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The Queen of the South thread

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4 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

I don't see how the club have acted within their rights. They've breached a black and white rule set by the SG. Fans aren't allowed at games in tier 4. QoS admitted fans. Its pretty open and shut tbh. 

The rules aren't as black and white as that though. There are a handful of groups of people who are permitted to attend games, and it is possible that Queens could argue that Galloway fell into one of these categories.

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2 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The rules aren't as black and white as that though. There are a handful of groups of people who are permitted to attend games, and it is possible that Queens could argue that Galloway fell into one of these categories.

That wheeze may have worked if it was just Galloway. IE - QoS could have argued he was there in a media role or some such. However, he was there with his family so that defense is porous. Next.

Edited by Trogdor
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Queens board having a total mare here, played like fools by a media junkie using them to poke the Scottish government with a stick. I would imagine they have invited him in ahead of fans by using the "boardroom" clause and he has booted them in the stanes.
The first apology is insulting and the second is worse as it seeks to create a scenario where they were naive rather than complicit. Tier 4 no ballot, no carrying over of offers no attend, no exceptions. If their story was true then where were the other fans who found themselves in a  similar situation, who did and did not get notification they couldn't/couldn't attend.
The one thing that won't change is board rooms putting themselves first, we've seen ICT refusing Raith Rovers and Dundee permission to have an analyst film the game from a near empty stand, media access for away clubs to service their fans interest is restricted despite the empty stadiums yet the boardrooms are full.
Agree with all of this. It's like the board were starstruck by Galloway, a new level of cringe.

If, and when, we are hit with a fine for this it's an absolute disgrace. A shambles from top to bottom.
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1 hour ago, basher brash said:

Couldn’t believe George Galloway goes to the game and knowingly breaks tier 4 lock down along with QOTS by permitting spectators in the ground, Secondly he couldn’t help himself but to inform everyone via Twitter he was there, This is a complete disaster for queens in an already poor season now but it’s ok he’s bought 5 season tickets and going to sponsor the club I can just see it on the new shirts I love Alluah

Would you care to expand on the meaning of your last sentence there as I'm a little confused ?

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7 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The rules aren't as black and white as that though. There are a handful of groups of people who are permitted to attend games, and it is possible that Queens could argue that Galloway fell into one of these categories.

There is no way you can argue 5 members of the same family, I assume some of which are children, are carrying out official duties at the club that cannot be done from home.

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What do you base this confident assertion on?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I've not seen any evidence on the issue either way.
Please show your working (without citing this episode as the self evident proof that it isn't).

I was born and brought up in Dumfries.

My parents still live there.

I know who the board members are...staunch.
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I feel sorry for all the QoS fans that have been wronged by your own club. It always sucks when the people that run your club do the wrong thing, and all you can do is sit back and take the slings and arrows. Trust me I'm a Dee and I know what it's like to feel like you've been just been kneed in the plums by your own club. 

I don't know what you guys can do about this besides voicing your displeasure and/or withdrawing your monetary support, but under the current circumstances despite the gov't grant could that push your club into disaster?

On a related note I've been doing some research on this George Galloway fella and I'm beginning to think that he just might possibly be an odious f*cking rat, and a walloper, a scrote, and a first class weapon...

just kidding I'm from Dundee and we've always known that and he isn't welcome back, eff him.

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4 minutes ago, G-MAN said:


I was born and brought up in Dumfries.

My parents still live there.

I know who the board members are...staunch.


I tick all three boxes too, but I'm not sure it's granted me insight into the views of three individuals regarding the Scottish Independence question.

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5 hours ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

Colour me shocked.

Is there any club in Scotland that just screams 'unionist' more than 'Queen of the South'?


5 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

I can think of one.

Queen of the West

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15 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The rules aren't as black and white as that though. There are a handful of groups of people who are permitted to attend games, and it is possible that Queens could argue that Galloway fell into one of these categories.

This for me is the crux of it.

I'll admit to struggling to find how Galloway, not to mention other family members, can be deemed able to attend.

Similarly though, if it's really as blatant and unequivocal a breach as Trogdor and others are saying, I'm really struggling to understand the level of stupidity required to show Galloway in.  I've disagreed with much that the board has done, but I certainly wouldn't consider them to be stupid people.  This just looks like such lunacy that I'm inclined to think there must somewhere be a little more nuance, or at least room to claim some.

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I tick all three boxes too, but I'm not sure it's granted me insight into the views of three individuals regarding the Scottish Independence question.

Oh come on.

Galloway has been using the #resignsturgeon hashtag all week.

He had regularly boasted he was breaking rules coming back to D&G and what would Sturgeon and the “Seperatists” do about it.

He then tweets he was there.

Are you honestly saying this wasn’t an orchestrated plan to cry hypocrisy at the First Minister ?

This is George Galloway and the Blount’s we are talking about....
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13 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

This for me is the crux of it.

I'll admit to struggling to find how Galloway, not to mention other family members, can be deemed able to attend.

Similarly though, if it's really as blatant and unequivocal a breach as Trogdor and others are saying, I'm really struggling to understand the level of stupidity required to show Galloway in.  I've disagreed with much that the board has done, but I certainly wouldn't consider them to be stupid people.  This just looks like such lunacy that I'm inclined to think there must somewhere be a little more nuance, or at least room to claim some.

I think you've answered your own question with the part in bold.  We may just have managed to crawl out of this one by making up some story about him being there in a professional capacity had he been there on his own.  I don't think that argument holds any water now it has been found to have been a family day out.  Even if we somehow get away with it by claiming he was there due to his sponsorship it sends completely the wrong message to the, already alienated, fans that the club will bend over backwards for you if you have money or a bit of clout.

I think the board have been extremely stupid and completely played by a known shyster.  They probably expected it to all go under the radar and have gone into full panic mode since the self-publicist took to Twitter with his antics.

Edited by palmy_cammy
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8 minutes ago, G-MAN said:


Oh come on.

Galloway has been using the #resignsturgeon hashtag all week.

He had regularly boasted he was breaking rules coming back to D&G and what would Sturgeon and the “Seperatists” do about it.

He then tweets he was there.

Are you honestly saying this wasn’t an orchestrated plan to cry hypocrisy at the First Minister ?

This is George Galloway and the Blount’s we are talking about....


I have no doubts Galloway did this for his own ends. I have serious doubts that the club were complicit in it though, which is what you were claiming earlier

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