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General Election 2024

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9 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Almost worth seeing them voted in to see how this is actually introduced. 

Will his daughters do it? What happens to 18-year-old Man City superstars?

And what happens when the first person is killed or seriously injured after a training accident? 

That's before you even work out how the Army (or Police and NHS) would cope with an influx of people who didn't want to be there when they are already critically understaffed.

This morning I've even seen a tweet from Stephen Yaxley-Lennon against it. I mean, Jesus Christ, if your government's attempt to appeal to the right is opposed by the (former?) head bloke from the fascist party then you've probably misjudged it.

I mean besides going through vetting and becoming a special constable i cant think of any voluntary role they could do in the police besides coming in at a weekend and washing the cars or something. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

National Service? an electioneering joke put forward to satisfy the retired little englanders who spend their days writing to their local rag complaining of the feckless rude youth nowadays.

I checked aroung the internet at the original system circa 1950's and found it was riddled with scams of their day to get exemptions, farmer, bakers and those in medicine were exempt so there was an uptake of those positions, the Merchant Navy was another refuge then there were doctors who for the right money could declare you unfit  or mentally ill.

It wasn't a publicly acceptable system and if you were apprenticed you had to interrupt it and do two years in teh military and then return to complete your apprenticeship.

I've met young men around the world who were conscripted in France, Scandinavian countries etc and none of them had a god word for it, conscripts in Iran don't get paid for their national service.

I recently read a book about the history of national service by Richard Vinen.

The author reckons that there was a lot of bullying, brutality and sexual assault amongst the conscripts.  Young, law abiding guys would emerge from their national service with deep rooted anger and resentment and would be far more likely to commit crime than they were before. 

It really contradicted the romanticised notion that the conscripts would learn discipline. In many cases the opposite was true.


Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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I recall the Heysel Stadium disaster where commentator Jimmy Hill was left without a football match to comment on.

He started saying "Well I guess there is no option now.  We will have to bring back National Service.  It is the only way to root out this sort of behaviour."

He was allowed to carry on for a while longer before the program director switched over to someone more sensible.

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A lot of talk of Portillo moments for the Conservatives, but I think we will also see some Alex Salmond moments (Or Angus Robertson moments if you prefer for the SNP). Looking at their current front bench, the likes of Tommy Sheppard, Deirdre Brock, John Nicholson and all of the Glasgow MPs are all potentially in trouble.

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1 hour ago, JS_FFC said:

Hasty pay rise for Sarwar’s staff



A Trade Union protecting Labour and having a pop at the SNP.  I wouldn’t have expected that!

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On 25/05/2024 at 20:05, Jedi2 said:

Don't disagree re oil..that was however around 40 years ago under Thatcher.

Speaking of funding...

Now we discover that Neil Gray and Shona Robinson have been trying to block additional funding of £2.9 billion from Westminster for local Councils in Scotland, as it doesn't fit their 'narrative'. Despite starving Councils of cash themselves for years and ushering in another Council Tax freeze to appease the Middle Class, the SNP now block this money 'because' its from Westminster.




In fairness its been a cracking start to the campaign:


Honest John defends Michael 'he did nothing wrong' Matheson.

Murrell report is sent to the Fiscal and Sturgeon remains 'under investigation'

Honest John confirms that the most seats defacto Ref is still in play

And now it's found that they were trying to block additional funding from Westminster..and this is just the first few days.


The bastion of honesty & truth, The Scottish Daily Express.


You should stick to Urban Water Management.

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21 hours ago, BFTD said:

Capital punishment tends to be divisive, but I bet there'd be massive support for using prison slave labour to fill potholes.

I've tried this and human tissue is even worse than hot patching with loose tarmac for filling in potholes. Attracts foxes too

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Posted (edited)

Starmer's "I'm one of you" is genuinely the most disingenuous shit ever.

Still playing the " My dad was a tool-maker" card as if he was a worker in a factory.

Starmer’s father wasn't a factory worker, but owned the Oxted Tool Company - his own independent toolmaking enterprise. He was a self-employed tradesman, without superiors or overseers, operating from a rented workshop on an industrial estate rather than a conventional factory setting.

In an ideal political landscape focused on substantive policies rather than theatrical portrayals of “the worker,” the specifics of Starmer’s father’s profession should hold little relevance - but the current state of politics has brought us to a point where such details seem to take centre stage, overshadowing more crucial matters.

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


Starmer’s father wasn't a factory worker, butboperated the Oxted Tool Company - his own independent toolmaking enterprise. He was a self-employed tradesman, without superiors or overseers, operating from a rented workshop on an industrial estate rather than a conventional factory setting.

This should be explained on every SNP leaflet. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.


7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


Still playing the " My dad was a tool-maker" card as if he was a worker in a factory.

Desperate stuff. Where did he say that his dad worked in a factory? Plenty more cope like this from SNP supporters in the next few weeks.

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

This should be explained on every SNP leaflet. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.


Desperate stuff. Where did he say that his dad worked in a factory? Plenty more cope like this from SNP supporters in the next few weeks.

He originally said it in a speech to the TUC:

“Despite being a skilled toolmaker throughout his working life, my dad thought people looked down on him because he worked on the factory floor. He was right about that.”

He was ridiculed for it at the time.

Today's speech shows he just hasn't learned.

"My own story is a testament to this. Because it wasn’t easy for us.  My dad was a tool-maker. He worked in a factory . . ."


It is just fucking laughable.

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Impoverished, starving children being mass murdered in southern Gaza at this moment, including many burned alive. Yet Starmer came up to Glasgow last Friday to remind us of Israel's "right to self-defence". Sunak is just a slobbering oaf on all issues not least this one. I can only think these men can't see the wood for the trees or something. That they're in too close, their heads are too full of shite - remembering their lines and their media training, focusing on the personal power awaiting them - that they've become so detached from normal thinking to the point they can no longer determine whether or not dead children is a bad thing.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Young Tory defects

Well, we had one with an absolutely massive fivehead a while back.

...oh, right, I see. Never mind.

Edit: no idea if the party members preferred Mordaunt over Rishi, but more than half of them wanted Liz Truss, so they're fucking lucky anybody asks them what they want for their tea.

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On 26/05/2024 at 13:45, BFTD said:

Isn't "voluntary national service" just joining the army?  :huh:

You have to do a minimum of four years when you join the army. After that you have to give 12 months notice if you want to leave. The notice period in the air force is 18 months.

Bizarrely, if you're under 18 when you join you have to do a minimum of 6 years.

If you do a training course during your minimum period it can be extended, and by longer than the course.

When you leave you're transferred to the reserves and can be called up later, for up to 6 years.

You can quit in the first 3 months in the army or first 6 months in the navy/ air force though.

In practice you can leave with permission and AFAIK that's common. They don't want people who don't want to be there. 

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This is mental to me. Foodbank users seemingly grateful to the Tory government for setting them up instead of just letting people starve. Totally ignorant to the fact that the need for food banks at all is entirely down to Tory mismanagement of the economy. 

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This gets more hilarious: 

Parents could be punished if their children refuse to sign up to the Conservative’s national service programme, a minister has suggested.


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