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The Official ‘Hi-Risk Anus PM’ Clusterfuck Thread

Granny Danger

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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

I’d imagine there would be at least 5 of this group in Scotland.


All medical treatments can have unforeseen side effects.  Your claim of less than 5 is probably as outlandish as the claim of 30,000.



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John Watt was diagnosed as vaccine injured by Aseem Mahlotra, who is a cardiologist who has pivoted from anti-statin, pro-saturated fat content to anti-vaxx activism during the pandemic. Watt’s own doctors said there was nothing wrong with him.

He had numerous health issues pre pandemic, including heart attacks and had numerous male relatives with heart issues.

This stuff goes hand-in-hand with a slot conspiracy nutter channel of GB News. It’s electoral poison - the vast majority of people happily got the Covid vaccine, the vast majority of people were happy with it and look at stuff like this as deeply odd and weird. This is Particularly true for older voters, the Tory base who were vaccinated at rates approaching 100%.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sunak's statement fully backed by Starmer


“The prime minister is right to advocate unity and to condemn the unacceptable and intimidatory behaviour that we have seen recently. It is an important task of leadership to defend our values and the common bonds that hold us together.

“Citizens have a right to go about their business without intimidation and elected representatives should be able to do their jobs and cast their votes without fear or favour. This is something agreed across the parties and which we should all defend.”

The Lib-Dems getting a bit ballsy


“The British people will take no lessons from a prime minister and Conservative party who have sowed the seeds of division for years,” said Sir Ed Davey. “This is the same prime minister who made Suella Braverman his home secretary and Lee Anderson his party’s deputy chairman.

“If the prime minister is serious about bringing people together, he would call a general election now so that the British public can decide the future of our country.”


Edited by btb
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Distraction, doubling down on his partys bigotry, laying as many minefields as possible for the next government... There is no end to this government's utter fucking wretchedness. 

What a shame for us all then that Starmer is fully positioned to supply more of the same. 

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As much as Galloway is a total cretin, more people elected him MP for Rochdale than elected Sunek as PM.

I suspect no one really buys this whole moderate let's all be friends bolox from Sunek. Believable if he hadn't been leading a party which is full of racists and bigots. Tonight was just another piece of the whole culture wars rhetorical BS that some clever spad will be dreaming up as the tories only way to avoid a total wipeout at the GE. 

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Absolute tinpot and rightly so. 

PM announces a statement to the nation (probably thinks everybody will drop their schedules for him) BBC and ITV have got quiz shows on, Ch 5 cover it just be so their news is already on and after 5 minutes they decide he’s waffling a load of drivel and cut him off. 

Like it or like it not, Rochdale voted for him. If Rishi doesn’t like ‘extremism’ better plan for doing a fuckton more work to win people over to your more moderate view old son. 

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He should ponder why his party's own "great local candidate" :rolleyes: and "really positive campaign focused on positivity plus local issues" :whistle polled just 12%... far behind a self-avowedly non-political car dealer who decided 4-weeks ago to run as an independent.

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Fucking embarrassment. Galloway is a total arsehole and won because the majority of "middle ground" Labour supporters probably sat on their thumb after the f**k up by Labour and didn't vote in the absence of a candidate. A good number of Labour supporters who did vote probably went for the independent. 

Very few people voted for the democratically available Tory or the c**t from Reform. 

Democracy was fine, Labour fucked up. 

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

Very few people voted for the democratically available Tory or the c**t from Reform

Democracy was fine, Labour fucked up. 

Just rejoice at that news and congratulate our voters

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Just love my PM. Makes a special speech to tell the country that its in a dangerous situation.  But as we have been in 14 years it has nothing to do with us. We are the most diverse fascist British government in history. 

It's the woke left to blame. And  the anti semitic in the Labour Party. And the Muslims.

Thank god he is keeping us safe in our beds.

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I never watched it but from what I heard it sounds like you could take a blowtorch to Sunak's neck. Hypocritical b*****d. His party is the party of hate. 14 years of his party in power has let to more hate and division in this country, not less. 

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