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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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I think attitudes changed about as drastically as they can in a 5 year period between 2017 and 2022, so at a stretch I could understand the difference in reactions between signing for Clyde and signing for Raith.

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10 hours ago, McGuigan1978 said:

Aye, the podcast isn't in my list of things I want to catch up on, so I won't be giving it a watch, but just one thing I wanted to touch on, as I feel it's generally latched onto on by people sticking up for him, and was alluded to earlier in the thread. 

It's the whole matter of Val McDermid's opinion, and after that, the fact Nicola Sturgeon was asked for her thoughts. 

I'm not trying to downplay their involvement, and of course, if the First Minister has an opinion, then it's very much at the forefront of the news cycle.

However, I don't think David Goodwillie's transfer to Raith Rovers was annulled by a main sponsor and a couple of other high profile people who were asked their opinion. 

It was thankfully brought to an end by dozens of volunteers who contacted the club to tell them they wouldn't be able to help out anymore because they were disgusted by the actions of the club, and by hundreds of fans who simply didn't show up for the first two games immediately after the signing. 

Val McDermid and Nicola Sturgeon's opinions are all very good, but if you don't have anyone to run the website, or Raith TV, and have no ball boys, and no-one to produce the programme, or man the turnstiles, and approximately a third of your home support disappear for the next two games after the signing is announced, then that forces the club to act, and I'm glad they eventually did.

Raith Rovers rid themselves of Goodwillie because of a groundswell of their support, and that's a great thing, so lets not play it down. if "James English" was much of an interviewer, he'd be asking him about that, but I sense that's not the case. 


Aye, there's been some rewriting of history from those outside the club to portray it as one person, Val McDermid, taking a strop and pulling the strings like some Machiavellian villain. Its easy to forget how absolutely farcical that week was at the club. Even in the initial moments after the signing was made, you had people on the and social media already committing to not going back until he was gone. 

I'd argue that it's comfortably one of the most successful fan actions taken in Scottish football. Its exceptionally easy for people to put things to one side and ignore what has happened. The signing gets used by opposition fans to slaughter the club to this day, but the reality is that you had ordinary supporters who stepped up and forced change.

With Rovers, we got fortunate that he was injured when he signed because they didn't get a chance to 'normalise' him as one of our players on the pitch. While it's a horrendous situation, it's at least set a standard now where you'd hope clubs will be put under a bit more of a spotlight. It's just brutal that Denise Claire and other victims will continue to have to watch this circus roll on. 

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18 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

It is utterly baffling when clubs are still lining up to sign him - only for them to, entirely predictably, rip up the deal hours later.

You have to question what is going on in these folks minds and why they would want to drag their clubs name through the mud by signing the rapist c***.

EDIT - FWIW I'm specifically talking about clubs lining up to sign him since the exteremly high profile Rovers debacle.

Shettleston/Glasgow have virtually no supporters. Their owner heavily funded them and they were in the top junior division without noticeable increase in support. The funding has reduced and they've been relegated a few times now. It looks like a gamble. I doubt Goodwllie would get paid much but he has a point to prove IE he will play again. Shettleston could get a couple of seasons out of him with promotions for very little loss. The owner is not the kind of guy that'll be intimidated by public opinion.

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If I remember correctly the Goodwillie signing was exactly what Raith needed in terms of player, they were in the title race and just seemed a striker short. Fair play to those that stepped up, it seemed like every hour there was another important volunteer going "f**k that". 


I've not listened to the podcast but seen that Goodwillie has referred to McGlynn as a father figure? Odious man. 

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10 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

It is utterly baffling when clubs are still lining up to sign him - only for them to, entirely predictably, rip up the deal hours later.

You have to question what is going on in these folks minds and why they would want to drag their clubs name through the mud by signing the rapist c***.

Because most things go away eventually, a club will get a kicking for a few days, the "woke" "snowflake" "rentamob" crowd will get bored and move on, Other teams fans will abuse him but he'll be used to it and he'll score goals. Much like what happened at Clyde. I am sure Raith thought, he got his penance when he signed for them so there won't be much when he signs for us. What we do get will blow over.  

There was a Plymouth player that was jailed for killing someone, re-joined Plymouth a year after being released, There are countless players that have been convicted of sex/racist/violent crimes that should prevent them from playing football who just ride out the storm if a club will let them. 

The Goodwillie situation has been totally different since leaving Clyde, He was a highly unlikeable individual beforehand. The arrogance he has shown and the lack of remorse hasn't helped him and the clubs he has signed for have suffered such a massive backlash from supporters, sponsors and authorities. He hasn't been able to ride out the storm anywhere. What is most annoying is, there are clubs who clearly think he is a misunderstood victim and needs a chance. In an Incel, Andrew Tait, Lawrence Fox, menamist type way.  

