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Nicola Sturgeon Arrested, Peter Murrell Charged


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11 hours ago, GTee said:

The non story of recent times. Politicians are corrupt lying arseholes. Tony Blair and Boris Johnson are right up there as the worst c***s. £600k for fucks sake. Nae right, but cmon tae f**k. I trust our young, who favour self governance over  servitude. 👍😄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Self-determination for Scotland does not equate to enabling the same standards of arrogance, greed and corruption within its own cohort of political leaders. This sheer whataboutery is toxic to the wider credibility of the independence movement and needs to GTF. 

If it weren't for all the dingbats who gormlessly rallied to the cause of 'continuity' just two weeks' ago, then the independence movement could already have started clearing its decks of baldy clowns before this inevitable scandal broke. Well done Scottish liberal 'progressive' Twitter - you fucked it again. 

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49 minutes ago, Dan Steele said:

Well, it really kills off the "Tartan Tories" label if instead of salting away the "missing" money in untraceable offshore accounts it turns out they bought a caravan and parked it in his maw's drive.

Could be the van's stashed with boxes of documents and they thought it would be more discrete to tow it away from his elderly mother's house? 

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29 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Could be the van's stashed with boxes of documents and they thought it would be more discrete to tow it away from his elderly mother's house? 

I suppose, but it's verging on the ridiculous if there's boxes of documents being kept in a van. Hidden in clear sight, right enough.

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Just now, Dan Steele said:

I suppose, but it's verging on the ridiculous if there's boxes of documents being kept in a van. Hidden in clear sight, right enough.

We're already some way past that point. 

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9 hours ago, Trogdor said:

This is genuinely getting beyond parody.

Thinking back a couple of months ago, who would have seen this coming?

We live in Iannucci's world at the moment. 

A lot of people saw this coming. A lot of serious people. They were monstered for it.

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2 hours ago, Thorongil said:

A lot of people saw this coming. A lot of serious people. They were monstered for it.

What exactly did these "serious people" see coming?

The police search of the house and impounding of a caravanette is like some bonkers comedy film script.

Is the suggestion now that the motorhome holds some vital evidence?

Or are police Scotland and the crown making as much of an arse of this as they did with Salmonds case?

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4 hours ago, Thorongil said:

A lot of people saw this coming. A lot of serious people. They were monstered for it.

I don't think anyone foresaw where we are now.  Most of the concerns were around the ringfenced donations.

If rumours are true this is much more serious.

It would be karma in trying to cover up a possibly less serious misdemeanour they've drawn the police's attention to more serious misdemeanours.


Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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