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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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11 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

Also see that when the talk of Raith comes up, that he can’t wait to put the boot in to Val and Sturgeon and the SNP councillor. 

Maybe just maybe he actually has a serious issue with women?

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The only clip of that podcast I’ve seen was of that guy admitting he used to sniff his pals bed sheets. Think that was enough to make me realise it wasn’t worth watching. 

I don’t get why people try and defend the rapist. Is it for attention? The girl was steaming that night and neither Goodwillie or Robertson were so any consent that was supposedly given wasn’t worth anything to begin with. David Robertson committed a crime as well and it sickens me a wee bit that we employed him albeit I don’t think anything had come out about it back then but he’s at least decided to f**k off into the shadows whereas Goodwillie has tried to keep his career going. No one would bother with him if he fucked off as well. 

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5 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

The only clip of that podcast I’ve seen was of that guy admitting he used to sniff his pals bed sheets. Think that was enough to make me realise it wasn’t worth watching. 

I don’t get why people try and defend the rapist. Is it for attention? The girl was steaming that night and neither Goodwillie or Robertson were so any consent that was supposedly given wasn’t worth anything to begin with. David Robertson committed a crime as well and it sickens me a wee bit that we employed him albeit I don’t think anything had come out about it back then but he’s at least decided to f**k off into the shadows whereas Goodwillie has tried to keep his career going. No one would bother with him if he fucked off as well. 

The p***k might not be fucking off anytime soon from football based on this article https://www.footballscotland.co.uk/spfl/david-goodwillie-deserves-chance-insist-27356933

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3 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

If he hadn't signed for Raith, would he still be playing for Clyde now?

In all likelihood, yes. But he put himself into a position where he would be questioned over why he should have an opportunity to play. And now he's completely fucked this footballing career and only has himself to blame.

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4 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

I don't know who that English guy is but who the hell would want to listen to such a Podcast? A Court where both sides had a chance to submit evidence/disprove showed him to be guilty. Why on earth would you want to then listen to a one sided podcast from the rapist's perspective? Sometimes humans really do baffle me. 


ETA - When I say "you" that wasn't directed at yourself. 

To play to your “audience” and enhance your appeal/increase your revenues by artificially boosting your listener base. There is almost always a group of advertisers that will buy for the demo, regardless of the content…until they are called on it.

I checked his “reach”, 491k subscribers, and his views per “show” run in the 20-40k range until he hits a goldmine like DG or Tate. Then it’s in the 100’s of thousands. Given YouTube ads net about $6 per 1,000 views on average, or $600 per 100,000 views, those hits that double or triple his views are huge potential revenue makers (Now, the catch is, of course, that to count as a view, the ad has to either be watched through or watched for 30 seconds+).

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

That particular search would bring up an astounding number of podcasts. 

Tried it. It also brings up;



Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Reagan

Renee and Renato

Milli Vanilli

Geoff Bezos and his one friend

Cannon & Ball

Jim Bowen & Bully


Plus many, many, many others .....





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6 minutes ago, VanBasten said:

You’re trying too hard.

I’m not trying anything and the fact that that’s the best response you can muster up shows that you don’t really have any clue what you’re on about. 

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Fascinating to watch people at the bottom end of the grift. 

It's quite clear what people like James English and Andrew Tate get out of the controversy creates cash playbook, but the pub/facebook ranter types like our two pals here in this thread actually gain nothing. Sure, there's the toddler stage "any attention is good attention" thing, but beyond that it baffles me.


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13 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

Fascinating to watch people at the bottom end of the grift. 

It's quite clear what people like James English and Andrew Tate get out of the controversy creates cash playbook, but the pub/facebook ranter types like our two pals here in this thread actually gain nothing. Sure, there's the toddler stage "any attention is good attention" thing, but beyond that it baffles me.


It's just misogyny. That whole "OnLy A mAn CaN cOmMiT rApE" speil is top tier misogynist misinformation. 

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12 hours ago, Smokerson said:

Really don’t see the point in getting all annoyed and upset because he’s playing in the 9th tier of Scottish football. The same people I guarantee weren’t wetting their knickers for all the time he played with Clyde. 
Wouldn’t have him near my club but time to let him get on with it. They’ll be all sorts of players with criminal backgrounds at that level. 

It's the kind of level that he should have been playing at all along if he was fortunate enough to be allowed back into the game.  

It says a lot about our society that he was allowed back in the first place though. 

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I'll preface this by admitting I have zero interest in listening to James English giving Goodwillie the opportunity for a good old woe is me session, but what on earth is Goodwillie trying to achieve here? 

He goes on and on about the impact on family, yet keeps trying to get a club and puts them through all this stuff yet again whenever there's a club daft enough to take him. He's incapable of showing any remorse or decency towards his victim, that he know already, but he also can't show the decency or respect to his family to cease doing the thing that leads to him being in the media, which he then claims is upsetting them. He's a narcissistic piece of shit. 

It can't be a money thing either, given he's now stumbling about various pub leagues looking for a club. And he got a fucking massive payoff after our horrific error in signing him. 

Just give up FFS. 

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