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Sleep - or the lack of it

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Think it's just a function of aging I'm afraid, even on the rare occasions I get a lie in at the weekend and can sleep on til about 10, I then wake up with my muscles sore as if my body is saying "you're too old to lie down for this long now cunto". 

I did get prescribed some Amitriptyline last year to quieten down neuralgia and the first couple of times you take that you will be out like a light, but you will also wake up feeling like a zombie.

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6 hours ago, TxRover said:

Worth considering sleep apnea as a possible factor too. There’s a reason your watch is saying the sleep quality is poor, and apnea is a common cause of much disturbance in sleep. Doesn’t have to be a raging case, but just enough to keep waking you.

As others have mentioned, with age, my ability to sleep like the dead had evaporated. Staying asleep beyond 8 hours is pretty impossible, and staying asleep for more than 4 hours in a row without waking and settling down again is too.

I used to be up every 3 or 4 hours for a pee during the night, but I just put it down to prostate and age. Then I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea and got a CPAP machine. Now I can sleep for 6/7 hours, and sometime more, without getting up for a pee. But more importantly, I used to always feel knackered and would easily fall asleep on the sofa any time of the day. Now I very rarely fall asleep during the day, and generally feel less tired.

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First rubbish night's sleep in months last night. 

Wasn't feeling tired but decided to put the light out at 11.45.  Took me ages to get to sleep, then woke at 2am.  Took another 30 mins or so to get back to sleep, then woke at 5am.  Was awake for ages, at least an hour, but must have drifted off as I remember dreaming just before checking the time at about 7am.  Normally I would get up after 7, but I tried to get back to sleep and got another 30 min.  Feeling exhausted now.  Just like the bad old days.

I blame this thread. 🥴

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I've struggled to get the sleeping arrangements really nailed down since we had the little one, obviously was up in the air when he was getting up through the night, now though we put him down at about 2245, but for whatever reason I loathe going to bed before midnight, by the time I actually fall asleep I'd hazard a guess between 0030-0100. Up at 0630 for work. 


I used to make up my sleep at the weekends, which I'm sure isn't healthy either, but I'm certainly not doing that at the moment. 


For a few posters above who are struggling I'd parrot the Texas Raith fan and look into whether you have sleep apnea, my wife was watching something to do with it yesterday, looks awful. 

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Much like everybody else I struggle to get more than 5 hours in a row. There always seems to be 'house noises' that wake me or sometimes it's a case of needing to get up for a pee at 4am ish then when I go back to bed I can't get back to sleep. 

I've tried the lavender pillow spray stuff but still no extra sleep. 

I read somewhere that if you're awake for half an hour during the night and can't get back to sleep then you should get up, have a cup of tea and do something productive in the house but who wants to do that in a cold house in the winter? 

Sometimes I wonder if its an age thing but my missus is only a year younger than me and i'm convinced she could sleep through a bomb going off outside

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Yeah my sleep has been pretty rats for a few years now. I can never get an unbroken nights sleep. Usually I need a piss in the middle of the night, if I get up for the toilet the process will make me more awake or if I just lie in bed I can't get back to sleep due to holding piss in. I used to happily drink a cup of tea every evening but I've stopped that in a bid to reduce caffeine/fluid levels before bed. The other night I woke up at like 0430 and couldn't get back to sleep again until I had to get up for work at 0730. 

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5 hours ago, Grant228 said:

I've struggled to get the sleeping arrangements really nailed down since we had the little one, obviously was up in the air when he was getting up through the night, now though we put him down at about 2245, but for whatever reason I loathe going to bed before midnight, by the time I actually fall asleep I'd hazard a guess between 0030-0100. Up at 0630 for work. 


I used to make up my sleep at the weekends, which I'm sure isn't healthy either, but I'm certainly not doing that at the moment. 


For a few posters above who are struggling I'd parrot the Texas Raith fan and look into whether you have sleep apnea, my wife was watching something to do with it yesterday, looks awful. 

The best way to know if you need testing for apnea is a partner who can comment on your sleeping breathing habits. A loud snore is a warning, a snore that slowly fades away and then rockets back is almost certainly your airway becoming obstructed and then you forcing it back open. I was told I was stopping breathing, but I kinda discounted that until I had a sleep study done. Watching yourself struggle to breath multiple times in a few minutes on video will clarify your thinking greatly.

Your habits are much like mine were for 33 years of shift work, and the last 10 were soooooo much easier with a C-PAP transforming my sleep into real rest. If you have a partner and an O2 saturation clip on for the finger, if they do a check sometime when you’re grunting and gasping, you (and they) might just be terrified by the result.

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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

Yeah my sleep has been pretty rats for a few years now. I can never get an unbroken nights sleep. Usually I need a piss in the middle of the night, if I get up for the toilet the process will make me more awake or if I just lie in bed I can't get back to sleep due to holding piss in. I used to happily drink a cup of tea every evening but I've stopped that in a bid to reduce caffeine/fluid levels before bed. The other night I woke up at like 0430 and couldn't get back to sleep again until I had to get up for work at 0730. 


1 hour ago, FK1Bairn said:

Much like everybody else I struggle to get more than 5 hours in a row. There always seems to be 'house noises' that wake me or sometimes it's a case of needing to get up for a pee at 4am ish then when I go back to bed I can't get back to sleep. 


Both sound just the issue I had a couple of years ago where I'd wake up around 4-5am needing a piss, then I couldn't get back to sleep.  I tried cutting out drinking anything after tea time, but it didn't work.  Then I started drinking later (usually a cup of decaf tea about 9pm), which means I have to get up earlier in the night, around 2-3am.  That means I'm still really tired and usually get back to sleep pretty quickly.  Worth a try.

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

The best way to know if you need testing for apnea is a partner who can comment on your sleeping breathing habits. A loud snore is a warning, a snore that slowly fades away and then rockets back is almost certainly your airway becoming obstructed and then you forcing it back open. I was told I was stopping breathing, but I kinda discounted that until I had a sleep study done. Watching yourself struggle to breath multiple times in a few minutes on video will clarify your thinking greatly.

Your habits are much like mine were for 33 years of shift work, and the last 10 were soooooo much easier with a C-PAP transforming my sleep into real rest. If you have a partner and an O2 saturation clip on for the finger, if they do a check sometime when you’re grunting and gasping, you (and they) might just be terrified by the result.

I'm OK once I get to sleep matey, just find it difficult turning off, always feel there's something more that I can achieve or do in the late hours. With us putting the little man to bed at around half ten ish I view the time after that as a chance to get things done. This though doesn't work very well with early rises, whether that be work through the week or the little one at the weekend. 


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I don't know if this is a thing or not, but I've always thought that if you have a full bowel, then there is a higher chance of waking up for a pee, or if you wake up for some other reason then less of a chance of getting back to sleep due to the bowel pressing on the bladder. So, maybe trying to get your poo cycle such that you poo at night rather than first thing in the morning might help.

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