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Titanic II

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1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

Fcuk. I’ve had a ‘mare. Of course it was. As I was typing, in my brain, I thought Apollo 13 was a Spielberg job. Of course it was Ron Howard.

Consider my brain well and truly scrambled today. I accept the scorn coming my way with good grace. 😎



No scorn here, you could have said Walt Disney, and I wouldn't have disputed it...

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18 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It baffles me that it wasn't  tethered with an umbilical

A couple of loops around the Titanic, and there's a good chance you've inadvertantly, and unknowingly, anchored either your sub or your surface ship to the largest man-made object in the Atlantic Ocean, with all the safety hazards that implies. We're talking something like 4 miles worth of tether, and the guys at the business end are whizzing around a giant, jaggy piece of rusty metal with all sorts of pointy hooked bits for your 4-mile rope to snag and catch onto.

Edited by Aim Here
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24 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

Interesting to think that if they had actually been intact on the seabed there'd now be a race against the clock to cut them free as the air dwindled: quite impressive to have found the location within only days of them disappearing.

If anybody starts this kind of enterprise up again in the decades to come, then proper certification of their craft will clearly be a requisite (though note that French expert who'd already been down 3 dozen times obviously felt it was safe)... but a 'Plan B' surely also needs to be in place beforehand. Basically their only solution to losing communication was calling out a voluntary search party drawn from round the entire planet.

The ROVs found it almost as soon as they arrived, which was only today, the earlier ones weren't capable of that depth. Maybe the rule should be to have a depth capable ROV on standby whenever they drop a manned submersible to extreme depths.

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4 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

A couple of loops around the Titanic, and there's a good chance you've inadvertantly, and unknowingly, anchored either your sub or your surface ship to the largest man-made object in the Atlantic Ocean, with all the safety hazards that implies. We're talking something like 4 miles worth of tether, and the guys at the business end are whizzing around a giant, jaggy piece of rusty metal with all sorts of pointy hooked bits for your 4-mile rope to snag and catch onto.

Offshore ROVs manage to get right in about subsea templates/wellheads/pipework etc without a problem though. 

Staying a few metres clear of the dirty auld bits of metal to avoid snagging would be infinitely preferable to having just been pressurised into a human oxo cube

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Implosion is definitely best case scenario. I remember watching something about an implosion in a diving bell off an oil rig in the 80s due to human error that killed three workers and it was absolute carnage, but at least it was instant.

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It's the first time a carbon fibre and tubular chamber's been used and it wasn't properly tested. All the other extreme depth submersibles have been titanium and spherical. My uninformed guess is that repeated dives weakened the carbon fibre structure which probably wasn't stress tested since before the first dive.

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I’ve got Good news and bad news. The bad news is the sub has imploded and 5 billionaires have lost their lives, gutting I know. The good news is …. The titanic now has a new exhibit……you’re still thinking about the bad news


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6 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Implosion is definitely best case scenario. I remember watching something about an implosion in a diving bell off an oil rig in the 80s due to human error that killed three workers and it was absolute carnage, but at least it was instant.

Is that the Dolphin one? I was reading about that earlier

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9 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Is that the Dolphin one? I was reading about that earlier

Yeah! Couldn't remember the name or specific details of it, just that it was an extemely violent but mercifully quick horror show.

Had a read there. Was actually 5 that died and one severely injured. The guy at the point of the implosion was basically turned into something from a Tarantino film.

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I saw the Titanic exhibit at the Luxor in Las Vegas.

You get handed a wee card with someones name on it.  Then go through the exhibit and see various recreations of areas of the ship and a giant iceburg.  Then get to see "artifacts" recovered from the wreck site.  Those "artifacts" are totally not grave robbing ghouls.  The info cards say so.  Also you get to see a massive chunk of the hull the dragged up from the bottom of the ocean and stuck in the Nevada desert for you to gawp at.

Then at the end you get to see if the person whos card you got lived or died.  Mines died.  Was a perfume salesman or something.

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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Some laugh if it came back the debris is from MH370. 

We can confirm after careful analysis that the debris found near the site of the Titanic, is from the Titanic. We have no clue where the sub is.

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