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Cost of Living Crisis


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9 hours ago, red23 said:

It gets brought up on every post by folk with nothing better to do, it was twisted in to something it utterly wasn't by people not taking it with a pinch of salt. That isn't my problem tbh.

People who were employed throughout lockdown should have a fair bit of saving behind them. Nothing wrong with saying that.

How much is Rohypnol now?

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22 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

He had that someone told him 5 minutes before going on camera what the price of bread was look


A hovis seeded thing for £1?

Rishi has obviously been waiting for the yellow labels to get it for that price. Properly frugal. Truly a man of the people. 

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12 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

And those not in employment? Or in poverty? Or on the state pension? 

Those in working poverty (caused by low wages) will be helped by the already scheduled 6% rise in the living wage as well. In this case I don't really buy the unemployment argument - the jobs market (for now) is remarkably buoyant. If that changes then there should absolutely be a change in policy (and the UC reduction is standard callousness) but there just aren't hopelessly unemployed communities cruelly cut off by the state. We're not living under 1930s or 1980s conditions - yet. 

As for the state pension, it is by far the biggest chunk of government welfare spending in the UK and has been magically protected from any sniff of austerity since 2010 because old people are the Tories' core support. Working age people have been getting hammered by cuts to support as well as a loss of public services throughout the past 12 years. If there's a choice to be made - which every mainstream party believes that there is - then it's time that they took the hit for a change. Some expansion of the Winter Fuel Allowance would be desirable though. 

There are however groups that are absolutely being fucked by the lack of support - such as those on PIP. We should also be taxing wealth much, much more highly than we have done over the past 40 years but not one mainstream political party is seriously moving towards that policy.

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I think Labours plan of a windfall tax on energy companies makes sense and is morally responsible. 

As someone who is on low income that worked throughout the whole pandemic as a key worker it pisses me off that the government spunked so much money up the wall on dodgy covid contracts and even an unsecured furlough scheme and now your every day person is paying the price. I know people with well paying jobs that got full furlough with savings who worked second jobs or even those that didn't that were entirley comfortable throughout whilst receiving furlough. 

It's just mental to think of the track and trace billions that were spent and the private companies that profited and now the government has the brass neck to ask everyone else to carry the brunt of the burden. 

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27 minutes ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

It's just mental to think of the track and trace billions that were spent and the private companies that profited and now the government has the brass neck to ask everyone else to carry the brunt of the burden.

I saw someone refer to national debt as 2.5 Dido's which I thought was appropriate.

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Two thoughts on this:

What needs to happen in this country until Tory voters realise that we are being absolutely shafted by these c***s?

Secondly - the UK government could instantly end the hardship for people. The money is there. How can you commit to spending up to nearly £100 BILLION on a high speed railway but not have the money to significantly improve peoples lives?

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31 minutes ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

I think Labours plan of a windfall tax on energy companies makes sense and is morally responsible. 

As someone who is on low income that worked throughout the whole pandemic as a key worker it pisses me off that the government spunked so much money up the wall on dodgy covid contracts and even an unsecured furlough scheme and now your every day person is paying the price. I know people with well paying jobs that got full furlough with savings who worked second jobs or even those that didn't that were entirley comfortable throughout whilst receiving furlough. 

It's just mental to think of the track and trace billions that were spent and the private companies that profited and now the government has the brass neck to ask everyone else to carry the brunt of the burden. 

Yet you still want to remain part of the nation state In which the Tories will have been in power for 48 years (out of 78) since WWII, and are currently looking at at least another couple of years before the next scheduled election?

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3 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

Yet you still want to remain part of the nation state In which the Tories will have been in power for 48 years (out of 78) since WWII, and are currently looking at at least another couple of years before the next scheduled election?

Of course.

Your alternative is utterly frightening and I believe Scottish Independence at this time would lead to austerity in Scotland and would be even worse for the cost of living crisis. The uncertainty and erecting borders in the UK is something we definitely don't need during covid recovery times.

I can't imagine anyone seriously educated in economics making a positive case for Independence at this current moment in time. 

I'll happily vote Labour and hope the rest of the UK sees sense. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

As for the state pension, it is by far the biggest chunk of government welfare spending in the UK and has been magically protected from any sniff of austerity since 2010 because old people are the Tories' core support. Working age people have been getting hammered by cuts to support as well as a loss of public services throughout the past 12 years. If there's a choice to be made - which every mainstream party believes that there is - then it's time that they took the hit for a change. Some expansion of the Winter Fuel Allowance would be desirable though. 

There are however groups that are absolutely being fucked by the lack of support - such as those on PIP. We should also be taxing wealth much, much more highly than we have done over the past 40 years but not one mainstream political party is seriously moving towards that policy.

This in spades. I started in Welfare Rights in 2013, Basic station pension in that time has increased by £27.00 per week roughly. The basic rates of ESA, JSA etc have increased over the same period by about £2.50 per week. It therefore boils my piss to almost unnatural levels that anytime working age people in poverty are offered assistance, be it through meagre UC increases or Scottish Social Security assistance, any discussion online is absolutely mobbed by mewling pensioners complaining that they never get anything despite "paying in all my life", or "Why don't I get my Council Tax paid, despite having 2 private pensions and 30K in savings". f**k the f**k off. 

Working age folk in poverty have borne the brunt of Welfare "reform" over the last 10 years and under these Tory c***s, will undoubtedly continue to do so. 

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12 hours ago, red23 said:

Check the rage, your comment makes no sense what so ever. You must really have little to do in life if you can recall a post from months ago and then try turn it in to something it's not. What a pathetic fool.

