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Stirling Albion Season 24/25 Thread

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15 minutes ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

Blair Currie has moved to Cumnock. New manager (Stephen Swift) has been busy in the transfer market this week.

On googling him, I see he signed a contract with Albion until end of 2024/25. What changed? I can’t imagine Cumnock outbidding Stirling for a player, unless he accepts payment in onion pies.



My Son just told me the news, that is a shock. No idea what has happened there, and no disrespect to Cumnock, but I’m stunned he has had to drop to such a level….surely this is a “closer to home and fits my personal life” move and not a football one?

I’m going to miss Blair, thought he was a cracking keeper for this level, yes he had his moments, but he’s someone I’ll always have fond memories of. Wish him the best of luck in his football and in life in general, honestly one of life’s good guys!!

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30 minutes ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

Blair Currie has moved to Cumnock. New manager (Stephen Swift) has been busy in the transfer market this week.

On googling him, I see he signed a contract with Albion until end of 2024/25. What changed? I can’t imagine Cumnock outbidding Stirling for a player, unless he accepts payment in onion pies.



He lost his place the last few games of the season. I thought after Darren Young’s sacking he would have a fresh start next season but apparently not.

He had made a couple of bad mistakes and I was expecting him to be out for a game or two but he never regained his place. Maybe he just fancied a change too.


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Posted (edited)

All the players out of contract will have been told a message along the lines of:

"Given it will be a month or so for a new manager to come in, if you want to sign elsewhere then you are obviously free to do so, good luck, safe travels. If you haven't secured a new club by time new manager comes in, you are welcome to come along to training to see if he wants you"

It wouldn't surprise me if players under contract were told a similar thing of "if you wanna go and happy to terminate your contract, then see ya later"

This very much feels like a complete restart on the field.

Edited by Quentin Taranbino
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57 minutes ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

All the players out of contract will have been told a message along the lines of:

"Given it will be a month or so for a new manager to come in, if you want to sign elsewhere then you are obviously free to do so, good luck, safe travels. If you haven't secured a new club by time new manager comes in, you are welcome to come along to training to see if he wants you"

It wouldn't surprise me if players under contract were told a similar thing of "if you wanna go and happy to terminate your contract, then see ya later"

This very much feels like a complete restart on the field.

Yep feels like a total reset. I think it's a big gamble and I'm not overly happy right now.

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5 hours ago, WattersIsGod said:

My thoughts now are that I wish the club had done the same.

The more I think about it, Darren Young’s sacking a week ago seems like a bit of a knee jerk reaction.  We narrowly failed to stay in League One. Another goal in certain games would have done it. We had a manager and squad who only one year previously had won league 2. I did want to see some evolution of the squad, just as I did last year but I didn’t think we were ripe for a full scale rebuild.


I feel the exact same way. Yes, we were rag dolled in certain games including Falkirk and Hamilton away. At times it looked very much like we had a team made up of solid League 2 players but no Kai Fotheringham to offer that little bit of magic from the wing. Darren Young was also far too loyal to certain players in not only keeping a full squad from the promotion campaign but also sticking with players who clearly weren't performing. That being said, although we had a weak defence as highlighted by others, we really struggled to put the ball in the back of the net which was our downfall. 

I would have stuck with Young. I reckon he'd have made us competitive at League 2 level again but he will go elsewhere and I'm sure he will do well. This next appointment is crucial. Losing Blair Currie is a blow - a very good goalkeeper at League 2 level. 

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1 hour ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

All the players out of contract will have been told a message along the lines of:

"Given it will be a month or so for a new manager to come in, if you want to sign elsewhere then you are obviously free to do so, good luck, safe travels. If you haven't secured a new club by time new manager comes in, you are welcome to come along to training to see if he wants you"

It wouldn't surprise me if players under contract were told a similar thing of "if you wanna go and happy to terminate your contract, then see ya later"

This very much feels like a complete restart on the field.

Also the kind of planning that leaves you with the dregs of who hasn't found a club come the middle of June.

