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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who stand on the left hand side of escalators...

? Stand on left pass on right. Like driving or general walking on pavements.

Narrow pavements both should move to their own left to pass without daft dance thing.


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The rule on the London Underground appears to be that you stand on the right, pass on the left.


Been on it hundreds of times and it had never occurred to me. You just follow whatever everyone else is doing.

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People who walk up escalators are running away from other things in their lives, probably BEAST charges from the law. Weirdos.

You want to walk on stair like contraptions?



But you get to where you are going twice as quick than you would if you walked up the stairs ;)

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Escalators have got the wrong name – well half of them do.

I have no problem with the ones that go up. To escalate means to go up, so that is fine. That is the correct use of the language.

Bur what exactly is a down escalator? One that escalates you downwards? Sorry, no, that makes no sense – it is a contradiction, an oxymoron.

.. and you can’t just call it a de-escalator, since de-escalate means to stop going up. Oh, and don’t get me on to when they stop working and you have to try using them like ordinary steps – that really is really, really , really annoying – worse than stubbing your toe, hitting your thumb with a hammer or a paper cut – aargh.

Anyway, a down escalator should really be called something like a descentator. Similarly the up escalators should be called ascentators.

In fact, if you really insisted on these terms, pokes people in the ribs, slapped them in the face and forced them to use these new words, they would be so annoyed with you, they would stop being annoyed about anything else and this whole thread could be simplified.

What do you think?

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