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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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"Baby on Board!" or Child on Board!" badges in cars.

I don't really get the point in them. Are they bragging about having a grandchild, niece or whatever? As if the average random road-user gives even a fraction of a f**k. Or are they assuming that everyone drives like a mentalist until they see the badge in the back window of the car in front, and then will suddenly decide not to ram them off the road?

Either way, get them in the bin.

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Had a conversation with the receptionist at work.

At the weekend she had "vegan" doughnuts, went to a "vegan" market had some amazing food at a "vegan" restaurant.

Aye, we get it. These stories work just the same without the word vegan.

Plus she came to work a few months ago in a fur coat she'd just purchased.


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Guest Moomintroll
Had a conversation with the receptionist at work.
At the weekend she had "vegan" doughnuts, went to a "vegan" market had some amazing food at a "vegan" restaurant.
Aye, we get it. These stories work just the same without the word vegan.
Plus she came to work a few months ago in a fur coat she'd just purchased.

Yes that's all well and good, but is she a wid?
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40 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:

Couples who share a Facebook account. Usually in a shared name. Ultimate sad act c***s.

I know a couple who seem to live life on FB.

Every small event is posted with hundreds of photos and smarmy shite about "well earned" holidays together and "family time is the best"


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Had a conversation with the receptionist at work.
At the weekend she had "vegan" doughnuts, went to a "vegan" market had some amazing food at a "vegan" restaurant.
Aye, we get it. These stories work just the same without the word vegan.
Plus she came to work a few months ago in a fur coat she'd just purchased.

Had a group of vegans preaching about pork to me yesterday. They tried to use a cuddly toy pig as a reason not to eat pork.
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19 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

I know a couple who seem to live life on FB.

Every small event is posted with hundreds of photos and smarmy shite about "well earned" holidays together and "family time is the best"


We still get 5 page letters of this shit at Christmas  from people who someone in the family met once on holiday or something and can barely remember. 

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28 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Yes that's all well and good, but is she a wid?

Yup. She's not as good looking as she thinks she is. A solid 7

3 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Had a group of vegans preaching about pork to me yesterday. They tried to use a cuddly toy pig as a reason not to eat pork.


It's not a lifestyle, it's a diet. Stop making it out to be a big deal 

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It's not a lifestyle, it's a diet. Stop making it out to be a big deal 

It was really odd. There was some sort of EU Pork thing going on in Edinburgh which I briefly had a look at as I was walking past, then the vegans appeared. They looked exactly like every other vegan, yet talked about how unhealthy eating pork apparently is. Thought that was a bit ironic really.
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Folk that send you important / urgent messages via FB Messenger which a ) I hardly use, and b ) I've set it up only to refresh when I'm connected to WiFi.


These people have my mobile & landline numbers, email etc etc... yet go for FB. Surprised it'll even work seeing as I've not installed the latest update for a week.

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2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

yet go for FB

It's the default setting these days.

I find it quite funny since most people are welded to their phones these days that they'll strive to use any means of communication on their phones except actually calling :lol:

Those text's you get................ :o 

"can I call you?"

"can you call me?" 

JUST FUCKIN CALL......!!!!  :lol: 

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5 hours ago, Nightmare said:

"Baby on Board!" or Child on Board!" badges in cars.

I don't really get the point in them. Are they bragging about having a grandchild, niece or whatever? As if the average random road-user gives even a fraction of a f**k. Or are they assuming that everyone drives like a mentalist until they see the badge in the back window of the car in front, and then will suddenly decide not to ram them off the road?

Either way, get them in the bin.

I once saw somebody claim that the reason for the notice was so that if he was involved in a crash the emergency services would know to look for a child in the wreckage.

In which case it should be an offence to display the notice if the sprogs aren't in the car, else the services would waste time hunting for a kid that wasn't there in the first place.

BTW In the novelisation of 'Back to the Future II' Marty sees one of those notices in the memorabilia shop in 2015 and can't work out what the hell it's for.

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Do you know what really grinds my gears?  People who don't turn their lights on when driving in pouring rain.  Drove back from my parents place today, about a 4 hour drive, it was chucking it down most of the way and I got really annoyed seeing cars without their lights on, especially grey cars.  Grey car, grey road, grey skies makes it really fucking hard to see you!!!

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11 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Selling something on eBay and some expert or rather chancer tells you how it's overpriced. Don't fucking buy it then cnut

Bonus points for when people would buy something at a fixed price, then send a message saying, "I don't actually want this - I've just bought it to make you take the listing down as it's overpriced".

Ah, the days when you could give buyers negative feedback.

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