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Woman finds wads of cash, hands it in

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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

One of my mates (now ex mate as he fell out with our group of friends after getting into a fight over how best to cook stovies) once found a bag of money down an alleyway in Glasgow. He had gone to have a piss behind a bin after Caley had played Celtic. He kept it and spent it all, I think there was about £300 in it.

When I was in sixth year at school someone in my year found £200 hanging out of a cash machine with no-one around. He kept it and spent it on a new pool cue. Later that week he was listening to Moray Firth Radio when they had a sad story about a pensioner who had lost some money she’d been saving up to buy a special present for her granddaughters birthday. He obviously didn’t feel bad as he kept the pool cue. What was some old biddy going to do with it anyway?

8 ball, middle bag.

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There’s an area south of the Clyde (that @throbber will claim as the city centre) that resembles downtown Tripoli. A young man, I think involved in pharmaceutical distribution, ran across the road in front of my car. The toot from my horn caused him such a fright that he dropped his wallet from his back pocket. But still he kept running.

I did hand the (cashless, as I found it!) wallet in to the nearest Polis station.

Were the 5-0 interested? Naw.

Did the chap get it back? No idea.

Ken, cool story eh? 

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Got a call on my day off from work one day because a colleague had found £2500 in a box she was sorting through and didn't know what to do with it. I phoned the polis, and they stopped in to pick it up and gave her a receipt - told her that we should phone them after two months had passed and, if nobody had claimed it, it would be returned to us.

After two months, my boss called to claim the money back, only to be told that we'd had one month to tell the polis that we wanted to keep it, after which they'd put it into their "social fund" and it was gone for good. The High Heid Yins were furious and made all sorts of complaints - it was only when one of the board members got in touch with a friend, the local MP, and threatened to go to the press that they agreed to pay the money back. Even then, it still took them over a year.

Unofficial policy after that became "any money found goes in the till". Can't say I'll be handing anything in to the polis myself anymore - if that's how they treat charities, I can't see them treating private citizens' money any better.

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12 hours ago, ICTChris said:

One of my mates (now ex mate as he fell out with our group of friends after getting into a fight over how best to cook stovies) once found a bag of money down an alleyway in Glasgow. He had gone to have a piss behind a bin after Caley had played Celtic. He kept it and spent it all, I think there was about £300 in it.

When I was in sixth year at school someone in my year found £200 hanging out of a cash machine with no-one around. He kept it and spent it on a new pool cue. Later that week he was listening to Moray Firth Radio when they had a sad story about a pensioner who had lost some money she’d been saving up to buy a special present for her granddaughters birthday. He obviously didn’t feel bad as he kept the pool cue. What was some old biddy going to do with it anyway?

What sort of self respecting 17/18 year old finds £200 and buys a fucking pool cue with it? Disgusting.

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Going back about 20 years now, i was cleaning up at the end of a shift in a pub and found a roll of notes sellotaped to the underside of a table. Quietly pocketed it, waited a week to see if anyone tried claiming it, then spent it, probably on what that was originally paying for in the first place.

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What sort of self respecting 17/18 year old finds £200 and buys a fucking pool cue with it? Disgusting.
If I'd found that at 17 I'd have been stoned for a week.
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Was out walking with my son when he was about 10, he saw an envelope with cash on the ground, it had about £400 in it - probably the largest amount of actual cash he had ever seen.

Trying to teach him the right thing to do, we went along to the polis station and handed it in. The duty spangle didnt seem to care and basically said we should have just pocketed it (in front of my son).

Anyway, a few weeks later I called and asked about it (in case my boy got a small reward) and was told it had been claimed.

I would like to think this was the case, but I rather suspect it went toward the station christmas pissup fund.........................

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I also remember in primary school, one day Brian Gervaise's mum had been to the bank for a sizeable amount of cash and was walking back to their house past the school. For some reason, she dropped her handback which opened and a load of five and ten spots were blown into the playground. She was going mental and ran into the school to try to get the money back.  I think in the end she got about £20 back (she claimed she had £500 on her). I think folk were shoving tenners into their pants and everything, absolute #scenes. 

I reckon the teachers pocketed about £100 of that for fags tbh. 

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

What sort of self respecting 17/18 year old finds £200 and buys a fucking pool cue with it? Disgusting.

I once stole £3 to buy Lil Bow Wow's single. I was about 11 and regret fucking nothing.

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25 minutes ago, Empty It said:
2 hours ago, The Moonster said:
What sort of self respecting 17/18 year old finds £200 and buys a fucking pool cue with it? Disgusting.

If I'd found that at 17 I'd have been stoned for a week.

Fuckin hell that must have been some habit way back then...........

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Fuckin hell that must have been some habit way back then...........
With a few mates obviously, people that get stoned on their own are up their with people that get steaming on their own.
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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Spending too much time on this moral quandary that's unlikely to occur, but I think I'd grab the loot and scarper home, then return the next day and discreetly find out if some old fool had dropped his/her life savings, and if so equally discretely return it. If not it's Vegas baby! I think there would be near zero chance a hardened criminal would keep a watch out in case a random member of the public found their stash in a supermarket car park.  

More likely to be some p***k with a camera setting it up as bait for a “social experiment”  on YouTube these days. 

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I remember we were on holiday somewhere and I found a tenner in the street. My dad made me hand it in to the local police station.

My daughter recently found £20 at the Links Market. I told her to pocket it. I think single notes are fair game. Wallets and these cash filled envelopes can go to the police station.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Have never lost a lot of cash but have benefitted from someone handing in my wallet with all my cards  in it and a mobile phone so unless it was a wad of obvious drug money I'd hand it in.

When I was about 10 I was with 2 mates walking back from the park after playing football on a hot summers day. We were baking and thirsty with not a penny between us. Just before we reached the petrol station we found about 30p in the grass. It was enough to buy juice and sweets from the garage and we felt like kings for those few moments as we sat in the grass scoffing and drinking.. Think, Andy Dufresne and pals drinking beer on the roof with his pals.

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