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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The only cure for a hangover is water. You need to re-hydrate your body.

Drinking Irn Bru - no matter what people on here might tell you - won't work. Whenever I get in from a night out - which is an all too often occurence recently - I take a litre bottle of water out of the fridge and drink as much as I can. When I wake up, I keep drinking water throughout the day. I feel fine and eventually have my appetite back by about 12pm. When I don't do this, I'll still be feeling sick at 6pm!

Water is the one and only cure for a hangover.

No it's not, hair of the dog, works everytime ;)

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The only cure for a hangover is water. You need to re-hydrate your body.

Water is the one and only cure for a hangover.

Maybe with a bit of salt and/or sugar in it to replace lost minerals etc.

Certainly wouldn't advise having milk unless you want to start producing a Crowdie like substance within the next 30 seconds.

After a night out, my muscles are always so tense and sore although I think that's because I've been jumping into wheelie bins or doing wr4estling moves off walls than the actual effects of the alcohol.

I always make some food when I come in, and drink about 2 litres of water, then normally another 2 l during the middle of the night and I never get sore heads, I just feel a bit tired and have a bit of a dodgy stomach for a few hours.

Too much water is bad though as your liver is essentially poisoned with all the toxins and cannot function properly. A little bit at a time is best.

My knees are always sore when I wake up after a really heaving night. No idea why.

As for my nag I found my wallet. It was in my car all along though not sure how it got there givne that I had it on the train the other weekend yet never had it when I left Inverness to go back to Aberdeen!

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Dont know why so many people think drinking water is a great hangover cure, all it does is make you piss every 10 minutes.

Erm, possibly because drinking water IS a great hangover cure? :lol:

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Dont know why so many people think drinking water is a great hangover cure, all it does is make you piss every 10 minutes.

Because it is?

Hangovers are caused mostly by your body being dehydrated - you drink loads of water, your body gets rehydrated and you don't get a hangover (or don't get as severe a hangover as you normally would).

Debbie's suggestion is also excellent.

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You can't beat a pint of Irn Bru and a big greasy fry up.

Yep, that's the daddy.

Fry-ups on a hangover are awesome. I'd also recommend French Toast with Cheese.

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Fry-ups on a hangover are awesome. I'd also recommend French Toast with Cheese.

I'd recommend that anytime! Particularly if you throw in some bacon, and a cheeky wee drop of scrambled egg!

f**k me, my stomach's rumbling here!

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I have said it before and I will say it again but Dyarolyte - the dioherrea treatment is THE BEST thing for a hangover. Simply stick one of those sachets in a glass of water and tan it when you get in and you will (almost) be right as rain in the morning - it is almost uncanny how good it is, really weird. I will give you my guarantee that this will work really well and probably better than any of the suggestions above - if it doesn't I will strike myself on the nose with a silver ladle.

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I've just been to Kilmarnock. :angry:

Every second shop window has the bunting out -

'Go on k*ll*e!'

'Woo-hoo ya bams - win the cup'

'we love youse ya pure nuggets!'

What's going on? Why have dozens of Rangers supporting soap-dodgers jumped on the bandwagon of a pathetic near-bankrupt bunch of jokers?

Only a pishy wee team would allow all these buffoons to take over their crappy diddy cup final.

I bet no shops in Leith are bothering - Hibs are a proper team that are used to Cup Finals. :rolleyes:

I had forgotten how much I despise the filthy cretins in that particular burgh.

I did get a laugh though, in Morrisons car park.An utter retard driving a Renault Scenic had on of those flags you stick on the roof of your car. :lol:

It said: "Super K*ll*e". :lol: Surely an oxymoron?

The guy did have that slightly 'no there' look of a windae-licker though, so I refrained from spitting on his windscreen as we left the car park(well, that and the wife wouldn't let me).

At least it'll be back to normal on Monday when Hibs will have the cup and the k*ll*e shops will be back to 'We take food stamps' signs......

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I've just been to Kilmarnock. :angry:

Every second shop window has the bunting out -

'Go on k*ll*e!'

'Woo-hoo ya bams - win the cup'

'we love youse ya pure nuggets!'

What's going on? Why have dozens of Rangers supporting soap-dodgers jumped on the bandwagon of a pathetic near-bankrupt bunch of jokers?

Only a pishy wee team would allow all these buffoons to take over their crappy diddy cup final.

I bet no shops in Leith are bothering - Hibs are a proper team that are used to Cup Finals. :rolleyes:

I had forgotten how much I despise the filthy cretins in that particular burgh.

I did get a laugh though, in Morrisons car park.An utter retard driving a Renault Scenic had on of those flags you stick on the roof of your car. :lol:

It said: "Super K*ll*e". :lol: Surely an oxymoron?

The guy did have that slightly 'no there' look of a windae-licker though, so I refrained from spitting on his windscreen as we left the car park(well, that and the wife wouldn't let me).

At least it'll be back to normal on Monday when Hibs will have the cup and the k*ll*e shops will be back to 'We take food stamps' signs......

Stevie Naismith's Blue And White Army! B)

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