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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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^^^Usually auld buggers that canna cope with "modern" traffic

Yep fair amount of that. A high number of people of all ages who only seem to be aware of what's 20 metres directly in front of them. Also a number of complete arseholes who seem to think driving is a challenge with every other road user.

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We have a new guy at work, been there about two months. He hadn't showed up at his usual time of 8am, I went to check my phone and had received a message from him on Facebook messenger, asking if i could tell the boss that he wouldn't be in for "personal reasons" and that he couldn't phone in cos his phone was broken. I replied that he needs to phone in somehow, but It took him 3 hours to reply. Everybody including the boss knows that he was up in Inverness for the weekend and was on holiday yesterday. He's got a lot of explaining to do, as it's a bit suss that he couldn't find another way of phoning in. Surely he could Have used someone else's, it went to a phonebox if need be.

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We have a new guy at work, been there about two months. He hadn't showed up at his usual time of 8am, I went to check my phone and had received a message from him on Facebook messenger, asking if i could tell the boss that he wouldn't be in for "personal reasons" and that he couldn't phone in cos his phone was broken. I replied that he needs to phone in somehow, but It took him 3 hours to reply. Everybody including the boss knows that he was up in Inverness for the weekend and was on holiday yesterday. He's got a lot of explaining to do, as it's a bit suss that he couldn't find another way of phoning in. Surely he could Have used someone else's, it went to a phonebox if need be.


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We don't though.



Just be glad it's no you who needs to do the explaining in the morning. Nothing worse than a crushing hangover/comedown and the thought of work the next day when you've phoned (or not in this boy's case) in sick. Enough to send a sane man mental with fear.

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I know what you mean. There's always a fear of phoning in, even when you are genuinely ill. I had To phone in on a Saturday sick a couple of months ago for the first time (been there nearly 4 years) and my boss had to come in and do my shift. I thought I'd get a bollocking when I went back on the Tuesday but he was fine, the assistant gaffer had the same virus and had stuck up for me.

Edited by philpy
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I know what you mean. There's always a fear of phoning in, even when you are genuinely ill. I had To phone in on a Saturday sick a couple of months ago for the first time (been there nearly 4 years) and my boss had to come in and do my shift. I thought I'd get a bollocking when I went back on the Tuesday but he was fine, the assistant gaffer had the same virus and had stuck up for me.


Same virus as the ass manager you say?

Ass man stuck up for you, you say.

Oh Philpy!

Did the anti-biotic clear yous both up?


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Hardly. The boss has a right to know if his staff aren't going to turn up.


He probably figured that nice lad Philpy would pass the message on for him.


No doubt your colleagues will fill him in on the terrible mistake he's made.

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Squarebear punters wearing T-shirts of bands they almost certainly aren't into in order to appear edgy.


All the more obvious when the Black Sabbath album you choose to commemorate on your chest is Never Say Die, which even the band are happy to admit was a pile of shite.

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Squarebear punters wearing T-shirts of bands they almost certainly aren't into in order to appear edgy.


All the more obvious when the Black Sabbath album you choose to commemorate on your chest is Never Say Die, which even the band are happy to admit was a pile of shite.


f**k yes, I was wondering why I'd started seeing that shirt everywhere. Never Say Die is a fucking dreadful record at the end of a string of crackers.

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