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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Cyclists - I HATE them!

Since when were cyclists permitted to cycle in the middle of the road? My experience of cyclists tends to be that they keep as close to the kerb as possible and if there is a cycle lane, cycle in it. I was stuck behind some absolute imbecile in town today who sat in the middle of the lane, not allowing cars to overtake him whatsoever. He made a particularly rude gestured to the bus driver behind me who'd pointed out the cycle lane when were stopped at lights.

I ended up undertaking him, as did every other car behind me.

Last Friday when I was coming back down from Inverness, I stopped off in Pitlochry and on my way out, I was in a queue of traffic trying to overtake this nutcase cyclist who was swerving out into the middle of the road every time a car tried to bypass him. I ended up junting the guys wheel and causing him to wobble, trying to pull back in as he pulled out. I don't really beep my horn much, if ever, but he got it full pelt. He didn't swerve out again.

And finally - On Sunday night in the pitch dark, a cyclist pulled out in front of me with no lights on his bike.

Do these people want to die?

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Try sniffing something else then!

Iremember a guy in my English class in first year attempted to sniff Tippex, but anded up drinking it instead. Not just a wee bit, but about half a bottle. What a chump! He was the same guy who tried to pierce his ear with a pair of compasses and a paper towel.

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Iremember a guy in my English class in first year attempted to sniff Tippex, but anded up drinking it instead. Not just a wee bit, but about half a bottle. What a chump! He was the same guy who tried to pierce his ear with a pair of compasses and a paper towel.

Is he dead yet? :huh::huh:

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Iremember a guy in my English class in first year attempted to sniff Tippex, but anded up drinking it instead. Not just a wee bit, but about half a bottle. What a chump! He was the same guy who tried to pierce his ear with a pair of compasses and a paper towel.


I'm guessing he won't be troubling the mensa applications office anytime soon.....

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I'm guessing he won't be troubling the mensa applications office anytime soon.....

I think i've posted this before, but we did a project in Geography about The Titanic (don't know why we did it in Geography) and we had learned about every aspect of it for a month. At the end of it we had a test and we did the test and we were just handing the answer papers in and the same guy suddendly thrust his hand into the air and asked the question that'll live with me until my dying day:

'Sir! Wiz The Titanic a speedboat?'

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Iremember a guy in my English class in first year attempted to sniff Tippex, but anded up drinking it instead. Not just a wee bit, but about half a bottle. What a chump! He was the same guy who tried to pierce his ear with a pair of compasses and a paper towel.

Sounds like quite the ruffian. Surely the life and soul of any candlelit dinner or cocktail party with his mildly amusing tricks.

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I think i've posted this before, but we did a project in Geography about The Titanic (don't know why we did it in Geography) and we had learned about every aspect of it for a month. At the end of it we had a test and we did the test and we were just handing the answer papers in and the same guy suddendly thrust his hand into the air and asked the question that'll live with me until my dying day:

'Sir! Wiz The Titanic a speedboat?'


I actually just laugher for a good 30 seconds at that. :D

That's an all time classic that even now you tell to people from your school you meet in the pub. How long did it take to calm the class down? Surely they all must have been hysterical with laughter?

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I think i've posted this before, but we did a project in Geography about The Titanic (don't know why we did it in Geography) and we had learned about every aspect of it for a month. At the end of it we had a test and we did the test and we were just handing the answer papers in and the same guy suddendly thrust his hand into the air and asked the question that'll live with me until my dying day:

'Sir! Wiz The Titanic a speedboat?'

Ah, the wonders of the dafty.

Teacher: "Why did you take this subject, you never work and you seem to have no idea how to do anything here!?"

Student: "Ah didnae ken accounts wiz tae do with Maths!"

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I actually just laugher for a good 30 seconds at that. :D

That's an all time classic that even now you tell to people from your school you meet in the pub. How long did it take to calm the class down? Surely they all must have been hysterical with laughter?

It was that kind of uproarious laughter that you only get a few times at school, when folk are lying with their heads on their arms on the desks kind of sobbing and wheezing, the kind that erupts after a split second when everyone's thinking, did he actually just say that?

The teacher went mental (Galloway, for any ex Graeme High) if I recall and put him outside. He thought he was being cheeky, but no- he was just a Grade 'A' moron.

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I have a friend who decides to snort all means of household foodstuffs, such as Salt, Pepper, Chilli Powder, Alcohol.

The scary thing is, his brain is not mush. He just got a 2:1 Hons. degree from Glasgow Uni this past summer. :o

I had a similar friend

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