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US Presidential Election 2024


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"Donald Trump is certain to be the Republican candidate in this year’s election for US president. He is also currently favourite to win.......

..............Britons who know the US are amazed that, however reluctantly, enough of its voters might again choose Trump to rule over them after the experience of 2017 to 2021. Who are these Americans? How can they be so blind to his faults, with the law hounding him, gossip ridiculing him and commentators pouring scorn and derision on his every word?

The answer is that the Americans who support Trump are not those whom most Britons know. They are elderly and rural: they are often, but by no means solely, working class and/or non-graduates. But, above all, they love Trump because they, too, are hostile to the Americans that he purports to hate."

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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44 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Unfortunately there are some Trump supporters who would vote for him even if he wiped his arse with the flag. 

I have a sneaking suspicion he’d rise in there estimate if he did. Far too many of them prefer the Stars and Bars or the Nazi flag.

1 hour ago, Alan Twelve said:

And they're OK with him being a rapist. That could be key in the election.

Fake news to them. They simply don’t believe what he did was wrong, and that’s even as some will admit he actually did it. They tend to thing she should be honoured he did it to her.

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16 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Fake news to them. They simply don’t believe what he did was wrong, and that’s even as some will admit he actually did it. They tend to thing she should be honoured he did it to her.

I don't disagree, but there aren't nearly enough MAGA conspiracy loons to have Trump anywhere near the presidency - he's got the support of millions of ostensibly respectable republicans who know that he's a rapist and are willing to ignore this. These are the people I can't understand. I cannot imagine being a person for whom tax cuts, or indeed anything else, are so important that I'll vote for a traitorous fraudster rapist. I can't get my head round it at all.

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22 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

Never stopped Bill Clinton (sort of) 

Same criteria. These were plenty of people who believed what he did wasn’t wrong because a powerful man should be able to bed whomever he wants*. It’s a very deep seated bias in many people’s psyche, especially the voters those two appealed to at the time. Look at how a predatory adult male is viewed versus a predatory adult female…nonce verses lucky boy. Hell, there have been films glorifying young boys “becoming men” and how lucky they are. Society is changing slowly, until it completes a shift in this paradigm, we’re gonna see such stuff.

*Although, back then it was like Edwin Edward’s said. He was safe until he was “found in bed with a live boy, or a dead girl”.

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28 minutes ago, Alan Twelve said:

I don't disagree, but there aren't nearly enough MAGA conspiracy loons to have Trump anywhere near the presidency - he's got the support of millions of ostensibly respectable republicans who know that he's a rapist and are willing to ignore this. These are the people I can't understand. I cannot imagine being a person for whom tax cuts, or indeed anything else, are so important that I'll vote for a traitorous fraudster rapist. I can't get my head round it at all.

It’s really simple, U.S. politics is a binary choice, and they support Party over person. The Republican Party has sold its soul for power with Trump, and have gotten what they wanted…judges, anti-abortion laws, voter suppression, etc. The number of people who vote a “straight ticket” is mind blowing…that is, they vote for everyone with an R or a D after their name, or in some States check a box labeled “Straight Ticket - Republican” (or Democratic) at the top of the ballot.

Ever since the loss by GHWBush in 1992, the Republican Party has seen the writing on the wall, demographically. They have made small efforts to recruit Hispanic (especially Cuban) voters and Black voters (mostly with racist trope based outreach that has blown up in spectacular fashion), but they’ve gone all in on suppressing votes. Look at the outrage at Taylor Swift urging her followers to register and vote…she never even suggested which way to vote, just vote, and the Republicans blew their tops!

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Would that be worse news for Biden or Trump? I've never heard of them. Is having labels in your clothes really that bad? Imagine it's a good idea at Trump/Biden's age to help them remember their name.

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On 08/03/2024 at 16:36, Alan Twelve said:

I don't disagree, but there aren't nearly enough MAGA conspiracy loons to have Trump anywhere near the presidency - he's got the support of millions of ostensibly respectable republicans who know that he's a rapist and are willing to ignore this. These are the people I can't understand. I cannot imagine being a person for whom tax cuts, or indeed anything else, are so important that I'll vote for a traitorous fraudster rapist. I can't get my head round it at all.

I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise. A worryingly high number of people of both sexes don't consider rape to be a big deal, or that it only matters if you weren't "asking for it", or that it only matters if it directly affects them.

Just think about how many women have stories about being sexually assaulted; it's not the same wee handful of guys doing it. Consider also how many times a high-profile rape case will come up in conversation and some of the women present will immediately start blaming the victim for their dress, or being alone with a man, or being in a bad area, or taking intoxicants, or going out at night, or being promiscuous, or looking for attention, or hoping to get paid off, or just flat-out lying for no real reason at all.

A fair number of folk will pay lip service but really don't care much, especially if they like the person accused.

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22 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Would that be worse news for Biden or Trump? I've never heard of them. Is having labels in your clothes really that bad? Imagine it's a good idea at Trump/Biden's age to help them remember their name.

It’s a push so far, with moderate Republicans and Democrats the target. Haley’s voters will be a key target, as will those worried about Biden’s age. As it stands, unless Trump makes amends toward the Haley supporters, he’s got a problem…that’s over 2 millions voters, and he lost the last election by less than 50,000. Biden’s comments recently seem to be focused on acknowledging his age, but counterpointing it with Trump’s age and weird statements…we’ll see if that works.

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The Haley supporters will all hold their nose and vote for Trump. Don't forget they're still arseholes, slightly lesser arseholes but arseholes nonetheless.

Trump will get huge numbers the only question is if Biden can make a late push to get even more voters to support him, as he did last time. 

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

It’s a push so far, with moderate Republicans and Democrats the target. Haley’s voters will be a key target, as will those worried about Biden’s age. As it stands, unless Trump makes amends toward the Haley supporters, he’s got a problem…that’s over 2 millions voters, and he lost the last election by less than 50,000. 

Looks like the world's shittest Nate Silver impersonator is back on the horse again.

The Nikki Haley problem indeed. 🤡

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1 hour ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

The Haley supporters will all hold their nose and vote for Trump. Don't forget they're still arseholes, slightly lesser arseholes but arseholes nonetheless.

Trump will get huge numbers the only question is if Biden can make a late push to get even more voters to support him, as he did last time. 

The answer to that question is 'very likely not' because support for Biden is sloughing off among the young (not least due to Gaza) as well as African and Latino American voters.

Just because Trump's a wannabe fascist doesn't mean that they're compelled to traipse to the ballot box to vote for an incumbent dotard instead. That's the hostage to fortune that has been created by the abject to date 'strategy' of the Democratic Party.

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3 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

The Haley supporters will all hold their nose and vote for Trump. Don't forget they're still arseholes, slightly lesser arseholes but arseholes nonetheless.

Trump will get huge numbers the only question is if Biden can make a late push to get even more voters to support him, as he did last time. 

Not necessarily true if the No Label's candidate is appealing. Look at what happened with Ross Perot, he had no chance, but still pulled 18.91% of the popular vote. As for Trump's huge numbers, that's not absolutely clear because they are lacking "interests" on the ballots. The addition of abortion bills to some ballots will work to Biden's advantage, while the same hasn't proven true for Republican turnout. It's all academic right now, as we'll need to be within about 2 months before any projections have a reasonable accuracy.

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