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Pie and Bovril is 20!

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4 hours ago, approximately dave said:

I missed all the Gretna threads on this forum as they slapped everyone aside on their eventual rise to the ho hum SPL title. Bubble burst in the 1st Division long before the final step up. Watched them many times on their journey and although they were good to watch with their attacking style, they and their fans showed little respect for anyone else. Plus this whole fairytale bollox from the media behind them.

Were they the boo hiss pantomime villians of their time right up there with original Rangers for that short time?

Did they have any fans on here? Who were the best known?

I wouldn't be surprised that many on here predicted their demise long before they reached the 1st Division or the Cup Final.

There was a poster called @gretna_ed who lorded it up over everyone when they rose through the leagues despite folk pointing out repeatedly that what was going on was utterly unsustainable. Once Gretna died he slunk off the forum never to be seen again and, IIRC, supports one of the OF now.

That wasn't the worst bit gloryhunting on the forum though. The aforementioned XIXTHEONEXIX (or something like that) claimed to be a staunch Rangers fan and had been one for years until @virginton rustled up a rake of posts where he (XIXTHEONEXIX) talked repeatedly about his never ending support for, erm Dumbarton, and how much of a great fan he was. Oddly, despite being utterly hosed he continued to hang around the forum for a bit before eventually slithering off into the sunset.

Edited by RiG
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9 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I actually had forgotten just how cringeworthy SSB's hardman act was on this thread. I thought he's just taken a strop and offered a square go.

This is definitely my favourite:


Theres a few rules i stuck to during my earlier days of scraping at hamilton or fighting with icf in europa bar when we we were out numbered over 3/1 is you NEVER and kick a man when he's down and then stand over him laughing ...

Fucking brilliant. It had everything from scraping (not scrapping), to facing insurmountable odds, to a code of honour being upheld in said desperate times.

The first rule of casual club - be pwoppa nawty.

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3 minutes ago, Div said:


The highs have been incredible though, the fives tournaments were amazing back in the day, the golf day was brilliant, and I even got to judge in the Scotch Pie World Championships once.


Wait, haud the bus here.

You got to judge a Scotch Pie World Championships because your website domain mentions pies?

Right, on an unrelated note I'm away to register 'travelingaroundtheworldandpumpingsupermodels.com' and see what doors that opens.

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4 minutes ago, Div said:

A great thread, cheers for posting @djchapsticks

P&B was started almost by accident. I had set up the Black & White Army forum at the time and I moved it to a new web host who offered me a free domain name at the time. I was a regular SFO user and the site was up and down all the time (sound familiar?) so I registered PIEANDBOVRIL.CO.UK as it was back then and set up a forum and just told the SFO folk it was there to be used as a backup whenever SFO went offline.

SFO eventually succumbed and never came back and enough posters went across to P&B to give it the momentum it needed and it went from there.

I've had some unbelievable good times and bad times running the site over those 20 years.

The lows have mostly been technical, the Wasteland summer was the most stressful, whilst I've been threatened with legal action a fair few times, and of course offered a few square go's over folk that didn't really appreciate being banned 🤣

The highs have been incredible though, the fives tournaments were amazing back in the day, the golf day was brilliant, and I even got to judge in the Scotch Pie World Championships once.

The fact that the site has helped produce marriages and kids blows my mind a wee bit.

Social media has obviously taken it's toll on traffic over the years. At our absolute peak we were doing about 5.5 million page views a month but we're still getting 3 million which is not at all bad!


Couldn't have got this far without an incredible mod team, some of whom have been looking after the place for more than a decade!

And of course all the regulars who make the place what it is.

Thanks to all of you and here's to the next 20!


Indeed.  The Mumsnet Squabble which got picked up by the Record and, erm, Private Eye was another highlight.   And getting that singer to play Peterhead was a smashing piece of subterfuge.  

And of course, 12 Ruel Street.  

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13 hours ago, Loki said:

I forgot about that game, that was magic.  I don't think the owner could actually cope with the amount of cheating I did as a moderator.  I could create youth players and kept generating them until I got good one.  Create/Delete.  You could also look through the non human teams for great players, and transfer them in.  Went full on Sith Lord with my skullduggery.

He'll be in the jail for sure 😂



I seem to remember one of the Ayr posters let it be known that he had Ayrunited as his password, and all sorts of nonsense followed.  

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26 minutes ago, Smurph said:

It’s my 14th birthday on this website tomorrow. I expect a fiver in a card from each and every one of you. 

Send me your bank details and I'll just transfer it directly...

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

No chance, that's Dindeleux. QLP did have the absolute brass neck to return and post as recently as last week though.

Aye I clock QLP on last week. I used to have him on twitter but I think that link died when my last account died.

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

getting that singer to play Peterhead was a smashing piece of subterfuge.  

It's utterly magical and equally minterful the amount of times and people I've told that story to when I'm pished. I even load up the pages online.

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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

No chance, that's Dindeleux. QLP did have the absolute brass neck to return and post as recently as last week though.

Right enough! Got Dindeleux mixed up with him.

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

That wasn't the worst bit gloryhunting on the forum though. The aforementioned XIXTHEONEXIX (or something like that) claimed to be a staunch Rangers fan and had been one for years until @virginton rustled up a rake of posts where he (XIXTHEONEXIX) talked repeatedly about his never ending support for, erm Dumbarton, and how much of a great fan he was. Oddly, despite being utterly hosed he continued to hang around the forum for a bit before eventually slithering off into the sunset.

It's actually a real shame he got banned or voluntarily slithered off before 2012. Considering his only comeback to anything said by lower league fans was "fizzy pop league is that way" I'd have loved to see how he handled the banter years.

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3 hours ago, RiG said:

There was a poster called @gretna_ed who lorded it up over everyone when they rose through the leagues despite folk pointing out repeatedly that what was going on was utterly unsustainable. Once Gretna died he slunk off the forum never to be seen again and, IIRC, supports one of the OF now.

That wasn't the worst bit gloryhunting on the forum though. The aforementioned XIXTHEONEXIX (or something like that) claimed to be a staunch Rangers fan and had been one for years until @virginton rustled up a rake of posts where he (XIXTHEONEXIX) talked repeatedly about his never ending support for, erm Dumbarton, and how much of a great fan he was. Oddly, despite being utterly hosed he continued to hang around the forum for a bit before eventually slithering off into the sunset.

There was a poster called @gretna_ed

Who thought his team were the best since sliced bread

They were getting bankrolled

And finally did fold

Now he's following Sevco instead 

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