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One of the 'defences' of Goodwillie I keep reading is that there wasn't as big a fuss when he signed for and subsequently played for Clyde. 

I can only speak for myself here, but perhaps my own experience is to a degree reflective of others. 

I can scarcely remember when the incident when it happened, and I didn't pay much attention to the story at the timenas it unfolded

I was aware of some disquiet when he signed for Clyde and I remember him playing against Thistle but I was largely ignorant of the civil case, just how rigours it was and how utterly, utterly damning it was. 

The above really only came to my attention when he signed for Raith and I took time to read the civil judgement and was able to adopt an informed position. 

It was my failing that I wasn't better informed previously and not an indication that Goodwillie has in any way shape or form been remotely harshly treated since he left Clyde. 

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Footballer is probably the only job where bad yins can be taken on, particularly if they can score a goal. Goodwillie wouldn't have been taken on to work in the offices at Starks where fellow staff would have been extremely uncomfortable, but they felt it was ok to sign him for the first team.

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1 minute ago, John MacLean said:

One of the 'defences' of Goodwillie I keep reading is that there wasn't as big a fuss when he signed for and subsequently played for Clyde. 

I think the problem with folk using that defence is that it's an absolutely crap defence that in reality means completely f**k all.

"I didn't happen to hear anyone have a problem before, so why is it a problem now?". It's just absolute idiot talk. It's not a good defence for anything and it only serves to actually ignore the details of the case at hand.

Goodwillie just got very, very lucky that the reaction when he signed for Clyde wasn't what it should have been. 

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On 20/07/2023 at 10:21, RH33 said:

Does he not have convictions for assault or GBH as well?

Aye just the 3 separate times a totally honest man much like English who spat in a women’s face in a McDonald’s. 

A farce of a podcast and English clearly hasn’t read the court ruling and as stated before he might as well have not been there after his first question. 


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46 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

"I personally didn't hear anyone raising the issue at the time" is the weakest argument I've heard in this whole fiasco TBH.

Ignorance isn't a defence.

The morons that say "Where was the outcry when he signed for Clyde?..." usually follow that it with something along the lines of "This is all Sturgeon and the SNP's fault".  We all know the type sadly.

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Why have so many of you listened to that podcast and given the rapist and that scum English the attention and views (which translates in to cash for the latter) they want?

Nothing Goodwillie says can change the facts, so what were you expecting? Furthermore, you should know exactly what type of show this English moron has going by who he's had on it and his own history.

Some were even expressing surprise that English didn't challenge Goodwillie on things he said. Come on, you can't be that thick?

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11 minutes ago, ClydeTon said:

This Glasgow Utd mob - signed a Rapist and said "give him a chance, we all make mistakes"

I've touched on this before but to me this is like the BBC saying, "Okay, Rolf, now that you're out of prison we'd like to talk to you about a new Saturday night series." Can you imagine the uproar if that had happened?

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2 minutes ago, GordonD said:

I've touched on this before but to me this is like the BBC saying, "Okay, Rolf, now that you're out of prison we'd like to talk to you about a new Saturday night series." Can you imagine the uproar if that had happened?

They usually tend to come out of the BBC, rather than go in.

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14 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Why have so many of you listened to that podcast and given the rapist and that scum English the attention and views (which translates in to cash for the latter) they want?

Nothing Goodwillie says can change the facts, so what were you expecting? Furthermore, you should know exactly what type of show this English moron has going by who he's had on it and his own history.

Some were even expressing surprise that English didn't challenge Goodwillie on things he said. Come on, you can't be that thick?

It sums things up to a tee that people are claiming this is "his chance to get his side across". The guy has been interviewed multiple times by the police and the courts to give "his side". Yet people somehow think a two bit podcast where he can spout off is an equal to it.


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8 hours ago, Rob1885 said:

I think attitudes changed about as drastically as they can in a 5 year period between 2017 and 2022, so at a stretch I could understand the difference in reactions between signing for Clyde and signing for Raith.

Clyde should never have signed him and deserved every pelter they got. I always feel that how the world changed between 2017 and 2022 is often overlooked with the different reactions from outside football.

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2 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

What is it with Glasgow clubs and being the weirdest parts of Scottish Football...

Old Firm - Self Explanatory

Partick - C**ts (don't really have anything else on them, tbth)

QP - Among some of the biggest clubs, in terms of history, in Scottish Football, yet hardly any supporters. Guess L1/L2 does that to a club.

Clyde - Signed- wait, nevermind, this was about Glasgow clubs.

This Glasgow Utd mob - signed a Rapist and said "give him a chance, we all make mistakes"

Just a reflection of the city?


Partick fans raging, great success.

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