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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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11 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Won't happen.

The longer Chic stays in the job the more likely the whole shebang will fail. He might not want to give it up but I don’t think he’ll be given a huge amount of choice in it.

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2 minutes ago, Ross. said:

The longer Chic stays in the job the more likely the whole shebang will fail. He might not want to give it up but I don’t think he’ll be given a huge amount of choice in it.

His wranglers have clearly been working overtime to make sure he’s seen to be out touching the poor and flouncing about in cosplay, but the man is an incompetent, unlikeable, entitled, self-indulgent, egotistical arsehole - and hopefully he’ll erupt in a torrent of explosive diarrhoea sooner rather than later.

Even in the event of this, I can’t see him or the government being willing to upset the apple cart with an abdication. They’re far more likely to just double down on the “you love him; everyone loves him; Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia” propaganda.

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This country really is amazing.
Cost of living crisis, Ukraine currently curb-stomping Russia back to the border, humanitarian disaster in Pakistan and any number of other huge stories to cover...
BBC News have rolling coverage of a helicopter following a hearse like a really slow version of the Tour de France.
And here at the head of the peleton is HMTQ currently in the mailot noir.
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19 hours ago, Clown Job said:

I’ll assume in the interest of impartiality the BBC have been discussing the merits of ditching the monarchy?

Caught a bit of todays exciting road trip coverage. Martin Geissler broke through the "Oh look there's people on a bridge" commentary and did point out that not all of the country (Scotland) was keen on a continuation of the monarchy. It was agreed that this was a discussion for another day (aka "Huad yer wheest Geissler").

Also he added knowledge that our southern BBC presenters couldn't match. "Where about are we now Martin?"...  "I can tell you from my great knowledge of service stations and toilet stops that we are....". Might see the end of his BBC career.

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11 hours ago, hk blues said:

Is there a debate on abolishing the monarchy though? Outside of P&B I'm not sure there is much appetite for the discussion. 

Oh there is.   Aside from the excellent FPTP system - which allows for unparalleled voter accountability - Britain needs major constitutional reform including:

-An elected revising/upper chamber
-The end of state religion in England
-A similar end to a national kirk in Scotland
-And - above all - the abolition of a hereditary head of state.

Scotland's First Minister had the chance to make a stand yesterday.  Instead?  She shat the bed and signed off on 'protestant, unionist  and monarchist' stuff that I certainly wouldn't have.

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This is what the world looks like when Kinky praises the SNP First Minister of Scotland for refusing to follow the King's proclamation concerning Protestantism:
Kinky proving that he will say absolutely any old shite to criticise the elected First Minister of a country he doesnt live in.
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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Oh there is.   Aside from the excellent FPTP system - which allows for unparalleled voter accountability - Britain needs major constitutional reform including:

-An elected revising/upper chamber
-The end of state religion in England
-A similar end to a national kirk in Scotland
-And - above all - the abolition of a hereditary head of state.

Scotland's First Minister had the chance to make a stand yesterday.  Instead?  She shat the bed and signed off on 'protestant, unionist  and monarchist' stuff that I certainly wouldn't have.

Tell me, oh oracle of all things right and proper, is the first "P" "Papa"  ??

Canny help yersel but to fire some more Bucks-shot at the FM at every opportunity, notwithstanding you tried to disguise your attack with some tempered, maybe worth considering, soft soaping before your colours were fully unfurled.


We're on to you, ya wee scamp ye. 

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3 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

We're on to you, ya wee scamp ye. 

Aye.  Nippy endorses Britain as a unitary nation-state and vaunts its hereditary and protestant monarchy - two of which I could never do -  but it's all about me.

Sounds right for most of the NatWits on here.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

your shite memes  or your screeds of utter dross?  It's hard to know which is worse.

Perhaps focusing on the underlying message is progressively more difficult for you after 7p.m. on most evenings.  Maybe try analysing things before you "settle down" for the evening where your cogency may be more rational.    Only sayin', like. 

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1 hour ago, Antlion said:

His wranglers have clearly been working overtime to make sure he’s seen to be out touching the poor and flouncing about in cosplay, but the man is an incompetent, unlikeable, entitled, self-indulgent, egotistical arsehole - and hopefully he’ll erupt in a torrent of explosive diarrhoea sooner rather than later.

Even in the event of this, I can’t see him or the government being willing to upset the apple cart with an abdication. They’re far more likely to just double down on the “you love him; everyone loves him; Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia” propaganda.

You may be right in that they will try this, but there are only so many photos of those fingers that the public will be able to ignore before even the most loyal or loyal subjects starts feeling ever so slightly nauseous about the c**t.

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