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Hibernian European Tour 2023/24

Lyle Lanley

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Plenty of teams find themselves out played at some point but Hibs biggest problem is that so many goals were like Groundhog Day - their back line is utterly shite at defending a decent cross ball. 


Youan is easily the most overrated player in that Hibs 11.  Scores a goal now and again but his lack of tactical understanding and decision making is hopeless. 

Edited by rainbowrising
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That performance by Youan must surely be the worst from any player playing for a Scottish side in Europe, ever.

How he wasn't hauled at half time and got the full 90 is beyond me.

Villa are a very tasty side and will do well this season, but equally hibs at the back are rank and a player down up all game up the pitch.

Biggest criticism I can give is that even St Johnstone will score vs that Hibs defence. 

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2 minutes ago, Comrie said:

Villa good going forward, but Hibs a mess at the back.


Need a Craig Levein 8-2-0 to stop this hitting double figures.

Not a dig here, but how TF is Hanlon still getting a game? I mind seeing him give the ball away for the Scotland U21s more than a decade ago. He was there at that 1-5 final. Hibs have signed dozens of players in the past few years yet Hanlon is always there. A complete mystery.

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27 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Villa just wanted it more.


25 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Greater football knowledge.

That McGinn chap is a good player though. Does he have a Scottish granny?

At the end of the day, when you get out on the pitch, it’s 11 v 11.

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14 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Not a dig here, but how TF is Hanlon still getting a game? I mind seeing him give the ball away for the Scotland U21s more than a decade ago. He was there at that 1-5 final. Hibs have signed dozens of players in the past few years yet Hanlon is always there. A complete mystery.

The only mystery is why you keep regurgitating inane kickback patter on this forum. 

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19 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

He has shite decision making for 89 minutes out of every 90. He still averages about a goal and an assist every game, though.

That's the thing - I keep hearing how he's shite but, tonight aside, every time I see him he does something really pretty decent.  A sort of Hibs version of our own dear Barrie McKay.

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21 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

He has shite decision making for 89 minutes out of every 90. He still averages about a goal and an assist every game, though.


Really? A goal and an assist every game? Maybe I've missed them all.

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10 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Not a dig here, but how TF is Hanlon still getting a game? I mind seeing him give the ball away for the Scotland U21s more than a decade ago. He was there at that 1-5 final. Hibs have signed dozens of players in the past few years yet Hanlon is always there. A complete mystery.

Complete failure to build a squad tbh. See also Lewis Stevenson. We should have sourced long term replacements for both at least two years ago. Tbf, we did bring in Cabraja last year who was superb before his family problems ruined him. Still now we've got a guy who will definitely leave in the summer and may leave in January as our first choice RCB. Shouldn't have anyone on loan as a first choice player if you aren't confident he'll be your player at the end of it. 

Same with our midfield, we've got all the different types of third men for the midfield but Newall is the only good all round central midfielder we have. 

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2 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

I might be exaggerating a bit, but he's got a goal and an assist in 3 out of Hibs' six games this season, which is a fair return.

Aye Youan is shite when we're shite and he gets frustrated but he's obviously both an excellent player and produces the numbers. 


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