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5 hours ago, ExiledLichtie said:

A bit of an outsiders take, but I watched a couple Bino's games last season, and even though you won the league, I thought you had a mediocre league 2 defence at best.  I assumed that when you got promoted, you would bring in an entirely new defence.

It seems you didn't though, and I wonder how much your team's attacking instincts were stunted by having to protect that terrible defence.  I didnt see Stirling as often this season, but what I saw was still a league 2 defence.

conceded less than any other defence in league 2 and only lost 5 games that season, and you thought they were mediocre ? 
this season they were 6th best in the league, and 3rd most clean sheets. 

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5 hours ago, ExiledLichtie said:

A bit of an outsiders take, but I watched a couple Bino's games last season, and even though you won the league, I thought you had a mediocre league 2 defence at best.  I assumed that when you got promoted, you would bring in an entirely new defence.

It seems you didn't though, and I wonder how much your team's attacking instincts were stunted by having to protect that terrible defence.  I didnt see Stirling as often this season, but what I saw was still a league 2 defence.

I agree with all you say there.The slow defence was the biggest problem for me plus a very dodgy goalkeeper behind them.Midfielders and strikers were back helping out the defence,so no wonder there was a lack of goals and when the goals didnt come,then confidence went out the window.Currie appeared to me to have concentration problems.

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BC has a very young child/family. It may be he wanted somewhere closer to home to tie in with his homelife/work. Wish him well.

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10 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

Also the kind of planning that leaves you with the dregs of who hasn't found a club come the middle of June.

This is my big worry. We have seen so many case of this happening over the years and many managers at this level have stated that the better players tend to have offers early doors. I'm sure our dressing room will also be no different to any other, there will be lads in it with offers from elsewhere, there will be lads in it that no longer want to be here and there will be lads who will have an open mind and will wait and see what happens, and there will be people who will want to stay by hook or by crook....maybe being here suits their personal life....my point being that we just have to hope that the better players fall into one of the categories that help us. 

9 hours ago, #GSC said:

conceded less than any other defence in league 2 and only lost 5 games that season, and you thought they were mediocre ? 
this season they were 6th best in the league, and 3rd most clean sheets. 

I agree with @#GSC on this one. I sometimes think that some people can be overly critical of the Defence. In the last 2 seasons, I didn't really see it as our weak point and at certain points of last season I felt they were hung out to dry by certain players that played in midfield who left them a little bit exposed at times. My only concern with the Defence was when Weir came in at the end of both seasons. I have nothing against him per se (although I do think a semi pro player should be looking after themselves physically a bit bitter), however I felt when he came in, that he was more reluctant to come out and take the pressure off the Defenders more than Currie did. I think if you were to look at Weir's stats when he was in the team, it would look pretty good, but it's just what I saw with the naked eye. However, I think the 5 or so lads involved in our Defence can hold their heads up over Young's time at the club and I would say that the next Manager had a good foundation to build from there, assuming they all want to stay.

15 hours ago, WattersIsGod said:

So we are 10 days since relegation, a bit of time has passed and there has been a chance to reflect on the season.

My thoughts now are that I wish the club had done the same.

The more I think about it, Darren Young’s sacking a week ago seems like a bit of a knee jerk reaction.  We narrowly failed to stay in League One. Another goal in certain games would have done it. We had a manager and squad who only one year previously had won league 2. I did want to see some evolution of the squad, just as I did last year but I didn’t think we were ripe for a full scale rebuild.

When the decision was announced, I was initially disappointed but decided that there must be a plan in place. Relegation must have been a possibility that had been considered. Then the next thing, an ad for first time manager appears on the website.

Ok, so no plan then…………..

Ok, so I'm going to play devils advocate here.....not because I think this is going to happen, I have to stress that....but because I would genuinely be surprised if people running a business do so without a plan or an idea on what they are trying to achieve. I also think, in modern football, that you don't just put out an advert and wait and see who applies, there's always someone out there that you would like to get, whether you can or not, is a different thing all together, but you're always attracted to someone.

