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2 minutes ago, Cowden316 said:

Lot's of opinions and criticisms out there in terms of how clubs have voted and everyone entitled to an opinion.

For me as a football fan and Cowden fan there needs to be respect regardless of which ways clubs have voted as it's their vote and will have their own reasons

Personally for my club it's a strategic decision probably financially and chance to be promoted next season i.e however many places from Lowland league next season into a potentially new conference league.

It's quite easy for bigger club fans or SPFL club fans to criticise our clubs stance but when a club like Cowdenbeath has multiple challenges in terms of significant reduction in income etc as a result of the trapdoor why would the club say no when the likelihood would have been for new league to be forced through resulting in no B team money.

Yes might not be a lot when distributed but every penny counts at this level and remember there is no prize money in the Lowland league.

Personally for the record I do not agree or feel comfortable with the introduction of the conference league displacing the Lowland league and Highland league under it with potentially the invitation of guest clubs as it doesn't seem fair and goes against how a pyramid should work i e based on results/league position.



You show your ignorance of the league you are in now. Most of us on here criticising, follow the non league system, which counts up to 150 clubs all like yours trying to survive.

But they are continually dumped upon by 42 plus 16 supposedly bigger and better clubs.

The pyramid exists below LLland.

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1 minute ago, HorseyGhirl said:

You show your ignorance of the league you are in now. Most of us on here criticising, follow the non league system, which counts up to 150 clubs all like yours trying to survive.

But they are continually dumped upon by 42 plus 16 supposedly bigger and better clubs.

The pyramid exists below LLland.

Yes I understand pyramid is below Lowland league as well.

As mentioned I don't agree with the introduction of conference league and did not intend to be perceived  as being ignorant so should have said displacing leagues further down the pyramid structure is unfair 

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1 minute ago, Cowden316 said:

Yes I understand pyramid is below Lowland league as well.

As mentioned I don't agree with the introduction of conference league and did not intend to be perceived  as being ignorant so should have said displacing leagues further down the pyramid structure is unfair 

This is the main problem with our pyramid. The 4 Leagues in the lowlands are stand alone entities. They should have been working together to try and make the pyramid work for all clubs. 

That ship sailed before your club was dragged into it.

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25 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

The powers that run our football guarantee only turmoil. They are not to be trusted. I pray the pyramid can run for the good of all involved eventually. But with this lot running our game I fear the worst.

I understand your club sees itself as an SPFL club and don't want that door to slam shut but got now and maybe for a wee while longer you are not. So need to act accordingly.

In all honesty we are a lowland league club. I don’t see us returning to the top 4 leagues any time soon, if ever. 

But it would be stupid to vote in favour of an additional league between us and league 2. That league will only make a poor pyramid system even worse.

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10 minutes ago, Cowden95 said:

In all honesty we are a lowland league club. I don’t see us returning to the top 4 leagues any time soon, if ever. 

But it would be stupid to vote in favour of an additional league between us and league 2. That league will only make a poor pyramid system even worse.

You voted for it by caving in to the SFA. I find it hard to believe what mugs there are in the Lowland League. How could the SFA possibly establish a new 5th tier with promotion and demotion without the cooperation of the Lowland and Highland Leagues as well as the SPFL? With patsies like Cowdenbeath around they're probably beginning to think the laughable idea they only thought of to use as a threat might actually work.

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7 hours ago, Cowden95 said:

They mentioned they voted in favour of the B teams. From what the club described tonight it was either a case of vote against them and the spfl add the conference above lowland/highland now or keep B teams where they are for a season and delay this conference league. 

I think they mentioned 12 lowland teams voted in favour of keeping them. 

At last,a straight answer

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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

You voted for it by caving in to the SFA. I find it hard to believe what mugs there are in the Lowland League. How could the SFA possibly establish a new 5th tier with promotion and demotion without the cooperation of the Lowland and Highland Leagues as well as the SPFL? With patsies like Cowdenbeath around they're probably beginning to think the laughable idea they only thought of to use as a threat might actually work.

I don’t want to prolong  the general gnashing of teeth by a couple of folk in this thread, hopefully that can be kept for the B team thread.

However, I am willing to give the club the benefit of the doubt. Only time will tell if the proposed conference league will take place for 24/25 as has been suggested.   It appears to have been made clear that the SFA were not willing to have nowhere for the B teams to play in 23/24, and would have forced the conference to start immediately if the vote went against the B teams.

