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Monopoly tactics.


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Got a cousins money game at the end of the month.  

I like to go: 

Brown set: Yes

Blue : No

One from the top of the board. 

Red, Yellow and Green - Yes 

Leave Mayfair and Park lane alone.  

Stations remain a Yeah if I land on it and never buy the water works or the electric chaps. 

Houses up Asap.  

leave at least £200 in the bank. 

Any other advice ?  

What’s your playing piece of choice?


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As a general rule, go for the orange and red - the most likely mathematical square a player will land on or play from is the jail/visiting square, so those sets within a 12 roll are where the paydirt is. Blue is okay, green the only expensive set worth going for. Everything else, no thanks.


Edited by Scorge
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We used to put fines money etc in the middle of the board and if you landed on free parking you scooped the lot 

And my sister had the annoying habit of humming the Bond tune when she landed on Bond Street.

I've not played Monopoly for years though 

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My tactics vary but usually buying the two browns and the pale blues first putting houses then hotels on them that way to start with whenever someone landed on them they’d be hit almost every time.Start small then go big. No point in buying the dark blues or greens to begin with because then you’re going to be a fortune putting houses/hotels on them. Leave that till the end 

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According to my sister, the idea is to throw the board in the air and storm out of the room. It works every time.

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7 hours ago, Scorge said:

As a general rule, go for the orange and red - the most likely mathematical square a player will land on or play from is the jail/visiting square, so those sets within a 12 roll are where the paydirt is. Blue is okay, green the only expensive set worth going for. Everything else, no thanks.


This, once you have orange and red all up and running you make a mint

Red and yellow is a decent combo but yellow can be bit more expensive, 

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I always attack the 2nd and 3rd sides of the board with everything. These sides get played on a lot more due to the Jail squares. There's a chance of player getting out of jail, hitting two big squares and then getting sent back to jail to do it all again.

Light blue is also low input for relatively high returns.

Edited by djchapsticks
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From the excellent Cabin Pressure:

CAROLYN: So, the deal is that I pay you £362 now ...
HERC: Yes.
CAROLYN: ... plus you don’t pay any rent next time you land on any of my greens, my yellows – excluding Leicester Square – or Park Lane ... unless I’ve built a hotel on it, unless you mortgage something, unless it’s a station.
HERC: Unless it’s King’s Cross.
CAROLYN: Yes. Well, that seems straightforward enough. Deal.
DOUGLAS: I must say, Herc, Monopoly’s a very different game with you than it is with Arthur.
ARTHUR (indignantly): Hey!
DOUGLAS: Arthur’s strategy tends to be pretty ruthlessly focussed on getting Marylebone and Covent Garden because those are the ones he’s been to.
CAROLYN: He also once did a deal whereby he gave Martin Mayfair so long as he was also allowed to give him the Electric Company.
ARTHUR: Well, I kept having to times things by four. That’s not fun, that’s maths!

I'm with Arthur on those.

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As a kid I remember one Christmas morning the bin room was full of boxes, wrapping paper etc and a load of monopoly money and houses, hotels etc lying on the floor.  Having played the game years later I then understood why.

Only bettered by Cluedo in the Shite Board Games awards.  Operation is the dog's bollocks of board games. 

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