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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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30 minutes ago, xNicola_Ghirl1888x said:

Being given a delivery time between 7am & 9pm and it turning up at 8:59pm. Wankers.

Nah, that's fine. Being given 7am to 9pm and they turn up at 7.01am. That's annoying. I cant possibly be expected to prepare for them being there before lunch

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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:

I'm looking forward to the days when we can pick up all our shopping, walk out the door and the money will be automatically removed from our bank accounts.

Well, in parts of Glasgow they're two-thirds of the way there.

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2 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Ever used on in WH Smith? They ask you if you want a chocolate bar.

I'm looking forward to the days when we can pick up all our shopping, walk out the door and the money will be automatically removed from our bank accounts.


That might be the case fairly soon.


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The technology I think exists, it's just making it affordable and widely used that apparently will take time. I went to an event a while back showing us some of the technology retailers are likely to start using soon and some of it is fascinating. Particularly one that can visually predict the age of 99.9% odd of people within a month of their birth. Technology is something I know nothing about but it all sounded very impressive.
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The technology I think exists, it's just making it affordable and widely used that apparently will take time. I went to an event a while back showing us some of the technology retailers are likely to start using soon and some of it is fascinating. Particularly one that can visually predict the age of 99.9% odd of people within a month of their birth. Technology is something I know nothing about but it all sounded very impressive.

It worries me greatly that so many people think this is a 'good' thing. That it's somehow progress.

Technology should make our lives better - but we should not be absolutely dependent on it. I hope a cashless society is one that I never live to see.

Similar to the old 'CCTV' everywhere debate. People that come away with 'it's fine because I don't break the law' type responses are definitely missing the point.
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It worries me greatly that so many people think this is a 'good' thing. That it's somehow progress.

Technology should make our lives better - but we should not be absolutely dependent on it. I hope a cashless society is one that I never live to see.

Similar to the old 'CCTV' everywhere debate. People that come away with 'it's fine because I don't break the law' type responses are definitely missing the point.

I don't see the problem with it personally. As for the 'cashless society's' bit I'm all for it. I can't remember the last time I actually had physical cash, it's becoming increasingly needless.

One thing that does annoy me is being behind someone in a supermarket queue who insists on using change, or pays by card but doesn't use contactless. Just holds up the queue.
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I don't see the problem with it personally. As for the 'cashless society's' bit I'm all for it. I can't remember the last time I actually had physical cash, it's becoming increasingly needless.

One thing that does annoy me is being behind someone in a supermarket queue who insists on using change, or pays by card but doesn't use contactless. Just holds up the queue.

Who benefits most from a cashless society? Banks, giant tech companies, and electronic payment providers.

They shave a wee profit from every transaction. In terms of banks, they would have full control of your money. You couldn't take your money out - just shift it to another bank.

All in all people at the bottom of society would be hit hardest. They lose even more control over their lives.

The rich get richer, everyone else just nods along our gets shafted.
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23 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

It worries me greatly that so many people think this is a 'good' thing. That it's somehow progress.....I hope a cashless society is one that I never live to see.



19 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

I don't see the problem with it personally. As for the 'cashless society's' bit I'm all for it. queue.


I'm absolutely with Pandy here.  There's something sinister about money becoming simply a claim over who has custody over an electronic representation of a value.  We should always have the capacity to have physical coin (while recognising that in itself is a token).

For all practical purposes I'm cashless but want to retain the right to have cash.

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The proliferation of contactless has led to people paying absolutely no attention to the actual physical act of spending money, which is fine if you're the sort of imbecile who uses payday loan companies or have won the lottery, bit of a pisser for the folk in shops who have to chase after you while you're wearing headphones because the payment didn't go through for some reason.

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Similar to the old 'CCTV' everywhere debate. People that come away with 'it's fine because I don't break the law' type responses are definitely missing the point.

^^ OFTW.
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6 hours ago, DrewDon said:

I laugh at people who tap 'Start' on self-service machines rather than just scanning their first item. I'm not sure whether it gets on my nerves, but I do think those people are morons. Usually quite elderly, too. 

If you dont hit start first on some of the asda ones, they glitch and you have to take the item back off the scales and put it on again

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Who benefits most from a cashless society? Banks, giant tech companies, and electronic payment providers.

They shave a wee profit from every transaction. In terms of banks, they would have full control of your money. You couldn't take your money out - just shift it to another bank.

All in all people at the bottom of society would be hit hardest. They lose even more control over their lives.

The rich get richer, everyone else just nods along our gets shafted.

The consumer benefits by dispersing with the time-consuming and cumbersome nature of carrying cash. We are at a point now where I went up to Sainsburys to but a few items and I didn't even bring my wallet as I had my phone with me. It's fantastically simple.
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Just now, Jmothecat2 said:


The consumer benefits by dispersing with the time-consuming and cumbersome nature of carrying cash. We are at a point now where I went up to Sainsburys to but a few items and I didn't even bring my wallet as I had my phone with me. It's fantastically simple.


How the f**k are you meant to pay for your ching though?

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2 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

How the f**k are you meant to pay for your ching though?

An excellent point and one made by the pro-cashers and rightly so.  

There's also the issue of those at the bottom of the pyramid (as made by Pandi above).  A couple of years ago I did a project for a City of London law firm and they 'promoted' a Big Issue seller each quarter and (s)he could stand in the staff canteen a day or two a week to sell the mag.  They kitted him out with a card reader and laptop so that staff could use their canteen card to buy the paper using what the money they loaded it with.  Thankfully they gave him cash at the end of the session.

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