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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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See also people who say they're going to the 'shops' when the know fine well they're only going to one shop.

Or when people say let's go 'shopping' only to browse about a bit with little commitment to actually purchasing something. That's browsing, shopping is "right, here's a list of stuff, let's go get it", back home an hour or two later.

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Or when people say let's go 'shopping' only to browse about a bit with little commitment to actually purchasing something. That's browsing, shopping is "right, here's a list of stuff, let's go get it", back home an hour or two later.

By people you mean your wife? Just say your wife she'll never find out you've been whinging about her behind her back.
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I am riddled with the flu and I feel awful but I don't think that's a strong enough case to phone in sick. I don't like phoning in sick anyway having something trivial like a flu seems to be throwing a sicky material

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I am riddled with the flu and I feel awful but I don't think that's a strong enough case to phone in sick. I don't like phoning in sick anyway having something trivial like a flu seems to be throwing a sicky material

Aye, go in and spread it around, no need to suffer alone.

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I am riddled with the flu and I feel awful but I don't think that's a strong enough case to phone in sick. I don't like phoning in sick anyway having something trivial like a flu seems to be throwing a sicky material

You obviously don't have the flu, Raff. Flu isn't trivial.

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Yep. If you're even questioning whether you should/could be in work, you absolutely don't have 'flu, you are just a sap.

Free medical diagnosis courtesy of Mrs M

Chris_DK may not have felt to bad when he posted but I bet he feels worse now.

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So glad the unions got us sick pay so that we could phone in when we are ill.

Some people seem to want us to return to the stone ages.

You accept holiday pay so why not sick pay?

I haven't worked there long enough to get sick pay, but that's irrelevant.

It's the hassle you get when you go back that I can't be bothered with. Not saying that a return to work isn't necessary but sitting down with your boss questioning when the explosive diarrhoea started is frankly not enjoyable.

Yeah this. I always seem to think they're trying to rumble me in case I pulled a sicky.

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