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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The 3/4 length trouser wearing cheeky Glesga chappie whose loud voice and chronic patter wae the ladies make a flight time seem to double. Good at giving info on the exact date Thompson's Benidorm prices crash . GTF you feckin stig

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That'd be a first.

Well it would considering its my only attempt at university thus far.

I did fail my first attempt at a driving test although I learned to drive at 17 like a normal person.
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Well it would considering its my only attempt at university thus far.

I did fail my first attempt at a driving test although I learned to drive at 17 like a normal person.

Yeah it was a play on words, "getting a first" / "that's a first". Absolutely raging at myself for that. It's like a Michael McIntyre joke, like I've been replaced with dad humour. Need to go and make some edgy jokes to compensate.

I didn't learn to drive when I was 17 because I was into birds and pubs, not cars. Cars are dull. As is driving. I've always preferred commuting, walking and drinking.
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15 minutes ago, throbber said:


Well it would considering its my only attempt at university thus far.

I did fail my first attempt at a driving test although I learned to drive at 17 like a normal person.



Wait, what? You failed your driving test? How the f**k can anyone fail a driving test? How can you live knowing you've failed at one of life's most simple hurdles?

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I changed instructors recently. The first c**t refused to write my name the proper way in his appointment book as he said my way is "the Catholic way", wouldn't take lessons certain evenings as they clashed with his lodge meetings, called another driver a "nigger" during one of my lessons and shouted and swore at his ten year old granddaughter over the hands free while I was driving. He also spent most of his time talking about his junkie daughter, the army, Rangers or how Gary Glitter gets a hard time of it, rather than actually teaching me anything about driving.

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I changed instructors recently. The first c**t refused to write my name the proper way in his appointment book as he said my way is "the Catholic way", wouldn't take lessons certain evenings as they clashed with his lodge meetings, called another driver a "nigger" during one of my lessons and shouted and swore at his ten year old granddaughter over the hands free while I was driving. He also spent most of his time talking about his junkie daughter, the army, Rangers or how Gary Glitter gets a hard time of it, rather than actually teaching me anything about driving.

I thought Jim Traynor was doing PR at Ibrox these days?
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6 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:

I changed instructors recently. The first c**t refused to write my name the proper way in his appointment book as he said my way is "the Catholic way", wouldn't take lessons certain evenings as they clashed with his lodge meetings, called another driver a "nigger" during one of my lessons and shouted and swore at his ten year old granddaughter over the hands free while I was driving. He also spent most of his time talking about his junkie daughter, the army, Rangers or how Gary Glitter gets a hard time of it, rather than actually teaching me anything about driving.

In all fairness, maybe he was trying to teach you about road rage.

"Keep your hands on the wheel and concentrate while I think of everything I can to annoy you."

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