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General Election 2024

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Said at the start of the campaign that Labour would have a majority of between 100 and 150, that the SNP would still be the biggest party in Scotland and that Reform would get a couple and the Greens one. Think the Greens may get 2 or even 3 now, and Labour might just pip the SNP, but other than that I don't think I'll be far off. The Survation poll seems a bit wild to me.

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2 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Said at the start of the campaign that Labour would have a majority of between 100 and 150, that the SNP would still be the biggest party in Scotland and that Reform would get a couple and the Greens one. Think the Greens may get 2 or even 3 now, and Labour might just pip the SNP, but other than that I don't think I'll be far off. The Survation poll seems a bit wild to me.

Yep, I would be staggered if quite so many people fell for the Labour line so soon after 2014, despite the SNPs disastrous year.

It would amuse me a lot if some of the trad tory areas flipped to something else (Lib Dems?) up here.

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And there you are..Scotsman and Independent reporting the Savanta poll which gives the SNP a comfortable lead over Labour and should see

SNP 24

Labour 22

Libs 5

Tories 6

SNP lead for Holyrood also stretching away now.

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3 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

And there you are..Scotsman and Independent reporting the Savanta poll which gives the SNP a comfortable lead over Labour and should see

SNP 24

Labour 22

Libs 5

Tories 6

SNP lead for Holyrood also stretching away now.

Ah....the old "you'd better get out and vote" trick.

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45 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

And there you are..Scotsman and Independent reporting the Savanta poll which gives the SNP a comfortable lead over Labour and should see

SNP 24

Labour 22

Libs 5

Tories 6

SNP lead for Holyrood also stretching away now.

Scottish polls have been showing a fair number of undecided voters - you think would be disillusioned Tories or independence voters who are not happy with the SNP.

The fact that Labour look comfortable will make many independence voters think about lending Labour their vote, not to mention putting independence at the centre of the manifesto - clearly to encourage those non-SNP independence supporters.

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21 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Found this hilarious.



Visited Dundee at the weekend and saw that at Mum's. 

Was genuinely shocked that any party would spend money on a flyer with a photo of their candidate looking like he'd fallen asleep in Wetherspoons.


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1 minute ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Maybe that's as photogenic as the dude gets?

Maybe, then sit him at a desk/stand him in the City Square, and try and make him look like he's not bored shitless. 

It's propaganda, in this case done as badly as it gets.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Scottish polls have been showing a fair number of undecided voters - you think would be disillusioned Tories or independence voters who are not happy with the SNP.

The fact that Labour look comfortable will make many independence voters think about lending Labour their vote, not to mention putting independence at the centre of the manifesto - clearly to encourage those non-SNP independence supporters.

There are indeed a good number of Undecided.. and you are right, probably disillusioned Tory and SNP voters.

However, on the day that still makes them likely to not bother or just 'go with what they usually do'

24-22 SNP probably feels 'about right'. If that is the result, it renders a Labour win in England and Wales pretty meaningless in Scotland, as the 'narrative' is still with the SNP, and they still hold control of 'most' powers at Holyrood in any case 

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1 minute ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I always vote in elections, but the candidates on offer this time round for East Ren are utterly horrific, and I cannot bring myself to give any of them my vote.

So, my question is, big cock drawn on the ballot, or the word "c**t" written in the boxes?

Vote SNP.  Then when you’re on your deathbed you can always look back at it as one moment of goodness in your life.

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1 minute ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I always vote in elections, but the candidates on offer this time round for East Ren are utterly horrific, and I cannot bring myself to give any of them my vote.

So, my question is, big cock drawn on the ballot, or the word "c**t" written in the boxes?

How about writing "W@nk" after each name, then write at the foot of the paper "No good guy available."

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15 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I always vote in elections, but the candidates on offer this time round for East Ren are utterly horrific, and I cannot bring myself to give any of them my vote.

So, my question is, big cock drawn on the ballot, or the word "c**t" written in the boxes?

Same predicament but no SNP available in darkest Cheshire so I have decided to vote for the man I'd like to be in cherge.


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Feels like there's been a few late swings, small in number but could make a bit of a difference. 

Labour lost a little in the last week,, SNP up a little, Tories up marginally and Reform level, falling back a bit. Not huge margins, but potentially the difference between double digit seats and a low triple figure for the Tories. That's my perception anyway. 

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London has 22 Tory MPs from a total of 73 at the moment, the polls reckon this could go as low as 3 or 4 so maybe they are just trying to back the winner but The Standard has come out for Labour. 


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