Believe that or not, but I am willing to accept the opinion of experienced administrators that work on behalf of Cowdenbeath rather than some internet randoms.

To avoid doubt though, I would rather not have B teams in the LL, the club would rather not have B teams in the LL.

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17 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

Believe that or not, but I am willing to accept the opinion of experienced administrators that work on behalf of Cowdenbeath rather than some internet randoms.

I think their honest explanation would have been "They offered us money, how could we afford to refuse?".

Edited by welshbairn
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I know there are others more in the know than I.

Can the SFA impose a league on the SPFL clubs like this. Surely they would need to vote in favour before it can become a working part of the pyramid.

Goes back to what I've been saying nobody talks to one another so the shysters at Hampden can divide and conquer.

Scottish Football will never progress.

I won't post on your forum again wish your club all the best wherever you end up.

Can anyone direct me to a sport I can enjoy without all the politics.



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4 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

I know there are others more in the know than I.

Can the SFA impose a league on the SPFL clubs like this. Surely they would need to vote in favour before it can become a working part of the pyramid.

Goes back to what I've been saying nobody talks to one another so the shysters at Hampden can divide and conquer.

Scottish Football will never progress.

I won't post on your forum again wish your club all the best wherever you end up.

Can anyone direct me to a sport I can enjoy without all the politics.



You make some very good points, no arguments from me.

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9 hours ago, therewasacoo said:

They also said the club were against the b teams like they were in the past but this predicament put them in a position where they had their hands tied and was the only option that wouldn’t cause chaos for next season

A successful visit from Ian Maxwell, wallet inspector, to Central Park then.

He'll be around at the same time next year. 

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

You voted for it by caving in to the SFA. I find it hard to believe what mugs there are in the Lowland League. How could the SFA possibly establish a new 5th tier with promotion and demotion without the cooperation of the Lowland and Highland Leagues as well as the SPFL? With patsies like Cowdenbeath around they're probably beginning to think the laughable idea they only thought of to use as a threat might actually work.

This is the crux of it.  The Lowland League clubs hold the cards here, not the SFA.  Without Lowland (or Highland) League co-operation, then the Conference does not happen, and certainly not in time for next season.  

Perhaps they all needed to grow a set and present a united front to Maxwell's fag packet proposition, the sad reality is that too many view it as a opportunity to jump ahead of others. The SFA play you like a fiddle.

Anyway, there's already a thread for this so I'll leave it.

Edited by Burnieman
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After getting cluttered up with B team talk can’t we get back to Cowden on here.

Although 10 clubs voted for it we seem to be the only one’s getting stick for it.

Personally I’m more interested in who our manager for next season is going to be.

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1 hour ago, cowdenbeath said:

After getting cluttered up with B team talk can’t we get back to Cowden on here.

Although 10 clubs voted for it we seem to be the only one’s getting stick for it.

Personally I’m more interested in who our manager for next season is going to be.

Scapegoats. I don't see any other clubs getting told they have no backbone on the forums. 

All the teams will accept the money so we are all guilty.

The new manager will probably be at the match against EK!

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1 hour ago, cowdenbeath said:

After getting cluttered up with B team talk can’t we get back to Cowden on here.

Although 10 clubs voted for it we seem to be the only one’s getting stick for it.

Personally I’m more interested in who our manager for next season is going to be.

Aye change the subject, this is embarrassing. Your are literally the only fans who seem happy about the vote... 

Hope you enjoy getting pumped by the children of your weegie overlords for the sake of a night out to Dumbarton and a dozen extra tickets sold for the 2 games (3 including Hearts) per season. 

Hope it keeps you afloat 👍

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25 minutes ago, Spyro said:

Aye change the subject, this is embarrassing. Your are literally the only fans who seem happy about the vote... 

Hope you enjoy getting pumped by the children of your weegie overlords for the sake of a night out to Dumbarton and a dozen extra tickets sold for the 2 games (3 including Hearts) per season. 

Hope it keeps you afloat 👍

I don’t see where anyone in the Cowdenbeath camp is rejoicing about it, if you can point out where let us know.

What was explained at the fan meeting last night was the reasons behind why the club voted as they did, and most fans seem to accept this, though some are unhappy for sure.

As one of the few LL teams on the forum with much of a fan prescence I suppose that makes us an easy target, so crack on, we’ll take the blame for all 10 teams that voted to allow them in. 

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