So, playing devils advocate, who's not to say that the board do have a plan?? During the course of the year, someone at the club or connected with the club drops into conversation "it's a pity Darren has signed a new contract, there's a chance I could get (insert manager name here, but because he is out of a job, I'll use Kevin Thomson for example reasons)"....the seed has been planted. As the months go by where Darren, just can't get the result and more dis-concern sweeps the board, they start to think that maybe "Kevin Thomson" is a better bet, he had success at this level with Kelty and played the kind of football that the board want to see and he also encourages Youth development.....he even has his own youth training company which could get players in. The season hits the last month, the board decide that no matter what happens, they are going to pursue the "Kevin Thomson" idea. If Darren keeps us up, then the board say "well done, but to move the club forward we believe we need a change in manager" or relegated, they do what they did. The decks are now cleared for "Kevin Thomson" to come in, with his own team....however, when he is actually approached, "Kevin" wants a bit of time, because ideally, he would want a Full Time job.....or a bigger budget to work with, so he doesn't want to jump too early in the summer window just incase an opportunity comes elsewhere....Inverness say or Arbroath, so tells the board he "needs time to think it over". With having no guarantees, the board need a Plan B, just incase Plan A falls through and "Kevin Thomson" chooses a different path.....so they ask for applicants of interested people. Now, if Kevin doesn't want the job, the board know what candidates they do have for the job and will contact those that they feel is the most attractive.

I have no inside knowledge, but who's not to say something along these lines is the current boards agenda??

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12 minutes ago, BB_Bino said:

So, playing devils advocate, who's not to say that the board do have a plan??

i really, really hope you are right. 

i'm a natural pessimist most of the time especially when it comes to football. been let down too many times before......


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13 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

Also the kind of planning that leaves you with the dregs of who hasn't found a club come the middle of June.

This is a familiar concept ... it tends not to work out all that well ...

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All I've seen is buzzwords. Accountability, better transparency, better governance, professionalism. What I haven't seen is results.  The latest buzzword is "sustainable."  That after outsourcing work that used to be done voluntarily.  Now  unspecified costs need to be cut we are told, to achieve this sustainability.  Well if increasing costs = professionalism then professionalism has been a spectacular success.

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16 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

Also the kind of planning that leaves you with the dregs of who hasn't found a club come the middle of June.

That is sadly accurate, although it is to be earnestly hoped not applying this year or in this place. 

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1 hour ago, WC Boggs said:

All I've seen is buzzwords. Accountability, better transparency, better governance, professionalism. What I haven't seen is results.  The latest buzzword is "sustainable."  That after outsourcing work that used to be done voluntarily.  Now  unspecified costs need to be cut we are told, to achieve this sustainability.  Well if increasing costs = professionalism then professionalism has been a spectacular success.

Yes that long statement was high on buzzwords but low on substance.

I find everything rather concerning at the moment.

It would also be nice to see some detail to put everything into financial context.

It would appear from what I've heard/read that we've lost money the last 3 seasons. That isn't sustainable.

I would love to see the accounts to be able to make a proper judgement.


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5 minutes ago, WattersIsGod said:

Yes that long statement was high on buzzwords but low on substance.

I find everything rather concerning at the moment.

It would also be nice to see some detail to put everything into financial context.

It would appear from what I've heard/read that we've lost money the last 3 seasons. That isn't sustainable.

I would love to see the accounts to be able to make a proper judgement.


There was a bank account with 450k in it when this lot took control. That's a fact.  According to Redwatch , by their own figures there was 209k left by May 31st this year.  That's close on 250k blown in just 2 years.  Never mind though, it's all about doing things professionally.   

We've got shot of a good keeper and oh look Arbroath's released Gaston, what a coincidence.  That's my bet for our replacement keeper.

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19 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

Also the kind of planning that leaves you with the dregs of who hasn't found a club come the middle of June.

just when things can't get worse City now have to scrap with Stirling for the free transfers..


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