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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People that walk too slow when you are bringing them somewhere.

I just had to take someone to the other side of the building, as she was lost. I am quite a tall person, and therefore have a longer stride than most, and when escorting people i have to walk slower than i normally do. However this person took the piss and took her time dilly/dallying, looking in her purse, probably doing her make up. Pisses me off so it does.

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And back the same day? I fecking hate that. Had to do it two weeks in a row over the last few weeks, although it was only once each week. By the time you get back up the road you are knackered and pretty messed up for the rest of the week.

aye, it's a c**t. Up at 4am, and home at 8.30pm :angry:

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Workmates that moan from the minute they arrive at work until the minute they leave. If you're so blooming unhappy GET ANOTHER JOB!

What about if you are moaning about an incompetent line manager who you are constantly covering and having to bail out all the time and don't get thanked by getting put on the correct payscale for the job you are doing just get the occasional reply to email of work done which we have to report to her everyday when she's off with "Cheers, Hazel! Your a wee star!!" Surely that deserves a moan? Also our section manager goes walkabout all the time and i have lots of Single Status queries coming in today before the deadline of Friday and he's not around!

Other than that though, i love my job! :D

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Ok you win Hazel!!

I have to listen to one girl at work who moans about the same thing every shift she works. I am her boss, however my boss says that the thing she wants to change (working 2 shifts out of 9 as a 9-9 instead of an 8-8) will just not be happening. The shift in question has been on the go since Jan 2006 and my boss will not back down. The girl just needs to give it up or get another job as everyone she works with is sick of listening to her.

We start work at 8pm and guaranteed by 930pm she is off on a rant about the same thing - I am losing the will to live when I know that she is on shift with me. Thankfully I do the off-duty and I feel that a wee rota change is looking attractive!

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Has anyone else noticed that the news on Radio 1 is just a slightly padded out version of "Newsround"? :huh:

"The Budget is being delivered at the moment by Gordon Brown. Gordon Brown is a politician for the Labour party. I like cake".

BBC news isn't much better:


"Investment in schools, hospitals, security and defence and infrastructure will rise from £43bn this year to £60bn by 2012."

They've obfuscated the two. How about separating them? That statistic could mean almost anything!

Corporation tax down, small company tax up. But New Labour isn't in bed with big business to the detriment of the small entrepreneur, oh no :rolleyes:

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See when ye get they wee competitions on the telly? For example on Scotsport SPL ye get the (pishy) Dream Ticket competition where ye have tae answer a bollocks-easy question with a choice of 3 answers:

Sample Question:

Who recently replaced Walter Smith as Scotland Manager?

A. Alex McLeish B. Craig Brown C. Berti Vogts

The one thing that actually gets me to the point of rage is when people shout the answer out, especially when they say it in a serious voice in an attempt to make themselves look a wee bit intelligent :angry:

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See when ye get they wee competitions on the telly? For example on Scotsport SPL ye get the (pishy) Dream Ticket competition where ye have tae answer a bollocks-easy question with a choice of 3 answers:

Sample Question:

Who recently replaced Walter Smith as Scotland Manager?

A. Alex McLeish B. Craig Brown C. Berti Vogts

The one thing that actually gets me to the point of rage is when people shout the answer out, especially when they say it in a serious voice in an attempt to make themselves look a wee bit intelligent :angry:

Serious shouting voice.....A. Alex Mcleish..... :P

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See when ye get they wee competitions on the telly? For example on Scotsport SPL ye get the (pishy) Dream Ticket competition where ye have tae answer a bollocks-easy question with a choice of 3 answers:

Sample Question:

Who recently replaced Walter Smith as Scotland Manager?

A. Alex McLeish B. Craig Brown C. Berti Vogts

The one thing that actually gets me to the point of rage is when people shout the answer out, especially when they say it in a serious voice in an attempt to make themselves look a wee bit intelligent :angry:

This is because they're not allowed just to offer a prize ie phone up and you get put in a draw, so they've got to introduce the element of competition. However, asking an actually 'hard' question would mean that they'd need to pay someone to sort out the right answers from the wrong which onvolves time and money. This way, technically they're not breaching the rules, no-one is likely to get it wrong and they can announce a winner quickly.

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This is because they're not allowed just to offer a prize ie phone up and you get put in a draw, so they've got to introduce the element of competition. However, asking an actually 'hard' question would mean that they'd need to pay someone to sort out the right answers from the wrong which onvolves time and money. This way, technically they're not breaching the rules, no-one is likely to get it wrong and they can announce a winner quickly.

Sorry I think you miss my point. It's not the actual competition itself, I know it makes sense to give an easy question and answer.

The thing that gets to me is the people watching the TV that like to burst out with the answer :angry:

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