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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, dee_62 said:

tell me you didn't pose as a works' photographer to get that!!!  Have a greenie for your dedication to the cause though.  

wid btw.

It's on the website of her previous practice in Bathgate. It's taken me until now to find it because I couldn't remember her last name!

Edited by GordonD
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1 minute ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

When supermarkets put their wee to charity stall right at the entrance to the shop. Loads of people queuing up to see what it is all about meaning no one can get in or out the door. 

Is that telling them to piss off?

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21 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Getting old is my PPTGOYN today. My calf muscles can't go more than a few weeks without getting a strain or tear. |Get my hair cut and instead of "that's nice" I get "you're going so grey" from missus. 

Don't worry, it'll fall out soon!

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11 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I was playing squash the other night and my calf "pinged". I screamed like a girl in a Hammer Horror film. My mate was horrified that people would think he was raping me. 

I went through a period where that happened quite regularly; fucking agony. Someone mentioned that it can be exacerbated by a low sodium diet, so I switched back to salt from Lo-Salt. Only happens once in a blue moon now, so it might be worth getting one of those salt licks like bunnies have, or a more sensible alternative if you insist on being boring.

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11 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I went through a period where that happened quite regularly; fucking agony. Someone mentioned that it can be exacerbated by a low sodium diet, so I switched back to salt from Lo-Salt. Only happens once in a blue moon now, so it might be worth getting one of those salt licks like bunnies have, or a more sensible alternative if you insist on being boring.

Cheers. I have a feeling it's diet-related. Weird as I don't get any other aches or strains. 

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Cheers. I have a feeling it's diet-related. Weird as I don't get any other aches or strains. 

My calf was fucked for years because I used the treadmill too often with poor footwear. Maybe try get a trainer with a springier sole? I was using basically plimsole trainers on a treadmill for an hour a night for months and slowly felt my calf take a hammering. Never thought much of it until I started pulling up regularly in the area I had been getting the pain. Gone now like but I would definitely look at your trainers too.
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Defrosting the car. Or in this case, my own incompetence at performing such a simple task.

(We park our car in a cul-de-sac a street over (no one from that street ever parks where we do. I checked beforehand) because our street is awful for vandalism. Drunks use our street to get to the other side of town so don't care what damage they do.)

I ran out of de-icer yesterday and forgot to get more, so this morning went down to the car with warm water instead. I poured some on my windscreen and some of it splashed onto me as I was obviously too close. Not a good start but I powered through. After I had poured all the water out I went to get in the car and then realised I had left my keys at home. So I had to head back home for them. At this point I was skating up the road as the splashed water from earlier was doing it's best to become ice on my shoes. I then got back to my car and my gamble hadn't paid off: the windscreen had frozen up again (it's not even a 2 minute walk from my door to the other street). At this point the rage was strong in this one and was I f**k walking back up for water so decided the best course of action at 4:20 in the morning was to take Mohammed to the mountains. I drove the car to my front door* like Ace Ventura. Head stuck out the window, icicles hanging from my nose. I went in for more water and wasn't making the same mistake with the backsplash again so poured the water on from distance. It did the job, but this time the backsplash ended up on the pavement. So I fully expect a phone call from my missus later on informing me there's an ambulance outside our front door tending to someone lying on their arse.

So in short, this morning I put myself at risk of injury with the frozen boots, I put the public at risk by driving with my head stuck out the window* and I've left a dangerous boobytrap for someone on the street later on. All before 5am is some achievement I reckon.


* My door is close enough from the other street that I can't get out second gear in the car even if I wanted and it's a really quiet street.

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28 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Defrosting the car. Or in this case, my own incompetence at performing such a simple task.

(We park our car in a cul-de-sac a street over (no one from that street ever parks where we do. I checked beforehand) because our street is awful for vandalism. Drunks use our street to get to the other side of town so don't care what damage they do.)

I ran out of de-icer yesterday and forgot to get more, so this morning went down to the car with warm water instead. I poured some on my windscreen and some of it splashed onto me as I was obviously too close. Not a good start but I powered through. After I had poured all the water out I went to get in the car and then realised I had left my keys at home. So I had to head back home for them. At this point I was skating up the road as the splashed water from earlier was doing it's best to become ice on my shoes. I then got back to my car and my gamble hadn't paid off: the windscreen had frozen up again (it's not even a 2 minute walk from my door to the other street). At this point the rage was strong in this one and was I f**k walking back up for water so decided the best course of action at 4:20 in the morning was to take Mohammed to the mountains. I drove the car to my front door* like Ace Ventura. Head stuck out the window, icicles hanging from my nose. I went in for more water and wasn't making the same mistake with the backsplash again so poured the water on from distance. It did the job, but this time the backsplash ended up on the pavement. So I fully expect a phone call from my missus later on informing me there's an ambulance outside our front door tending to someone lying on their arse.

So in short, this morning I put myself at risk of injury with the frozen boots, I put the public at risk by driving with my head stuck out the window* and I've left a dangerous boobytrap for someone on the street later on. All before 5am is some achievement I reckon.


* My door is close enough from the other street that I can't get out second gear in the car even if I wanted and it's a really quiet street.

Pouring water on your windscreen in freezing temperature is always a good idea.

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Pouring water on your windscreen in freezing temperature is always a good idea.

It's a legitimate defrosting technique! As long as it's lukewarm and the window wipers are on. Sadly I only fulfilled 50% of that requirement. Though it was the better 50% tbf. Cracking the windscreen would have been a far worse outcome I reckon...
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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Defrosting the car. Or in this case, my own incompetence at performing such a simple task.

(We park our car in a cul-de-sac a street over (no one from that street ever parks where we do. I checked beforehand) because our street is awful for vandalism. Drunks use our street to get to the other side of town so don't care what damage they do.)

I ran out of de-icer yesterday and forgot to get more, so this morning went down to the car with warm water instead. I poured some on my windscreen and some of it splashed onto me as I was obviously too close. Not a good start but I powered through. After I had poured all the water out I went to get in the car and then realised I had left my keys at home. So I had to head back home for them. At this point I was skating up the road as the splashed water from earlier was doing it's best to become ice on my shoes. I then got back to my car and my gamble hadn't paid off: the windscreen had frozen up again (it's not even a 2 minute walk from my door to the other street). At this point the rage was strong in this one and was I f**k walking back up for water so decided the best course of action at 4:20 in the morning was to take Mohammed to the mountains. I drove the car to my front door* like Ace Ventura. Head stuck out the window, icicles hanging from my nose. I went in for more water and wasn't making the same mistake with the backsplash again so poured the water on from distance. It did the job, but this time the backsplash ended up on the pavement. So I fully expect a phone call from my missus later on informing me there's an ambulance outside our front door tending to someone lying on their arse.

So in short, this morning I put myself at risk of injury with the frozen boots, I put the public at risk by driving with my head stuck out the window* and I've left a dangerous boobytrap for someone on the street later on. All before 5am is some achievement I reckon.


* My door is close enough from the other street that I can't get out second gear in the car even if I wanted and it's a really quiet street.

Thank you 19QoS, it's this kind of stuff that I love about P&B & I get to do it from the luxury of my warm bed. 

Have a great day.


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Silly boy. Heaters up full blast and an ice scraper. No need for water.

At half 4 in the morning I want the quickest method possible. Water is the winner on that front. Even de-icer isn't as good. I just well and truly ballsed it up by forgetting my keys :lol:
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