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Spain (a) in October

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28 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

People keep quoting this list as if it's different pieces of evidence. It's not. It's all coming from the signal he gave, and McGinn has not at any point to date said the referee actually said that to him.

Does anyone know what language they use for the VAR review? Referee team were Dutch last night. Was the VAR also Dutch or is that different since it's conducted centrally. Are they all communicating in a second language (presumably English)? It's far from a reach that the referee feeding back that he agrees the offside player is "interfering" with the keeper is erroneously then passed on as "foul".

No it isn’t. They talk to each other as well, so there would have been a discussion going on as well.

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Tin hat on here but I personally thought Jack Hendry was a complete and utter liability, he was miles away from Morata for the opener and was lucky not to give away a goal in first minute as well with his woeful touch. I trust Clarke but Jack Hendry is nothing but a bombscare

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:


The video being shown is for the benefit of the referee only. He doesn't need to be shown the lines, because he's being told by his VAR assistants that it's offside, and they're only asking him to review the subjective part about whether it's interfering with play. 

Given that the referee signals a foul, the game restarts with a direct free kick, the screen in the stadium says that the goal was disallowed because of a foul, UEFA representative releases after the incident that the goal is disallowed for a foul and John McGinn is told by the referee that it was a foul, it's remarkable that you know that the referee was looking at offside. I doff my hat to you sir. 

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33 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Either they made an error or language issues (interfering isn't that big a shift from foul).

All UEFA and FIFA referees must speak English. Being from the Netherlands his command of English will probably be better than some of the other referees out there. And even if that wasn't the case, technical language like "offside" and "foul" are unambiguous  

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Just now, kingjoey said:

Given that the referee signals a foul, the game restarts with a direct free kick, the screen in the stadium says that the goal was disallowed because of a foul, UEFA representative releases after the incident that the goal is disallowed for a foul and John McGinn is told by the referee that it was a foul, it's remarkable that you know that the referee was looking at offside. I doff my hat to you sir. 

It's not remarkable at all, it's clear from what they show him what he's looking at, in particular the fact that they start by confirming it involves an offside player.

We didn't see the restart, and in any event, given the incident took place more than 100 yards from our goal, we don't actually know how play restarted. We know he appears to initially signal a direct free kick, we don't know it's what actually happened.

The screen on the stadium / UEFA control room comms are the same thing, not different pieces of evidence and may have arose from language / error.

McGinn never said the referee told him that. People are misquoting him.

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Google translating the comments section of the report in El Mundo.



"I don't know which team the reporter is talking about. We watched different games. Yesterday, plain and simple, the Virgin Mary appeared for us and the referee was a little sister of charity".


No se de qué equipo habla el redactor. Habremos visto partidos distintos. Ayer simple y llanamente se nos apareció la virgen y el árbitro fue una hermanita de la caridad.


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3 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

All UEFA and FIFA referees must speak English. Being from the Netherlands his command of English will probably be better than some of the other referees out there. And even if that wasn't the case, technical language like "offside" and "foul" are unambiguous  

I know they must be able to but they don't actually communicate in it with their own countrymen. The Dutch referee and assistants aren't talking to each other on headsets in English, they are using Dutch. I'm not sure what the rules are on VAR comms and I don't know if the VAR was indeed Dutch or from somewhere else. Nor do we know what language was used to communicate the decision initially to broadcasters (I guess Spanish is most likely but maybe its English).

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2 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

Anyone expecting clarification from UEFA is going to be kept waiting a while. They won’t give a f**k. I also really doubt Clarke will want the SFA to pursue it either, he’ll just want the team to move on.

Aye Clarke’s a pragmatist and he’ll very much be looking forward already. 
Paella and a bottle of Rioja for dinner while watching the game on Sunday seems like a plan from my point of view. 


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1 hour ago, forameus said:

SAying we were robbed is mental.  A more ruthless team takes more than that one Morata chance and we end up largely pumped.  We stood up to what Spain were offering right up until Morata scored, but ultimately there was only ever going to be one winner.  Goals change games, of course, and McTominay's is controversial, but by the letter of the law, seems that decision is correct, even if the process around it was fucked, and it's incredibly fucking soft.  It was a much, much improved performance, but the result went the way it deserved to go.

Somebody should have been tracking Morata

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2 minutes ago, Kevin Finnerty said:

Clarke was asked in the press conference whether he wanted to seek clarification about the decision and he just said "what's the point, let's move on."

He's right, the game is done and there's nothing to be gained. Nothing will happen about it so why dwell on it?

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2 hours ago, Ewanandmoreagain said:

A bit disappointing imho.

A bit like the  England game


Yes, that is why I think Gilmour has to play in every game, he demands and is comfortable taking the ball in tight areas. He also makes it easier for players around him to play and keep possession.

Whereas McGregor hides and wants nothing to do with the ball against opposition such as England and Spain. He needs Gilmour alongside him imo to force him to play.

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30 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

I know they must be able to but they don't actually communicate in it with their own countrymen. The Dutch referee and assistants aren't talking to each other on headsets in English, they are using Dutch. I'm not sure what the rules are on VAR comms and I don't know if the VAR was indeed Dutch or from somewhere else. Nor do we know what language was used to communicate the decision initially to broadcasters (I guess Spanish is most likely but maybe its English).

How on earth do you know this?


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Just now, velo army said:

How on earth do you know this?


Why does it matter?

Native Dutch speakers communicate in Dutch

Not exactly headline news 

fwiw some of the Spanish comments in the paper linked earlier also thought our goal should have stood

but as SSC says

Doesnae matter now, we move on

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8 minutes ago, MarkoP said:

Why does it matter?

Native Dutch speakers communicate in Dutch

Not exactly headline news 

fwiw some of the Spanish comments in the paper linked earlier also thought our goal should have stood

but as SSC says

Doesnae matter now, we move on

Doesn't make sense that they'd do this in a fast paced environment where they have to switch between languages frequently. 

Anyway, I don't know why I'm getting drawn into this, but speculation and supposition presented as fact tends to rip my knitting.


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5 hours ago, velo army said:

Fucking hell. Can we stop debating the offside? It's obvious he gave a foul and fucked up. 

I'm more concerned about Robbo and also about how shite we were in possession. It doesn't look like he'll be back for the next games as by the looks of it he's either dislocated his shoulder or broken his collar bone. 



7 minutes ago, velo army said:

Doesn't make sense that they'd do this in a fast paced environment where they have to switch between languages frequently. 

Anyway, I don't know why I'm getting drawn into this, but speculation and supposition presented as fact tends to rip my knitting.


It's obvious when you speculate but not when others do.

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