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The P&Ber's Guide to Hitchhiking

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We live on a steepish hill which runs beside a lake. More often than not there is someone thumbing it at the bottom of the hill as the buses are always chokka. The problem is our flat is only another 300m up the road and I always feel bad running past the people but they will definitely be going further than I am. I don't live in a scene fro The Jerk after all. 

Personally, I would give anyone a lift who needs it. But for the grace of God etc. If my wife is in the car though she won't hear of it. Her approach is much more sensible I suppose.

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33 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Is this some teuchter equivalent to not getting off at Haymarket?

Nah, that would be 'getting off at Ardgay' (because there's no Bonar).


*pronounced 'Ard-guy' btw. ScotRail announced it as 'gay' for a good while.  Always brought out the immature side in you.

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10 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

How many P&Bers have stood thumbs-up at the side of the road looking to hitch a ride? 

I wonder if covid finished off hitchhiking? It seemed to be slowly disappearing before that but for ages I don't think I've seen anyone hitchhiking. Maybe it belongs to a different era and I guess I belong to it as I used to hitch through France during Uni breaks ages ago. Best lift was just outside Paris from a guy who had been at a Bowie concert the night before - open top car, racing down the road, Bowie CDs blasting. Worst part of hitching was not getting a lift. On a tour of the Lake District me and a mate ended up trying to sleep at the side of the road, woke up freezing and being watched by a herd of cows. 


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23 minutes ago, Dan Steele said:

I wonder if covid finished off hitchhiking? It seemed to be slowly disappearing before that but for ages I don't think I've seen anyone hitchhiking. Maybe it belongs to a different era and I guess I belong to it as I used to hitch through France during Uni breaks ages ago. Best lift was just outside Paris from a guy who had been at a Bowie concert the night before - open top car, racing down the road, Bowie CDs blasting. Worst part of hitching was not getting a lift. On a tour of the Lake District me and a mate ended up trying to sleep at the side of the road, woke up freezing and being watched by a herd of cows. 


I saw a couple of mid-20s tourists (in separate instances) looking for a lift north along the NC500 in Assynt a few weeks back.  Both had beards, rucksacks and wooly hats with bobbles; the classic look.

Somebody should have told them that standing at a point with no parking stops nearby isn't the best of tactics. They were gone when I came back later that day though.

On the cow thing, we encountered this brute a day or two later:



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In February 1984 our train broke down halfway between Glasgow and Stranraer. Realising we were going to miss the game, my mate and I headed to the road to attempt to hitch a lift. The first car that passed was a group of East Fife fans and we squeezed in.

We were the only away supporters at the game. 

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7 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

In February 1984 our train broke down halfway between Glasgow and Stranraer. Realising we were going to miss the game, my mate and I headed to the road to attempt to hitch a lift. The first car that passed was a group of East Fife fans and we squeezed in.


"🎶 They come fae near Lochgelly... 🎶"


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I hitched all the way from Crinan to Oban when I was about 14. I sailed with some friends from Oban to Crinan, they were heading further down the canal, so I was pretty stuck. But my old man was too pished to collect me. I got in around 5 different cars.

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As a young driver it was pretty common through the summer to pick up the Czech lads and lassies going between berry farms until they started housing them all on site.

They used to pay us with disgusting hard boiled liquorice sweets instead of the sexual acts we were looking for.

Have hitched a few times on linear hillwalking where my car is 10 miles from the end with about a 50% succes rate. I'll also pick up other hillwalkers doing same.

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Driving a Boxing Day morning from Irvine to Glasgow, pissing with rain and bloke walking  not far from Auchentiber. Stopped and asked if he needed a lift. He was a security guard having to walk from Kilwinning to Barrhead to do a shift, no car and no public transport. Gave a lift and was happy to do so. You never know you might be really helping someone, about 30 years ago.

Couple of times in Perthshire for young east Europeans, when that was a thing. Nice chats sometimes. Young couple from Bulgaria, teacher and Uni Student. They made as much in a couple of months in summer in Scotland as they did back home rest of year., about 20 years ago.

Never see anyone doing it now


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I knew a couple of guys who'd never been to Ayrshire, but hitched down one Saturday, 60 miles to Kilmarnock to see Hibernian play. The day was bright and sunny, but the game they didn't relay and there was no Kilmarnock Bunnet to make them want to stay

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I've hitchhiked hunners. I used to do a lot of hillwalking and I don't drive. I always found it super easy to get a lift and it led to some class experiences and meeting some fascinating people.

Women almost never pick up which is fair although I got picked up outside Ullapool by a charming woman who worked as a chef in hunting lodges. Some great stories.

Worst experience was a guy picked me up in Skye and he was on his way back from a festival and was obviously coked oot his napper. We were hammering along single track roads at 80mph which was fucking terrifying.

Dutch people always pick you up. Always. A yellow number plate is always a welcome sign.


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Just minded of an occasion in County Tipperary in the middle of absolutely nowhere in 2000.

On holiday and decided to walk to the nearest pub for a pint. 

Hit the "main" road and the first car that passed me stopped and offered me a lift. The pub was one of these half and half grocers affairs. Terrific pint of Guinness! 

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Hitched from Glasgow to London a few time in my youth with no bother. Started out from Bothwell services, and on the way back, from Brent Cross.

Hitched from Paris to the south of France once, trickier but I got there.

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