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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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3 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

IIRC Broadwood was under an arms length trust whose tenure conveniently came to an end around that time.

I recall Clyde fans posting that NLC were at odds with the club over a number of years for reasons I couldn't find out.

This came at the perfect time for NLC to finally get shot of their tenants.

That sounds about right, actually. I seem to remember their time was near it's end, now that you mention it. Could also be the case that NLC also saw that as the last straw that made their list of issues with Clyde too big to continue working with, so just kicked them out.

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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

Football is entirely relevant here tbh. No one cares if he gets a job in Tesco. He just shouldn't be allowed back into the sport. 

A fair point, perhaps I could have explained myself better - a few ciders didn't help.  Things seemed at times to be verging on whataboutery which gave me the seethe.

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8 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

There was a massive shift in perception between him signing for Clyde and then Raith, hence the mainstream media outrage. 

The more insidious thing in this is the sheer chutzpah of DG and his agent in arranging a deal to leave Clyde days after being discharged from bankruptcy. Denise Clair made a decision to pursue the two to a legal judgement, despite being offered as much as £115,000 to settle, AND being warned they would just declare bankruptcy to avoid paying her. To her is was a matter of getting a  legal judgement, because the Crown Prosecutors Office had robbed her of her chance to see them held criminally liable.

While a lot of news stories glossed over this detail, and while the awareness created via Me Too certainly played a major role, the agreement to sign DG just days after he was no longer liable to pay his victim any of those proceeds certainly made a lot of people even more outraged.

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46 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

Are far as I am aware offenders are allowed to use gyms etc as part of their rehabilitation.

The first step in any rehabilitation program is always admitting that you have a problem.

47 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

Should be an equal call for everyone and not just a political act 

First they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out, because why the f**k would I defend an unrepentant rapist?

19 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I don’t have an issue with Goodwillie using a gym, that isn’t remotely what this is about. 

You'd like to think people would be able to represent the situation properly, especially after already having been corrected. Makes you wonder what the f**k they have to gain from doing so.

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39 minutes ago, Thumper said:

The first step in any rehabilitation program is always admitting that you have a problem.

First they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out, because why the f**k would I defend an unrepentant rapist?

You'd like to think people would be able to represent the situation properly, especially after already having been corrected. Makes you wonder what the f**k they have to gain from doing so.

If Goodwillie feels he did nothing wrong then why would he be admitting anything. Slight difference between a criminal and civil conviction. If he’s going to be ostracised from life then I’d expect the criminal threshold to be reached.

The council allow convicted murders and paedos to use their facilities so strange how this person is singled out. Happy enough if they ban them all but GCC should be even handed in punishing people 



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Some people feel that they have done nothing wrong when they obviously have. The civil court verdict should have alerted him to the fact that anyone with two brain cells to rub together will always believe that he did something very wrong. It ain’t going away, ever.

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On why wasn’t there outrage at him signing for Clyde there’s quite a lot of factors.

1. There was but it wasn’t picked up upon as much due to them being a league 2 PT side and they were constantly criticized as they relied on his performances as a footballer to move get results 

2. there’s been a shift in society attitudes,  I’ll put myself amongst that, obviously rape was always wrong and I was aware of the accusations and to a lesser extent the civil court decision, but until you really read the details of the case which I didn’t do at the time the evidence of the crime isn’t all that clear and we ended in public debate talking about he he said she said stuff which creates doubt and given he has much more media profile to put his point across I can understand why people were drawn in by him.    Raith rovers fans and sponsors did a fantastic job at highlighting the key evidence about his actions that night and completely removed the doubt once the other witnesses accounts were clearly laid out about the victim’s condition.

3. There was a sense that by being punted by Plymouth and completely ignored by everyone that would offer him a better wage than league 2 diddy he had at least taken some punishment given the massive drop in wages.  I believe this was also before he declared himself bankrupt as well so it was more acceptable given it looked like he was willing to accept the court’s judgment

13 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

If Goodwillie feels he did nothing wrong then why would he be admitting anything.  