In fairness, that the main thing I connect to your username is a post regarding using alcohol to make an easy target for your attention even easier says quite a lot about the impression you've made. Most posters on here, I could have a good stab at remembering their football and political allegiance, musical taste, type of movies watched, etc.

You? I just think of you as a seriously dangerous individual where women are concerned. Were I not retiring in a couple of months, I'd be unsurprised to be meeting you in a professional capacity.

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1 minute ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

Of course.

Your alternative is utterly frightening and I believe Scottish Independence at this time would lead to austerity in Scotland and would be even worse for the cost of living crisis. The uncertainty and erecting borders in the UK is something we definitely don't need during covid recovery times.

You may believe that independence may lead to austerity, but the facts already prove that the UK electing Tory Governments leads to austerity in Scotland. 

In addition, the Tories have already erected borders in the UK. the Irish border is now in the sea!

So, in actuality, your two main so-called economic arguments against independence have already happened under the Tory government. Do you want to try again?

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7 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

This in spades. I started in Welfare Rights in 2013, Basic station pension in that time has increased by £27.00 per week roughly. The basic rates of ESA, JSA etc have increased over the same period by about £2.50 per week. It therefore boils my piss to almost unnatural levels that anytime working age people in poverty are offered assistance, be it through meagre UC increases or Scottish Social Security assistance, any discussion online is absolutely mobbed by mewling pensioners complaining that they never get anything despite "paying in all my life", or "Why don't I get my Council Tax paid, despite having 2 private pensions and 30K in savings". f**k the f**k off. 

Working age folk in poverty have borne the brunt of Welfare "reform" over the last 10 years and under these Tory c***s, will undoubtedly continue to do so. 

The answer, however, is not to penalise pensioners who, obviously have been of working age and contributing through Income Tax and NI throughout that time, because that's how pensions should work. The answer is to start investing, not in vanity shite like HS2 or nukes, but in the people of this country, through training, subsidising new industries, and education. This will not happen principally because the last thing these cúnts want is an educated electorate. Just look at the outcry when a wee bit spotlight has been shone on what the Empire actually meant to the countries we invaded, or when some had the temerity to question how so many "philanthropists" managed to garner the cash to build huge country houses. Much better that the proles keep waving the flag, hating brown people, and performing their menial jobs for survival money at best.


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35 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

You may believe that independence may lead to austerity, but the facts already prove that the UK electing Tory Governments leads to austerity in Scotland. 

In addition, the Tories have already erected borders in the UK. the Irish border is now in the sea!

So, in actuality, your two main so-called economic arguments against independence have already happened under the Tory government. Do you want to try again?

Lmao nah I'm good. 

Your post doesn't negate my points at all. I believe SIndy would exacerbate both those issues. As in more borders would be a bad thing. The existence of a new border during Tory government doesn't mean additional ones wouldn't also be bad... What sort of logic is that??? 

I think you need to rethink your "so called points" and perhaps try again or better yet actually post about the subject at hand rather than going off topic for no apparant reason. I made my post about the cost of living crisis and you seem to want to discuss other issues and my personal opinion on other subjects. I'm not interested bud. 

Edited by Albus Bulbasaur
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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The answer, however, is not to penalise pensioners who, obviously have been of working age and contributing through Income Tax and NI throughout that time, because that's how pensions should work. The answer is to start investing, not in vanity shite like HS2 or nukes, but in the people of this country, through training, subsidising new industries, and education. This will not happen principally because the last thing these cúnts want is an educated electorate. Just look at the outcry when a wee bit spotlight has been shone on what the Empire actually meant to the countries we invaded, or when some had the temerity to question how so many "philanthropists" managed to garner the cash to build huge country houses. Much better that the proles keep waving the flag, hating brown people, and performing their menial jobs for survival money at best.


I didn't suggest penalising them to be fair. My argument was, and remains that the the state benefit they get shouldn't be prioritised ABOVE those received by people in often abject poverty, and/or the disabled, which is what has been happening for the last many years. Obviously in an ideal world, both would receive fair increases, but that's just never going to happen under a Tory government, and indeed probably wouldn't happen under a Starmer government either. 

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55 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

In fairness, that the main thing I connect to your username is a post regarding using alcohol to make an easy target for your attention even easier says quite a lot about the impression you've made. Most posters on here, I could have a good stab at remembering their football and political allegiance, musical taste, type of movies watched, etc.

You? I just think of you as a seriously dangerous individual where women are concerned. Were I not retiring in a couple of months, I'd be unsurprised to be meeting you in a professional capacity.

Get a grip of yourself 🤣

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37 minutes ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

Lmao nah I'm good. 

Your post doesn't negate my points at all. I believe SIndy would exacerbate both those issues. As in more borders would be a bad thing. The existence of a new border during Tory government doesn't mean additional ones wouldn't also be bad... What sort of logic is that??? 

I think you need to rethink your "so called points" and perhaps try again or better yet actually post about the subject at hand rather than going off topic for no apparant reason. I made my post about the cost of living crisis and you seem to want to discuss other issues and my personal opinion on other subjects. I'm not interested bud. 

Erm, I ddid address the subject at hand.. If you recall, you were whining about UK government policies. You specifically referred to the UK Government spunking money, making dodgy covid contracts & setting up an unsecured furlough scheme

I asked why you still put your faith in a system where your vote is likely to elect a Tory Government at least 5/8th of the time. You ignored my question, and answered with your thoughts on independence.

In future, I would suggest that you address the question asked, and try to set out the positive case for continuing with the current arrangement (if any!) instead of going off on a tangent.

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