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Middle class Scottish things

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3 minutes ago, Clangers said:

Now there in BP garages surely there now longer middle class, they have been replaced by Just Fresh/ Gousto.

I expect to pay through the nose if I buy a snack when I'm in the garage getting petrol, but I wouldn't chose to go to a foodhall to do my normal food shopping. You're absolutely correct about Gousto/Just Fresh, I just don't see the point, and the packaging waste and food miles associated with them must be horrendous.

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1 minute ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

What is this petty bourgeois nonsense? We all know it involves pishing in the kitchen sink, but having previously removed the dishes.

I challenge this opinion with getting out of the bath to go to the toilet.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Tremendous thread.  Finally, I am among my people.


Having some weird cross breed dog, like a cockapoo or something like that.

Got an Australian Labradoodle

Working for a financial services company in Edinburgh.


Done that when i was 15 in the scouts.

Putting weird lights in your garden.

Yep got those too.

Doing the North Coast 500 with your friends, camping out on the route.

Done that with a mate when i was 18 in my first car, staying in youth hostels.


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National Trust for Scotland membership


Owns a tux. Or tartan trousers.

Shops for clothes at House of Bruar

CenterParcs with the kids. Bonus points for the October break.

Parents paid the deposit on your first flat. Bonus points if it was when you went to uni.

Paying for an English uni when you could have got a free degree in Scotland

Knows someone who can sort you a ticket for the Calcutta Cup at Twickenham

Has ever fired a gun at a living animal though it's not your job

Calls the Ubiquitous Chip "the Chip".

Has private health insurance (paying for one-off conditions doesn't count)

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1 hour ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

Being an MSP who advocates for Air Source Heat Pumps yet still has a gas boiler.

a) This is not the "petty things that get on your nerves" thread, this very specific gripe you have with presumably one individual is not relevant here.

b) You can advocate for something getting built in new houses without having to rip up everything in your own home.

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