had he shown remorse and sought to make amends in whatever way... Even actually paying what he was fined would be a start, then I'm sure he would have been left to pursue a career in football at some level, whatever that may have been. 

What is following him around is his own complete lack of remorse and victim mentality. Being a rapist is bad enough, but to spend subsequent years painting yourself as an equal victim of what was really just one big misunderstanding is beyond any sort of forgiveness. He deserves hounded wherever he goes. 

You raise a good point here - had Goodwillie paid the victim the £100k he was ordered by the judge to pay, it would have been seen by many as him taking a measure of responsibility for what he did and also showing a modicum of remorse, which has very much not been the case.
It's hypothetical of course, but I think it's possible that should that have happened, then he would have been able to continue playing the game - perhaps not at Championship level or above and I certainly would never want him at my club but I think feelings would perhaps not be as strong as they currently are on this case.

That's all hypothetical as I say, but it certainly seems like avoiding paying the compensation has been a massive mistake. (Not that the p***k would even admit that)

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3 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

No you do not. It’s one persons drunken recollection of something against the other person’s drunken recollection of something. You were not there


3 fights no? One of them was for attacking a guy that had knocked out his team mate. You not think young football players (who are more than likely arseholes themselves) would attract all kinds of the wrong attention. Used to see fights happening every single weekend


But again it doesn’t matter. People react like 19QOS19 and that’s just what happens now, he’s a monster who deserves relentless abuse for the rest of his life and there is nothing else to it 

So because you saw fights every weekend it’s okay to act that way? Regardless of who started what and when he had been charged for assault three times prior to raping someone. It’s not ‘boys will be boys’ as desperate as you seem to make it that way. 

This is everything that is wrong with people’s perception of him. He couldn’t have possibly raped someone because he is a young lad out just having fun. 

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1 minute ago, 1320Lichtie said:

No you do not. It’s one persons drunken recollection of something against the other person’s drunken recollection of something. You were not there


But again it doesn’t matter. People react like 19QOS19 and that’s just what happens now, he’s a monster who deserves relentless abuse for the rest of his life and there is nothing else to it 

Lol wot? Goodwillie has never denied having sex with her. I didn't need to be there. There were plenty of witnesses who said the lassie was completely intoxicated therefore she was in no fit state to give consent. Again, Goodwillie has never claimed not to have had sex with her therefore he's raped her. 

People "react like 19QOS19" when they read the evidence presented to them and have the capacity to see the judge got it spot on. I'm not advocating he receives abuse for the rest of his life (in fact I don't think anyone on her has even suggested such a thing) but there's no way he should be allowed his privileged job back. The same way I'd be calling for a TV presenter/Politician/Film star to never work in their privileged role ever again. 



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Just now, 19QOS19 said:

Lol wot? Goodwillie has never denied having sex with her. I didn't need to be there. There were plenty of witnesses who said the lassie was completely intoxicated therefore she was in no fit state to give consent. Again, Goodwillie has never claimed not to have had sex with her therefore he's raped her. 

People "react like 19QOS19" when they read the evidence presented to them and have the capacity to see the judge got it spot on. I'm not advocating he receives abuse for the rest of his life (in fact I don't think anyone on her has even suggested such a thing) but there's no way he should be allowed his privileged job back. The same way I'd be calling for a TV presenter/Politician/Film star to never work in their privileged role ever again. 



What does that even mean, what does completely intoxicated mean? You can be completely intoxicated and know what you are doing at the time though yes? Then you wake up the next day trying to piece everything together forgetting many things completely unless or until you are reminded of them 

You can believe what you want but you can’t sit and try and say everyone who doesn’t think as strongly as you do is some kind of rapist apologist 

I’ve even said I think he’s definitely in the wrong but I’m not sure to what extent and you’ve reacted that way 


Also don’t think this is even about a privileged job anymore, nobody wants the guy to be allowed to sign for Glasgow United - whoever they even are?!

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