And that’s exactly the problem,  he thinks that going after a paralytic women who was in no position to provide consent is ok.


Edited by parsforlife
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16 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

If Goodwillie feels he did nothing wrong then why would he be admitting anything. Slight difference between a criminal and civil conviction. If he’s going to be ostracised from life then I’d expect the criminal threshold to be reached.

If he had been found guilty in a criminal court then he'd be in fucking jail and this would be moot. If you're ordering people not to have bad thoughts about him, might I suggest he gets a job teaching your kids PE?

16 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

The council allow convicted murders and paedos to use their facilities so strange how this person is singled out.

Really fucking weird that apples and oranges don't taste anything like each other! They're both round!!!

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20 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

The council allow convicted murders and paedos to use their facilities so strange how this person is singled out. Happy enough if they ban them all but GCC should be even handed in punishing people 



They aren’t actually banning him from their facilities. They’re telling Glasgow United that if they sign him, the council will review their tenancy in their facilities. Which is obviously a different thing

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1 hour ago, ClydeTon said:

That's true as well, but looking at it from today's situation he isn't accepted, at all.

I did find it strange that NLC booted Clyde out of Broadwood when he re-signed, but not when he signed initially.

Why nobody really did anything (plenty was said, albeit not at the present level) until his signing for Raith is a question I don't have the answer to.

The shitstorm that happened when he signed for Raith and the current stuff regarding Glasgow Utd should have happened when he first joined Clyde and should have kept going until he was inevitably shoved out the door.

Yes it probably should have happened when he first signed for Clyde. 

That it didn't was a failing, a reflection of society at the time and not justification for allowing things to continue as they were. 

Attitudes in society, thankfully, change. What was acceptable becomes through education and understanding, unacceptable. 

It's why we don't hear monkey chants at the football any more. Why we will never, thankfully, see bananas thrown at black players again. 

If you applied the logic of saying there was no outrage initially re Goodwillie so there shouldn't be now, to cases of historic sex abuse then a number of wicked, dangerous people would still have their liberty. 

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I know I shouldn't have bit, but engaging with some on social media re Goodwillie can be a profoundly depressing experience. 

Anyway, seems I should tread carefully at Tannadice this season 🙂


Edited by John MacLean
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4 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

I know I shouldn't have bit, but engaging with some on social media re Goodwillie can be a profoundly depressing experience. 

Anyway, seems I should tread carefully at Tannadice this season 🙂


This lad sounds like he knows all about convictions.

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28 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

They aren’t actually banning him from their facilities. They’re telling Glasgow United that if they sign him, the council will review their tenancy in their facilities. Which is obviously a different thing

He's been told this twice. Still sticking with the line of an innocent man being witch-hunted due to Politics.

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9 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

I know I shouldn't have bit, but engaging with some on social media re Goodwillie can be a profoundly depressing experience. 

Anyway, seems I should tread carefully at Tannadice this season 🙂


90% of that type on Twitter seem to be either Dundee United or Rangers fans - tragic stuff. 

I’ve even seen one Dundee Utd fan saying they would be using the OAP/child gate at Starks this season because of it!

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54 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

If Goodwillie feels he did nothing wrong then why would he be admitting anything. Slight difference between a criminal and civil conviction. If he’s going to be ostracised from life then I’d expect the criminal threshold to be reached.

The only reason it was thrown out of the criminal system was a lack of evidence in law.

The victim felt this was the wrong decision and decided to sue him, therefore dragging it into the Civil courts instead. He was still found guilty of rape.

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People need to realise that the conviction rate for rape cases is ridiculously low as it is so hard to prove. You can prove that a sexual act took place but when it comes down to consent then it’s a bit of a grey area. Ultimately that shouldn’t have mattered in this case as the girl was so steaming she couldn’t have consented to anything therefore she was raped. 

People defending Goodwillie after knowing all that need their hard drives checked. 

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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

What club?

A few years ago Dundee United invited him to an official celebration of an old cup win.

Reports suggested he was announced like a hero, an act the club didnt object to, and United fans in attendance gave him a standing round of applause and chanted his name.


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