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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My left knee is fucked or summat. It has been sore all day, and when i straighten my leg my knee makes a strange popping sound :unsure:

You and me both! It hurts to move my neck too far in any direction bar straight ahead, my calf muscle in my right leg is tight and I hurt my back.....that bloody gown mountain /wrestling ring! :lol:

Im sure some of the regular posters on here can have a wild guess for what Ive been drinking as a form of painkiller / anaesthetic tonight. :ph34r:

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Arseholes that don't do their job properly. If it wasn't for the help of my mum, I would've stood to loose a lot more than my job earlier today.


Who are you, Rowan? Thats one of those teaser posts!

Are you going to reveal more details (Im intrigued), or will the rest be kept off forum?

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Who are you, Rowan? Thats one of those teaser posts!

Are you going to reveal more details (Im intrigued), or will the rest be kept off forum?

Just arseholes that fuckup with paperwork that was apperently sent to my house on the 14th of March (I was out of the country, but I live with my mum and the old man) and then again on the 14th of May (I had just arrived back) but I or my folks, never recieved any paperwork.

Phonecall last night telling me about a spot of trouble I was in last November in Edinburgh where I got arrested. Hadn't heard anything about it till last night at 10.30pm when I got a call saying I had to surrender myself as I had a warrant out for my arrest.

Thankfully, my mum put 2+2 together and knew something was wrong. They had sent the paperwork to the wrong fucking address TWICE and someone had signed for it TWICE. Meaning, they thought I had recieved said paperwork and not bothered my arse turning up for court. If I had not explained the situation to the warrant officer, there is a good chance I would have got held on remand on the basis I may abscond.

Someone should have their balls in a vice for this one and I fully intend on lodging a formal complaint.

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Thats heavy shit man, sounds like you had a lucky escape - well done your mum!

Yeah, but how many other people haven't been as lucky?

I have no faith whatsoever in the Scottish Legal System.

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Yeah, but how many other people haven't been as lucky?

I have no faith whatsoever in the Scottish Legal System.

That bast'rd Adam Wee dodging Jail again :angry:

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That's terrible that is. is it meant to be an ironic commentary on the perceived racist attitudes of certain posters on this site?

Is that sarcasm? Assuming its not, I dont think it is. I think its just a bit of racism, unless he wants to clarify otherwise?

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